Anatomy Flashcards
The endosteal layer of the dura mater ends at which of the following anatomical structures?
A. Cervical nerve root sleeve
B. Sphenoid wing
C. Foramen magnum
D. Infratentorial space
E. Sacrum
Foramen magnum
The meninges are composed of the dura, the arachnoid, and the pia. Although there is conflicting
data, it is felt that the pia is derived from the neural crest, while the dura mater arises from paraxial
somitic mesoderm. The dura is a thick collagenous membrane with an outer periosteal or
endosteal layer that is simply a layer of periosteum that covers the inner surface of the skull, and
an inner meningeal layer. The two layers are typically fused within the skull except at sites of
venous sinuses. The endosteal layer is highly vascularized and provides vascular supply to the
calvarium. The dura also contains a lymphatic system involved in drainage of CSF. The spinal dura
mater is continuous with the meningeal layer of the cranial dura where they join at the foramen
magnum, and contracts to form the filum distally, and there is no endosteal layer. In the spine,
meningeal development results from the meninx primitiva around days 56-60, which forms internal
and external layers. The external layer is adherent to the developing bone, and gives rise to the
dura, while the internal layer gives rise to the pia and arachnoid. The cranial meninges are derived
from the primary meninx located on the surface of the developing brain and are actively involved in
the development of the calvarium.
Snell RS, ed. Clinical Neuroanatomy. 7th Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Dasgupta K and Jeong J. Developmental biology of the Meninges. Genesis, 2019. 57(5): e23288
Pubmed Web link:
Sakka L, Gabrillargues J, and Coll G. Anatomy of the spinal meninges. Oper Neurosurg, 2016.
Pubmed Web link:
The highlighted subcortical white matter pathway in the figure shown, which connects the frontal
opercular cortical sites with the superior and middle temporal cortex and can cause naming deficits
with stimulation, is which of the following?
A. Uncinate fasciculus
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Middle longitudinal fasciculus
D. Inferior frontooccipital fasciculus
E. Tapetum
Arcuate fasciculus
The arcuate fasiculus (AF) is involved with lexical, semantic, and phonological language
processing (dominant hemisphere) as well as perception and production of nonlinguistic
communication (nondominant hemisphere). The ventral segment of the AF is associated with
phonological language processing, and the dorsal segment is associated with
lexical and semantic language processing. Damage to the mid and posterior segments of
the ventral part of the AF can result in anomia and phonemic paraphasia, while damage to the
dorsal part of the AF can result in semantic paraphasia.
The superior part of the AF extends from the inferior and middle frontal gyri to the posterior insular
point (junction of the inferior and superior limiting insular sulci) and runs lateral to the superior twothirds of the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. The central part of the AF runs from the
posterior insular point to the angular gyrus and lateral to the anterior two-thirds of the atrium. The
inferior part of the AF runs from the level of the posterior insular point to the anterior tip of the
temporal horn. The AF wraps around the posterior edge of the insula in a horseshoe-like
configuration; connects the mid, posterior, and anterior parts of the middle and superior temporal
gyri to the mid parts of the inferior and middle frontal gyri; and passes deep to the middle and
superior part of the lateral surface of the temporal lobe, anterior part of the occipital lobe, angular
and supramarginal gyri, middle and inferior parts of the pre- and postcentral gyri,
and anterior and middle parts of the middle and inferior frontal gyri.
Güngör A, Baydin S, Middlebrooks EH, Tanriover N, Isler C, Rhoton AL Jr. The white matter tracts
of the cerebrum in ventricular surgery and hydrocephalus. J Neurosurg. 2017 Mar;126(3):945-971.
doi: 10.3171/2016.1.JNS152082. Epub 2016 Jun 3. PMID: 27257832.
Pubmed Web link:
Duffau H. Stimulation mapping of white matter tracts to study brain functional connectivity. Nat Rev
Neurol. 2015 May;11(5):255-65. doi: 10.1038/nrneurol.2015.51. Epub 2015 Apr 7. PMID:
Pubmed Web link:
Muftah Lahirish IA, Middlebrooks EH, Holanda VM, Batista-Quintero R, Maeda FL, Neto MR,
Parraga RG, de Olivieira E. Comparison Between Transcortical and Interhemispheric Approaches
to the Atrium of Lateral Ventricle Using Combined White Matter Fiber Dissections and Magnetic
Resonance Tractography. World Neurosurg. 2020 Jun;138:e478-e485. doi:
10.1016/j.wneu.2020.02.161. Epub 2020 Mar 6. PMID: 32147552.
