Anatomy 2 Flashcards
spinal lvl of greater occipital n vs suboccipital n?
C2 vs dorsal ramus of C1
greater occipital n/C2 pierces thru what muscle?
semispinalis capitis m
rectus capitis posterior minors meet at? rectus capitis posterior major and obliquus capitis inferior meet at?
posterior tubercle of C1/atlas. spinous process of C2/axis
describe vertebral a.
- Branch of subclavian a.
- Travels from C6 to C1 to foramen magnum –> perfuse CNS
rotation of C spine: shaking no vs yes. ipsilat vs contralat
C1-2/AA vs OA. rectus capitis posterior minor/major, obliquus capitis inferior, longissimus/splenius capitis vs SCM, semispinalis
all deep back muscles = innervated by?
dorsal rami of spinal nerves
describe wt transfer throughout body
vert column –> laterally to sacrum and ilium –> femur + pubic rami –> trabecular bone molds & creates lines
where to do intragluteal injections?
superior lateral quadrant to ensure safety of the sciatic nerve- between iliac tubercle and ASIS
dmg to what nerve causes Trendelenberg gait?
superior gluteal n
what are the lig of pelvis? know what each does
sacrotuberous lig (lat sacrum to ischial tuberosity —> greater/lesser sciatic foramen) sacrospinous lig (ant sacrum to ischial spine), obturator membrane (obturator canal for obturator n/a/v; common to herniate, prevent bladder form falling thru), posterior SI lig (ilia to sacrum), iliolumbar lig (iliac crest to L5)
lymph drainage of superficial gluteal region vs deep tissue of buttocks
superficial inguinal lymph nodes vs sup/inf gluteal lymph nodes –> iliac lymph nodes –> lumbar (aorta/caval) lymph nodes
borders vs contents of popliteal fossa
semitendinosus, biceps long head, gastroc med & lat head, popliteal fascia (roof), popliteal surface of femur/popliteus m/joint capsule (floor) vs popliteal a/v, tibial & common fib n., small saphenous v, post fem cut n., popliteal lymphatics
roof vs apex of fem triangle
fascia lata vs intersection of adductus longus and sartorius
profunda femoris characteristics
branch of femoral a, lat/med circumflex fem a, perfuses into posterior thigh and makes perforating branches distally, w/ obturator a. supplying medial thigh
what’s the space behind the inguinal lig called? what are the 2 compartments and their contents?
retroinguinal space. muscular cmpt (iliacus, psoas major, fem n) and vascular cmpt (lat, intermediate, med cmpts for fem a/v/canal respsectively)
os coxa development
birth: ilium/ischium/pubis not oss –> joined by cartilage
puberty: still separated by hyaline cartilage => triradiate cartilage
20-25yo: complete fusion
what supplies the hip joint?
lat/med circumflex fem a., artery of head of femur (primary in children, smaller a in adults)
contents/apertures of pelvic wall: obturator canal vs greater sciatic foramen above vs below vs lesser sciatic foramen vs greater to lesser sciatic foramen
obturator n/a/v vs superior gluteal n/a/v, piri vs inferior gluteal n/a/v, piri; sciatic n, post fem cut n., n to QF vs obturator internus m vs internal/pudendal n, n to obturator internus
femoral hernia
- Part of abdominal viscera protrudes through femoral ring into femoral canal
- Advanced hernias can advance through the saphenous opening and into subQ tissue of the thigh
- Female>male
- Strangulation of the hernia can occur from the lacunar ligament
3 articulations of knee joint:
med/lat femorotibial articulations, femoropatellar articulation
fibrous layer vs synovial membrane layer of knee
externally wraps around knee joint including A/PCL; open in posterior for popliteus vs wraps internally/deep around knee joint not covered by articular cartilage excluding A/PCL; allows synovial fluid to move medial and laterally
extracapsular knee lig: patellar lig vs MCL vs LCL vs oblique popliteal lig vs arcuate popliteal lig
Merger of quads that connects patella and tibial tuberosity vs Connects medial femoral epicondyle and medial tibia; Connects to medial meniscus vs Connects lateral femoral epicondyle and fibular head vs Connects semimembranosus tendon and blends with the joint capsule posteriorly vs Connects fibula and posterior joint capsule; Runs over the popliteus m
how does screw home mechanism work?
when knee = locked –> femur medially rotates on tibia –> popliteus fires to unlock extended knee via flexion
intraarticular knee lig: ACL vs PCL vs lat meniscus vs med meniscus. how are lat/med men attached?
attaches post sup to ant inf, prevent hyperextension vs attaches ant sup to post inf, prevent hyperflexion vs shock absorb, smaller more mobile vs shock absorb, bigger less mobile –> more injured. transverse lig anteriorly
what supplies the knee?
genicular anastomses: the 4 + middle genicular a that goes into joint space
genu valgus vs varus wears on?
