Anatomy Flashcards
Random quick hit
Sphenomandibular Ligament is from?
Meckel’s cartilage.
What structures are derrived from Meckel’s cartilage?
Malleus, Smphysis, mandible, and sphenomandibular ligament.
What vessels form Keisselbach’s plexus?
Anterior ethmoid, sphenopalatine, greater palatine, superiod ethmoid arteries.
What are bones of the head and neck are formed by intramembranous ossification.
Skull, facial bones, clavicle.
What structures pass through the optic canal?
Opthalmic artery, optic nerve, sympathetic fibers, meningeal sheaths.
What structures pass through the superior orbital fissure?
Nerves: CN 3, 4, 6, V1. Oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, with frontal lacrimal and nasociliary branches
Cavernous plexus sympathetic fibers.
Veins: opthalmic veins (superior and inferior)
What passes through inferior orbital fissure?
Zygomatic branch of V2, ascending branches of pterygopalatine ganglion, infraorbital vessels.
Organisms repsonsible for perichondritis after otoplasty?
Staph aureus, E. Coli, Pseudomonas.
Ideal auriculocephalic angle?
25-35 degrees
What age is appropriate to consider otoplasty?
4 years.
Where is McGregors patch located?
Zygomatic prominence, can present as skin dimpling or retraction.
What nerves are of concern at McGregors patch?
Facial nerve becomes more superficial, Buccal nerve lies just deep to this location.
What direction should the chisel be directed when performing the pterygoid plate osteotomy?
Down, forward, and medial
Where is the maxillary artery in the pterygomaxillary fossa?
20-25mm superior to pterygomaxillary fissure.
During Lefort what is a safe distance to avoid DPA when using the chisel on the lateral nose?
Only chisel back 30mm on lateral nose to avoid DPA.
Where is Erb’s point?
What nerves are of concern?
6cm inferior to ear lobule on posterior border of SCM. Greater auricular and spinal accessory nerves are just deep to the fascia at this point.
What structures comprise the modiolus?
Modiolus is a confluence of 5 facial expression muscless laterral to the corners of the mouth.
It represents the configuration of the nasolabial fold and cheekbone.
Levator anguli oris, Zygomaticus major, risorius, platysma, and depressor angulis oris.
Levator veli palatini inserts into what structure?
Palatine aponeurosis normally.
Hard palate in cleft patients.
Facial muscles are typically innervated from which side?
Facial muscles are typically innervated from deep side except for levator anguli oris, buccinator, and mentalis.
Where does the lacrimal duct end?
The opening of the nasolacrimal duct empties into the inferior nasal meatus.
What is the Valve of Hasner?
The opening of the nasolacrimal duct in the inferior meatus.
Cantralateral isual field deficit in both eyes?
Homonymous hemiaopsia
Optic chiasma lesions visual field defect?
Bitemporal hemianopsia.
Optic nerve injury visual field defect?
ispilateral blind eye
Optic nerve palsy
Down and out
Abducens nerve palsy?
Down and in
What is the danger zone of the facial nerve as it crosses zygomatic arch?
.8–3.2cm anterior to the tragus.