Pubmed Web link:
The fornix arises from the _____?
A. Amygdala
B. Hippocampus
C. Mammillary bodies
D. Hypothalamus
E. Parahippocampal gyrus
The fornix is a white matter bundle located in the mesial aspect of the cerebral hemispheres, which
connects various nodes of limbic circuitry and is believed to play a key role in cognition and
episodic memory recall.
The fornix is the major output tract of the hippocampus. Medial to the floor of the temporal horn of
the lateral ventricle, hippocampal fibers collect into a thin lamina known as the alveus. Fibers from
the subiculum join the alveus as it courses posteromedially and bundles into the fimbria of the
fornix. As the fimbria enlarge in cross-sectional area by collecting additional fibers, they become
known as the crura of the fornix. The crura arch superoanteriorly under the splenium of the corpus
callosum and project contralaterally via the thin triangular forniceal commissure. The crura run
paracentrally to form the forniceal body, which arches over the thalamus and under the septum
pellucidum. Rostrally, the fornix body bifurcates into left and right columns that descend into the
basal forebrain anterior to the interventricular foramina. The fornix columns divide at the anterior
commissure—fibers travelling anteriorly form the pre-commissural fornix, while those curving
posteriorly make up the post-commissural fornix. Pre-commissural fibers house the
septohippocampal pathway, also projecting to the forebrain. Post-commissural tracts originate from
the subiculum and project to the thalamus, forming the direct subiculothalamic pathway, and the
indirect subiculothalamic pathway which relays via the mammillary bodies. It does not have any
major direct input from the parahippocampal gyri or amygdala.
Senova, S; Fomenko, A; Gondard, E; Lozano, A.M. (2020). “Anatomy and function of the fornix in
the context of its potential as a therapeutic target”. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &
Psychiatry. 91 (5): 547–559
Pubmed Web link:
Senova, S; Fomenko, A; Gondard, E; Lozano, A.M. (2020). “Anatomy and function of the fornix in
the context of its potential as a therapeutic target”. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &
Psychiatry. 91 (5): 547–559
Pubmed Web link:
The cerebellar mossy fibers have an excitatory effect on which of the following cells?
A. Granule Cells
B. Stellate cells
C. Basket cells
D. Purkinje cells
E. Vestibular nuclei
Granule Cells
Mossy fibers make excitatory projections onto the cerebellar nuclei and onto granule cells in the
cerebellar cortex, which in turn synapse on Purkinje neurons via their parallel fibers. Mossy fibers
originate in the pontine nuclei, the spinal cord, and the brainstem reticular formation. Each
mossy fiber innervates hundreds of granule cells. Granule cells send axons that bifurcate in the
molecular layer, sending a collateral in opposite directions. These fibers are called parallel fibers,
as they run parallel to the folds of the cerebellar cortex, where they make excitatory synapses with
Purkinje cells along the way. Basket cells and stellate cells are reciprocally connected via
“inhibitory” synapses.
Fore TR, Taylor BN, Brunel N, Hull C. Acetylcholine Modulates Cerebellar Granule Cell Spiking by
Regulating the Balance of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition. J Neurosci. 2020 Apr
1;40(14):2882-2894. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2148-19.2020. Epub 2020 Feb 28. PMID:
32111698; PMCID: PMC7117893.
Pubmed Web link:
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, John H. Martin. The McGraw-Hill Companies – 2012. Chapter 13 –
The Cerebellum
Gaia Bonassi, Elisa Pelosin, Giovanna Lagravinese, Ambra Bisio, Giorgio Grasselli, Marco Bove,
Laura Avanzino, Somatosensory inputs modulate the excitability of cerebellar-cortical interaction,
Clinical Neurophysiology, 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.08.026, 132, 12, (3095-3103), (2021).