MCL, lat men vs LCL, med men
how to get O Donoghue’s Unhappy Triad/Terrible Triad?
foot fixed + twisting motion –> ACL, MCL, med men
where are inteross mem vs ant intermuscular septum vs post intermuscular septum vs transverse intermuscular septum in LEG?
b/w tif/fib, ant/deep post cmpts vs b/w ant/lat cmpts vs b/w lat/post cmpts vs b/w deep/superficial post cmpts
which bones are in hind vs mid vs forefoot?
talus, calcaneus vs navicular, cuboid, cuneis vs metatarsals, tarsals, phalanges
steppage gait
paralysis of ant cmpt of leg/deep fib n –> foot drop –> pt can’t dorsilfex when walking in swing phase
strongest plantarflexors at ankle joint? what makes up triceps surae?
calcaneal/Achilles tendon. 2 gastrocs + 1 soleus
how to get talar neck fx or fully extended out talus vs comminuted calcaneal fx vs metatarsal fx vs avulsion fx of 5th MT?
forced dorsiflex or forced plantarflex vs falling on heel vs weight on dorsum of foot (common in dancers losing balance) vs sudden inversion –> fib brevis avulse at base
which joint does dorsi/plantarflex vs in/evert occur?
talocrural/talocalcaneal joint vs subtalar and transverse tarsal/Chopart/talonavic + calcaneocuboid joints
explain arteries of foot: ant tib a vs post tib a
dorsalis pedis a –> lateral tarsal and arcuate a –> arcuate becomes dorsal metatarsal arteries –> dorsal common digital arteries –> dorsal proper digital arteries; after lat tarsal/arcuate, dorsalis pedis a branches into deep plantar a and along w/ dorsal metatarsal arteries vs branches into med/lat plantar a
Pott fx/dislocation
forced evert on deltoid ligament –> avulse medial malleolus –> displace talus laterally and fx fibula –> displace talus anteriorly and fx post distal tibia –> trimalleolar fx
what’s a quick way to find dorsalis pedis a?
feel b/w EHL and EDL tendons on dorsal foot
fxn of foot lumbricals, interossei vs quadratus plantae?
flexion of MTP vs IP
medial longitudinal vs lateral longitudinal vs transverse arch
calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneis, 1st 3 MT vs calcaneus, cuboid, 4/5th MT vs cuboid, cuneis, base of MT
passive vs dynamic supports of foot arches
- Plantar aponeurosis
- Long plantar ligament
- Short plantar/plantar calcaneocuboid ligament
- Spring/plantar calcaneonavicular lig
FHL, FDL, ant/pos tibialis, fibularis longus (longitudinal arch)
fibularis longus, TP (transverse arch)
significance of tear drop in AP pel? 5 parts of prox femur?
tear drop –> when acetab comes around; no tear drop –> abnl acetab. head, neck greater/lesser troch, shaft
risk factors of AVN?
chemo, long term steroids, alc, bisphosphonates, post traumatic
femoroacetabular impingement syndrome
chronic hip pain d/t femoral head on acetab; cam/pincer/combined types
which imging to see labrum tears? T1W vs T2W vs proton density
only MR arthrogram, not XR or CT. fat bright, more bone anatomy; coronal sagittal, limited axial vs water bright; coronal, sagittal vs more tissue; coronal, sagittal
Segond fx. Pelligrini-Stieda Disease. fibrous dysplasia
Avulsion fx of lat tibial plateau at attachment of the lateral capsular ligament, Commonly associated with ACL or meniscal tears
calcification of MCL at med fem condyle d/t previous injury or posttraumatic hematoma
abnl blasts in immature woven bone & fibrous stroma where nml marrow & cancellous bone
4 stages of osteochondritis dessicans
- Thickening of articular cartilage
- Articular cartilage breached- low signal rim behind fragment indicating fibrous attachment- stable
- Articular cartilage breached- high signal changes behind fragment and underlying subchondral bone- unstable
- Loose Body
chondrosarcoma vs osteosarcoma vs nonossifying fibroma
hyaline cartilage cap, ragged vs sunburst, malignancy in metaphysis vs bubbling in bone, spont resolves
lateral lig vs tib/fib syndesmosis vs deltoid lig. diff b/w deltoid lig vs spring lig?
A/P talofib lig, CFL; limits inversion vs A/P tibfib lig vs A/P tibiotalar lig, tibiocalcneo lig, tibionavic lig. from med malleolus vs from navic to sustentaculum tali
what supplies glut max?
superior AND inferior gluteal a
which nerve does saphenous n come from? which vein does great saphenous v come from?
femoral n. femoral v
what makes up the plantar arch?
lateral plantar a and deep plantar a
what 2 structures can you see in b/w TA and EDL?
ant tib a, DPN