Anatomy Flashcards
CSF composition
no more the 5 lymphocytes: usually sterile pH: 7.35 Specific gravity: 1.007 Glucose: 66% of plasma glucose Total protein:
Normal pressure in CSF
80-180 mm/H2O
Area postrema location
CTZ zone for emesis
located in floor of fourth ventricle
Pineal gland is made up of
pinealocytes (epiphyseal cells)
derived from diencephalon
Pineal gland innervation
Solely via postganglionic fibers from superior cervical ganglion of ANS
Pineal body synthesizes
Serotonin and melatonin
Total volume of CSF in subarachnoid space and ventricles?
amount made by choroid plexus per day?
- 140 ml
2. 500 ml
Choroid plexus is located in
3 ventricle
Ambient cisterna contains
Trochlear Nerve CNIV
Veins in spinal canal are
within subarachnoid space
are valveless vein that perimit bidirectional flow depending on pressure gradient
ACA supplies
medial surface of frontal and parietal lobes, corpus collosum
ACA is motor/sensory of
Leg and foot
ACA supplies caudate nucleus, putamen and anterior limb of Internal Capsule via….
Medial striate artery of Heubner
MCA supplies
lateral hemisphere and insula
MCA motor/sensory of
Trunk, Arm, Face area
Broca and Wernicke speech areas
MCA supplies caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, and ant/post limbs of Internal capsules via….
Lateral striate arteries
PICA supplies what in medulla
dorsolateral zone
PICA supplies what brain parts
Inferior surface of cerebellum and choriod plexus in 4th ventricle
Inferior Cerebral peduncle
Nucleus ambigious
PICA supplies what tracts
Medial/inferior vestibular nuclei CN IX; CN X Spinothalamic tract Spinal trigeminal nucleus/tract Hypothalamospinal tract to ciliospincal center of Budge T1-T2 (Horner Syndrome)
Pontine arteries supply what CN
VI: abducent
AICA supplies what brain structures
Inferior surface of cerebellum
Inferior/middle cerebellar peduncle
Labrynthine artery supplied from where?
goes to what?
- 15% basilar artery; 85% AICA
2. perfuses cochlea and vestibular apparatus
AICA supplies what tracts
Facial nucleus Spinal Trigeminal nucleus/tract Vestibular Nucleus Cochlear nuclei Vestibulocochlear nerve Spinothalamic tract hypothalamospinal tract (horners)
Superior cerebellar artery supplies
Superior surface of cerebellum and dentate nucleus
Rostral/lateral pons
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Spinothalamic tract
PCA supplies what
Thalamus + MGB/LGB
Occipital lobe, visual cortex
inferior surface of temporal lobe+ hippocampal formation
PCA gives rise to (1) and they supply (2)
- Lateral and medical posterior choroidal arteries
- dorsal thalamus
Pineal body
choroid plexus in 3rd and lateral ventricles
Superior cerebellar artery supplies
Superior surface of cerebellum and Cerebellar nuclei (dentate)
Rostral/lateral pons
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Spinothalamic tract
Cavernous sinus thrombosis results in cranial palsies of which CN?
CN III, IV, V(1-2), VI
Which vein drains the thalamus and basal ganglia?
Empties into?
- Great cerebral vein of Galen
2. Drains into the straight sinus
What are Merkel tactile disks for (1) found where (2) tract (3)?
- light touch (crude)= cottom swab
- basal layer of epidermis in hairy and glabrous skin
- Spinothalamic tracts and dorsal column-medial lemniscus
What are Meissner corpuscles for (1) found where (2) tract (3)?
- fine discriminative tactile sensation
- dermal papillae
- dorsal column medial lemniscus
What are Pacinian corpuscles for (1) found where (2) tract (3)?
- Pressure and vibration sensation
- dermis, mesenteries and periosteum
- Dorsal column medial lemniscus
Gray communicating rami are located where? myelinated or unmyelinated?
all spinal nerves
unmyelinated postganglionic sympathetic fibers
White communicating rami are located where? myelinated or unmyelinated?
only thoracolumbar segments (T1-L3)
myelinated preganglionic sympathetic fibers and myelinated GVA fibers (splanchnic nerves)
Dorsal horn: nucleus of clarke is located where? tract?
T1-L3, Rexed lamina VII
AKA: acesssory cuneate nucleus of medulla
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
Spinal cord of newborn ends where? adult?
kid: L3
adult: L1
3 sensory channels from DRG
- Leminiscal: conscious proprioception
- reflx pathway
- Dorsal nucleus of clark: spinocerebellar
Oculosympathetic pathway: 1st order neuron
First order (central) neuron descends caudally from the hypothalamus to the first synapse in the cervical spinal cord (C8-T2 level-also called the ciliospinal center of Budge).