The stria terminalis originates in the
A. Amygdala
B. Hippocampus
C. Thalamus
D. Pituitary gland
E. Hypothalamus
The stria terminalis connects the amygdala with the hypothalamus and is involved in regulation of
fear and anxiety responses as well as regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
The anteroventral bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, which resides within the central extended
amygdala, is involved in the processing of fear- and anxiety-related information and helps
coordinate restraining influences on the HPA axis.
Radley JJ, Johnson SB. Anteroventral bed nuclei of the stria terminalis neurocircuitry: Towards an
integration of HPA axis modulation with coping behaviors - Curt Richter Award Paper 2017.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 Mar;89:239-249. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.12.005. Epub
2017 Dec 24. PMID: 29395488; PMCID: PMC5878723.
Pubmed Web link: Anteroventral bed nuclei of the stria terminalis neurocircuitry: Towards an
integration of HPA axis modulation with coping behaviors - Curt Richter Award Paper 2017 -
PubMed (
Stamatakis AM, Sparta DR, Jennings JH, McElligott ZA, Decot H, Stuber GD. Amygdala and bed
nucleus of the stria terminalis circuitry: Implications for addiction-related behaviors.
Neuropharmacology. 2014 Jan;76 Pt B(0 0):320-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2013.05.046. Epub
2013 Jun 7. PMID: 23752096; PMCID: PMC3858407.
Pubmed Web link: Amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis circuitry: Implications for
addiction-related behaviors - PubMed (
In which of the following areas of the brain is the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) found?
A. Postcentral gyrus
B. Parietal operculum
C. Occipital operculum
D. Temporal operculum
E. Frontal operculum
Parietal operculum
The secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), which is a part of the somatosensory system, is
located in the upper part of the lateral sulcus in the parietal operculum over the insular cortex. It is
situated posterior to the primary somatosensory cortex. The S2 is believed to be associated with
performing higher-order functions of sensorimotor integration, including tactile object recognition
and memory.
The primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is the area of the postcentral gyrus that receives sensory
information from the VPL of the thalamus via the internal capsule and corona radiata. The S2
region helps to process the sensory information delivered to S1. The S2 has connections to the
hippocampus and the amygdala.
Bretas RV, Taoka M, Suzuki H, Iriki A. Secondary somatosensory cortex of primates: beyond body
maps, toward conscious self-in-the-world maps. Exp Brain Res. 2020 Feb;238(2):259-272. doi:
10.1007/s00221-020-05727-9. Epub 2020 Jan 21. PMID: 31960104; PMCID: PMC7007896.
Pubmed Web link:
Klingner CM, Witte OW. Somatosensory deficits. Handb Clin Neurol. 2018;151:185-206. doi:
10.1016/B978-0-444-63622-5.00009-7. PMID: 29519458.
Pubmed Web link:
1. Schluppeck, S. Francis, Somatosensory Processing, Editor(s): Arthur W. Toga, Brain
Academic Press, 2015, Pages 549-552, ISBN 9780123973160.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following is the sensory modality mediated by the anterior insula/frontal operculum?
A. Visual
B. Olfactory
C. Somatosensory
D. Gustatory
E. Auditory
The primary gustatory cortex is a region of the cerebral cortex responsible for perception of taste
and flavor and is comprised of the anterior insula and the frontal operculum. Third-order fibers
travel ipsilaterally through the posterior limb of the internal capsule to terminate in the frontal
operculum/anterior insular cortex to provide discriminatory taste sensations.
The primary auditory cortex is in the superior temporal gyrus, the primary olfactory cortex is in the
medial temporal lobe, the visual cortex is in the occipital pole, and the somatosensory cortex in the
post-central gyrus of the parietal lobe.
Iannilli E, Gudziol V. Gustatory pathway in humans: A review of models of taste perception and
their potential lateralization. J Neurosci Res. 2019 Mar;97(3):230-240. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24318.
Epub 2018 Aug 31. PMID: 30168865.
Pubmed Web link:
Small DM, Bender G, Veldhuizen MG, Rudenga K, Nachtigal D, Felsted J. The role of the human
orbitofrontal cortex in taste and flavor processing. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Dec;1121:136-51. doi:
10.1196/annals.1401.002. Epub 2007 Sep 10. PMID: 17846155.
Pubmed Web link:
Principles of Neural Science. E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, and T.M. Jessell (Eds.), McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000.
Which of the following structures connects the amygdaloid nuclei?
A. Anterior commissure
B. Uncinate fasciculus
C. Arcuate fasciculus
D. Hippocampal commissure
E. Posterior commissure
Anterior commissure
While association fibers connect ipsilateral areas of the cerebral cortex, commissural fibers extend
contralaterally and connect corresponding regions of cerebral cortex interhemispherically.
Functionally, the amygdaloid nuclei regulate autonomic and endocrine components of emotional
states and behavioral responses through various projections to the neocortex, hippocampus, basal
ganglia, and hypothalamus. Efferent fibers from the amygdala include the stria terminalis and
ventral amygdalofugal pathway, both projecting to the hypothalamus. The amygdaloid nuclei are
connected interhemispherically by the anterior commissure, which travels anterior to the columns
of the fornix and adjacent to the posterior aspect of the uncinate fasciculus.
The uncinate fasciculus contains association fibers between antero-inferior frontal lobe gyri and
anterior temporal lobe gyri. Positioned more posteriorly, the arcuate fasciculus connects structures
within the frontal and temporal lobes integral to language function, particularly the posterior
superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area) and the posterior inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area).
The hippocampal commissure connects the bilateral fornices, with each fornix representing the
primary outflow tract of the ipsilateral hippocampus. Located within the posterior aspect of the
third ventricle, the posterior commissure interconnects the pretectal nuclei and contributes to the
consensual pupillary light reflex.
Sah, P., E. S. L. Faber, M. Lopez de Armentia, and J. Power. The Amygdaloid Complex: Anatomy
and Physiology. Physiol Rev 83: 803–834, 2003; 10.1152/physrev.00002.2003
Pubmed Web link:
Lavrador JP, Ferreira V, Lourenco M, et al. White-matter commissures: a clinically focused
anatomical review. Surg Radiol Anat. June 2019; 41(6): 613-624. 10.1007/s00276-019-02218-7
Pubmed Web link:
Cerebellar afferents that terminate as climbing fibers originate in the
A. Pontine nuclei
B. Reticular formation nuclei
C. Inferior Olivary Nuclei
D. Spinal Cord
E. Vestibular Nuclei
Inferior Olivary Nuclel
There are two principal classes of afferent fibers in the cerebellum. Climbing fibers are axons of
the neurons of inferior olivary nuclei and have monosynaptic connections with the Purkinje fibers.
Mossy fibers are the second afferents which originate from pontine nuclei, reticular formation
nuclei, vestibular nuclei and the spinal cord. They then synapse on granular cells, which in turn
synapse via parallel fibers with Purkinje neurons.
Barmack NH, Yakhnitsa V. Cerebellar climbing fibers modulate simple spikes in Purkinje cells. J
Neurosci. 2003 Aug 27;23(21):7904-16. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.23-21-07904.2003. PMID:
12944521; PMCID: PMC6740591.
Pubmed Web link:
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, John H. Martin. The McGraw-Hill Companies – 2012. Chapter 13 –
The Cerebellum
Melanocytes in the CNS are found in which of the following locations?
A. Leptomeninges
B. Gray matter
C. White matter
D. Choroid plexus
E. Periventricular region
Melanocytes are derived from the multipotent neural crest cells, with induction dependent on bone
morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. Development of the cell into a mature melanocyte typically
occurs in the neural tube and is dependent on Wnt signaling. Melanocytes are found within the
leptomeninges and are primarily located in the brain along with skull base and ventral spinal cord,
with pigmentation of the meninges often grossly apparent intraoperatively or at autopsy. While
relatively uncommon, primary melanin-containing tumors can arise from CNS melanocytes, while
CNS metastasis of a primary melanoma more commonly occurs. Melanomas are commonly
associated with overactivation of BRAF and NRAS through somatic mutation, and loss of the
CDKN2A locus is also commonly observed.
Smith AB, Rushing EJ, and Smirniotopoulos JG. Pigmented lesions of the central nervous system:
radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics. Sept-Oct 2009; 29(5): 1503-24.