Oculosympathetic pathway: 2nd order neuron
second order (preganglionic) neuron destined for the head and neck exits the spinal cord and travels in the cervical sympathetic chain through the brachial plexus, over the pulmonary apex and synapses in the superior cervical ganglion. The superior cervical ganglion is located near the angle of the mandible and bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
Oculosympathetic pathway: 3rd order neuron
third order (postganglionic) neuron for the orbit enters the cranium within the adventitia of the internal carotid artery into the cavernous sinus. -exit the internal carotid artery in close proximity to the trigeminal ganglion and the 6 CN and join the 1st division of the trigeminal nerve to enter the orbit. The fibers (long ciliary nerve) innervate the dilator muscles of the iris and the Müller’s muscle in the upper and lower lid.
ability to recognize an unseen familiar object is called
DCML tract
Ventral corticospinal tract is in control of
axial muscles: trunk and head
Acute stage of UMN lesion: 3
Transient spinal shock:
Flaccid paralysis
Chronistage of UMN lesion: 5
Spastic paralysis Hypertonia Reduction or loss of superficial abd and cremasteric reflex Babinski sign Clonus
posterolateral tract: Lissauer’s tract
Similar to spinothalamic tract carrying pain and temperature information (location, intensity and quality) but:
1st order: go to DRG, ascend/descend 1/2 segment before penetrating grey horn to second order
2nd order: Desucate and ascend in the anterolateral tract later joining spinothalamic at VPL
Which pathway is not fully myelinated until the 2nd yr of life
Corticospinal tract
which CN is myelinated by oligodendrocytes?
CN2: optic
SVE CN component: Modality: CN: Ganglion: BSN: Central Connections: Target:
Modality: 1)LMN 2/3)Branchial arches
CN: 1) 5 2) 7 3) 9,10
Ganglion: none
BSN: 1)5 2)7 3) Nucleus ambigous
Central Connections: 1)Motor cortex 2)Corticobulbar tract
Target:1)Muscle of mastication 2) Facial expresion 3) Pharynx, larnyx
GVE modality and Central connection; CN?
3,7,9, 10
CN 3, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Edinger westphal
- Ciliary
- Pupil constriction
CN 7, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
1.Superior Salivatory
2.Pterygopalatine -> 3) lacrimal gland
Submandibular-> 3) Submandibular, sublingual salivary glands
CN 9, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Inferior Salivatory
- Otic
- Parotid Gland
CN 10, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Dorsal Motor Neuron of X
- Intramural ganglion
- Heart, Lung, Gut
SVA modality and Central connections, CN?
VPM via solitariothalamic tract
7, 9, 10
Taste: Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Nucleus solitarius-caudal portion
- 7-> Geniculate gang-> 3) ant 2/3
9–> petrosal gang-> 3) post 1/3
10-> nodose gang -> 3) epiglottis
CN 10, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Dorsal Motor Neuron of X
- Intramural ganglion
- Heart, Lung, Gut
SVA modality and Central connections, CN?
VPM via solitariothalamic tract
7, 9, 10
GVA modality and Central connections, CN?
Visceral sensory
Hypothalamus via parabrachial nuclei
CN: 9, 10
GVA: CN 9, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Nucleus solitarius caudal portion
2.9-> petrosal, 10-> nodose - Carotid and Aortic body and sinus
baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, gut sensation
GSA modality and Central connections, CN?
- Facial sensation
- 5
GSA: CN 5, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
- Main sensory nucleus of V-> 3)Epicritic
Spinal nucleus-> 3) protopathic - Both Trigeminal ganglion
SSA modality and Central connections, CN?
Hearing and Balance
Lat leminiscus, MGB, CT=tx, MLF, Cbl, VST, RF
SSA: CN8, Brain stem nucleus (1), Ganglion(2), Target (3)
Hearing-> 1)Cochlear Nucleus D&V-> 2)Spiral Ganglion-> 3) Cochlea
Balance -> 1) Vetibular Nucleus S, I, L,M -> 2) Scarpas-> 3) Vestibular apparatus
ACA lesion causes (3)
Motor: Contralateral hemiparalysis of lower limb, Urinary incontinence
Sensory: Contralateral hemiparesis of lower limb
Corpus collosum: dysprexia and agnosia
MCA lesion causes
Motor: Contralateral hemiparalysis of Upper limb/face
Sensory Contralateral hemiparesis of upper/limb and face
Dominant: Wernickes, brocas aphasia, Frontal eye fields