Pubmed Web link:
Trinh V et al. Primary melanocytic tumors of the central nervous system: Report of two cases and
review of the literature. Surg Neurol Int. 2014. 5:147.
Pubmed Web link:
Uong A and Zon LI. Melanocytes in development and cancer. J Cell Physiol. 2010. 222(1):38-41.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following is the anatomic landmark that marks the posterior border of the superior
frontal sulcus?
A. Postcentral Gyrus
B. Precentral Gyrus
C. Middle Frontal Gyrus
D. Superior Frontal Gyrus
E. Inferior Frontal Gyrus
Precentral Gyrus
The superior frontal gyrus is the most medial gyrus of the superolateral surface of the frontal lobe.
The superior frontal gyrus runs from the frontal pole all the way to the precentral sulcus and
precentral gyrus at its posterior border. The superior frontal sulcus lies laterally, separating it from
the middle frontal gyrus. When feasible, the superior frontal transsulcal transventricular approach
offers a safe and effective corridor to the anterior part of the lateral ventricle.
Briggs RG, Khan AB, Chakraborty AR, Abraham CJ, Anderson CD, Karas PJ, Bonney PA,
Palejwala AH, Conner AK, O’Donoghue DL, Sughrue ME. Anatomy and White Matter Connections
of the Superior Frontal Gyrus. Clin Anat. 2020 Sep;33(6):823-832. doi: 10.1002/ca.23523. Epub
2019 Dec 2. PMID: 31749198.
Pubmed Web link:
Catani M. The anatomy of the human frontal lobe. Handb Clin Neurol. 2019;163:95-122. doi:
10.1016/B978-0-12-804281-6.00006-9. PMID: 31590750.
Pubmed Web link:
In the illustration, the site of the skin incision and craniectomy is shown in the upper left. Careful
removal of the cross-hatched part of the cerebellum (indicated by the arrow) will expose which of
the following structures?
A. Dentate Nucleus
B. Telovelar junction
C. Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
D. Culmen
E. Flocculus
Telovelar junction
The cerebellar tonsils are ovoid structures on the inferomedial surface of each cerebellar
hemisphere. They are attached to the underlying cerebellum by the tonsillar peduncle. In the
paramedian suboccipital approach pictured here, removal or elevation of the tonsil would expose
the obex, telovelar junction and inferior margins of the inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles.
The culmen is a segment of the vermis positioned on the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The
flocculus is positioned laterally, at the foramen of Luschka, and would be visible from a
cerebellopontine angle approach, or after dividing the telovelar junction during a telovelar
approach. The superior cerebellar peduncle and dentate nuclei would not be visible from this
approach without significant cerebellar resection.
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, John H. Martin. The McGraw-Hill Companies – 2012. Chapter 13 –
The Cerebellum. Refer to Figure 13-2 C
Matsushima, K., Yagmurlu, K., Kohno, M., & Rhoton, A. L., Jr. (2016). Anatomy and approaches
along the cerebellar-brainstem fissures, Journal of Neurosurgery JNS, 124(1), 248-263. Retrieved
Mar 17, 2022, from
Damage to this white matter structure in the dominant hemisphere has been demonstrated to
result in difficulty naming famous people. The fiber tract highlighted in yellow in the figure shown is
known as which of the following?
A. Arcuate fasiculus
B. Uncinate fasiculus
C. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
D. Tapetum
E. Optic radiation
Uncinate fasiculus
The uncinate fasciculus connects the orbitofrontal gyrus to the anterior temporal lobe as shown
above. The arcuate fasciculus connects Wernicke’s area to Broca’s area. The anterior limb of the
internal capsule contains fibers that run between frontal cortex to pons and thalamus to frontal
cortex. The tapetum is the posterior aspect of the corpus callosum that forms the roof of the lateral
ventricle. Optic radiations run from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the primary visual cortex.
Von Der Heide RJ, Skipper LM, Klobusicky E, Olson IR. Dissecting the uncinate fasciculus:
disorders, controversies and a hypothesis. Brain. 2013 Jun;136(Pt 6):1692-707. doi: 10.1093/brain
/awt094. Epub 2013 May 6. PMID: 23649697; PMCID: PMC3673595.
Pubmed Web link:
Papagno C, Miracapillo C, Casarotti A, et al. What is the role of the uncinate fasciculus? Surgical
removal and proper name retrieval. Brain. 2011 Feb;134(Pt 2):405-14.
Pubmed Web link:
A patient has a lesion in Meyer’s loop in the anterior part of the right temporal lobe. Which of the
following parts of the visual field is most likely involved?
A. Left Inferior Quadrant
B. Right Inferior Quadrant
C. Left Hemi-field (Superior and Inferior Quadrants)
D. Left Superior Quadrant
E. Right Superior Quadrant
Left Superior Quadrant
The inferior or temporal portion of the optic radiations extends anteriorly from the lateral geniculate
nucleus of the thalamus for a short, variable distance before turning posteriorly towards the
primary visual cortex. This fascicular tract, known as Meyer’s Loop, contains visual sensory
information regarding the contralateral superior visual field. Therefore, patients with lesions
located in the anterior temporal lobe and those undergoing standard anterior temporal lobectomy
may encounter contralateral superior quadrantanopsia. Accordingly, a lesion in the right anterior
temporal lobe would correspond to a left superior quadrant visual field deficit.
Due to the pattern of visual information received by the nasal and temporal portions of the retina
and the decussation of medial (nasal) optic nerve fibers at the optic chiasm, the optic tracts and
radiations carry visual sensory information from the contralateral visual field. The optic tract
extends from the optic chiasm to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. Subsequently,
fibers representing the contralateral superior visual field travel within Meyer’s Loop (temporal optic
radiations) while fibers representing the contralateral inferior visual field travel more superiorly
(parietal optic radiations). The optic radiations travel posteriorly to the primary visual cortex
located along the medial surface of the occipital lobe. Ultimately, the primary visual cortex
receives information from the contralateral visual field. Based on these anatomic relationships, the
other question responses would not reflect a visual field deficit related to a right anterior temporal
Gustavo De Moraes C. Anatomy of the visual pathways. J Glaucoma 2013; 22(5): 2-7; doi:
Pubmed Web link:
Pula JH, Yuen CA. Eyes and stroke: the visual aspects of cerebrovascular disease. Stroke and
Vascular Neurology 2017;2: e000079. doi:10.1136/svn2017-000079
Pubmed Web link:
Patel SC, Smith SM, Kessler AT, Bhatt AA. Imaging of the Primary Visual Pathway based on Visual
Deficits. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2021 Apr 7;11:19. doi: 10.25259/JCIS_12_2021. PMID: 33880244;
PMCID: PMC8053434.
Pubmed Web link:
The endosteal layer of the dura mater ends at which of the following anatomical structures?
A. Cervical nerve root sleeve
B. Sacrum
C. Sphenoid wing
D. Infratentorial space
E. Foramen magnum
Foramen magnum
The meninges are composed of the dura, the arachnoid, and the pia. Although there is conflicting
data, it is felt that the pia is derived from the neural crest, while the dura mater arises from paraxial
somitic mesoderm. The dura is a thick collagenous membrane with an outer periosteal or
endosteal layer that is simply a layer of periosteum that covers the inner surface of the skull, and
an inner meningeal layer. The two layers are typically fused within the skull except at sites of
venous sinuses. The endosteal layer is highly vascularized and provides vascular supply to the
calvarium. The dura also contains a lymphatic system involved in drainage of CSF. The spinal dura
mater is continuous with the meningeal layer of the cranial dura where they join at the foramen
magnum, and contracts to form the filum distally, and there is no endosteal layer. In the spine,
meningeal development results from the meninx primitiva around days 56-60, which forms internal
and external layers. The external layer is adherent to the developing bone, and gives rise to the
dura, while the internal layer gives rise to the pia and arachnoid. The cranial meninges are derived
from the primary meninx located on the surface of the developing brain and are actively involved in
the development of the calvarium.
Snell RS, ed. Clinical Neuroanatomy. 7th Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Dasgupta K and Jeong J. Developmental biology of the Meninges. Genesis, 2019. 57(5): e23288
Pubmed Web link:
Sakka L, Gabrillargues J, and Coll G. Anatomy of the spinal meninges. Oper Neurosurg, 2016.
Pubmed Web link:
A 45-year-old man is evaluated because of right-sided partial seizures. An MR image is shown.
Removal of the lesion is planned. Postoperatively, he is most likely to have which of the following
A. Receptive aphasia
B. Contralateral paraesthesias
C. Contralateral motor neglect
D. Acalculia
E. Contralateral motor weakness
Contralateral motor neglect
The supplementary motor area (SMA) syndrome is a frequently encountered clinical phenomenon
associated with surgery of the dorsomedial prefrontal lobe. It is a transient disturbance of the
ability to initiate voluntary motor and speech actions that will often occur immediately after
neurosurgical resections in the dorsal superior frontal gyrus, but will typically disappear after 3
months. The inability to initiate is thought to be due to contralateral motor neglect that usually
improves with time. True motor weakness is caused by damage to the motor cortex. Receptive
aphasia is caused by injury to Wernicke’s area. Acalculia is caused by injury to the angular gyrus
of the parietal lobe. Injury to the somatosensory cortex can cause paresthesias. Recent evidence
has also implicated the supplementary motor area in modulating frailty in older patients.
Lammers-Lietz F, Zacharias N, Mörgeli R, Spies CD, Winterer G. Functional connectivity of the
supplementary and presupplementary motor areas in postoperative transition between stages of
frailty. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022 Jan 18:glac012. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glac012. Epub
ahead of print. PMID: 35040961.
Pubmed Web link:
Sjöberg RL, Stålnacke M, Andersson M, Eriksson J. The supplementary motor area syndrome and
cognitive control. Neuropsychologia. 2019 Jun;129:141-145. doi:
10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.03.013. Epub 2019 Mar 28. PMID: 30930302.
Pubmed Web link:
The roof of Dorello’s canal is formed by which of the following?
A. Ligamentum petrosphenoidale (Gruber ligament)
B. Lesser wing of the sphenoid
C. Pterygospinous ligament
D. Petroclinoid ligament
E. Interclinoid ligament
Ligamentum petrosphenoidale (Gruber ligament)
The Gruber ligament, or ligamentum petrosphenoidale, forms the roof of Dorello’s canal. It
transmits the abducens nerve (CN VI) and courses laterally along the clivus. It extends from the
superior border of the petrous apex to the lateral border of the dorsum sella and clivus.
The petroclinoid ligaments are folds of the dura the extend from the anterior and posterior clinoid
processes and the petrous part of the temporal bone.
The lesser wing of the sphenoid is part of the sphenoid bone and forms the roof of the superior
orbital fissure.
The interclinoid ligament connects the anterior and posterior clinoid processes.
The pterygospinous ligament is a membranous ligament extending from the spine of the sphenoid
to the upper part of the posterior lateral pterygoid plate.
Kshettry VR, Lee JH, Ammirati M. The Dorello canal: historical development, controversies in
microsurgical anatomy, and clinical implications. Neurosurg Focus. 2013 Mar;34(3):E4.
Pubmed Web link:
Umansky F, Elidan J, Valarezo A. Dorello’s canal: a microanatomical study. 1991 J Neurosurg 75:
Pubmed Web link:
Neurons in the entorhinal cortex project to which of the following structures?
A. Locus Coeruleus
B. Hippocampus
C. Hypothalamus
D. Thalamus
E. Angular Gyrus
The entorhinal cortex is a small but complex region of cortex in the medial temporal lobe which
receives highly processed cortical information and relays this information to the hippocampus. It is
thought to be an important relay station for a broad variety of memory-related functions. Its volume
correlates with memory performance in healthy participants as well as patients with Alzheimer’s
disease. The lateral perforant pathway arises from the lateral entorhinal cortex and extends into
the molecular layer of the hippocampus. The medial perforant pathway arises from the medial
entorhinal cortex, extends through the white matter from the subicular cortex, and enters the
alveus of the hippocampus. Many of these fibers carry olfactory, visual, and auditory information to
the hippocampus.
The Angular Gyrus is involved in language processing.
Locus Coeruleus is involved in neuro-hormonal control.
The Hypothalamus is involved in neurotransmitter synthesis.
The Thalamus is involved in sensorimotor relay.
Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP. What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal
cortex tell us? Neural Plast. 2008;2008:381243. doi: 10.1155/2008/381243. PMID: 18769556;
PMCID: PMC2526269.
Pubmed Web link:
Schultz H, Sommer T, Peters J. The Role of the Human Entorhinal Cortex in a Representational
Account of Memory. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015;9:628. Published 2015 Nov 20.
The dorsal nucleus (Clarke’s nucleus) is located in which of the following?
A. The intermediolateral horn from C8-L2
B. The intermediolateral horn from T1-2
C. The ventral horn from C7-T12
D. The ventral from C1-T4
E. The intermediolateral horn from S2-4
The intermediolateral horn from C8-L2
Clarke’s nucleus (the dorsal nucleus) is located in the intermediolateral horn from C8-L2. It is
rarely referred to as the nucleus thoracicus. It is in Rexed lamina of the gray matter. It gives rise
to the posterior spinocerebellar tract and is notable in that it is an uncrossed tract. The neurons
project to the cerebellum via the restiform body, a portion of the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Felten DL, Jozefowicz RF. Netter’s Atlas of Human Neuroscience. pp 142-143, 2003
Carpenter MB. Core Textbook of Neuroanatomy, 4th Ed. Ch 4: Tracts of the Spinal Cord, pp70,
Haines DE. Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and System. 4th Ed. Ch7: Synopsis
of Functional Components, Tracts, Pathways, and Systems, pp 190-191, 1995
On the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere, which of the following sulci is immediately posterior
to the central sulcus?
A. Postcentral sulcus
B. Intraparietal sulcus
C. Calcarine Sulcus
D. Marginal limb of the cingulate sulcus
E. Parieto-occipital sulcus
Marginal limb of the cingulate sulcus
The marginal limb of the cingulate sulcus is immediately posterior to the central sulcus in the
medial wall of the of the cerebral hemisphere and divides the precuneus from the postcentral
gyrus. The postcentral sulcus is also the sulcus immediately posterior to the central sulcus, but it
is positioned on the convexity of the hemisphere between the postcentral gyrus and the parietal
lobule. The parieto-occipital sulcus separates the cuneus and precuneus on the medial wall. On
the medial wall we also find the calcarine sulcus, but it is more posterior, dividing the cuneus from
the lingual gyrus. The intraparietal sulcus is located in the lateral wall separating the parietal lobule
into superior and inferior portions, and therefore it is posterior to the postcentral sulcus.
Campero et al. Brain Sulci and gyri: a practical anatomical review. J. Clin Neurosci 2014
Pubmed Web link:
The Cerebrum. Anatomy. Rhoton Jr. A. Neurosurgery 2007 61: 37-118
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the anterior corticospinal tract?
A. It is composed of lower motor neurons
B. It travels in the anterior funiculus and travels ipsilaterally, descending from the brain.
C. It is present throughout the spinal cord.
D. It travels in the lateral funiculus and travels contralaterally and crosses in the pyramidal decussation
E. It is the primary tract for motor effectors in the body
It travels in the anterior funiculus and travels ipsilaterally, descending from the brain
The anterior corticospinal tract is distinct from the lateral corticospinal tract in two ways: 1) It does
not decussate until much more distally and travels ipsilaterally in the anterior funiculus. 2) It is not
present in all levels of the cord and terminates in the thoracic cord.
Functionally, it acts mostly to coordinate the axial body muscles, to effectively stabilize the trunk. It
is made of the 20-30% of the corticospinal tract fibers that do not cross. They descend in the
ipsilateral anterior funiculus.
Unlike the anterior corticospinal tract, the lateral corticospinal tract travels in the lateral funiculus
and is the primary tract for motor effector neurons of the body.
Like all motor effector tracts, the anterior corticospinal tract is composed of upper motor neurons.
And, like all motor tracts it eventually does decussate.
Van Wittenberghe IC, Peterson DC. Corticospinal Tract Lesion. [Updated 2021 Aug 26]. In:
StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 JanPubmed Web link:
Khan YS, Lui F. Neuroanatomy, Spinal Cord. [Updated 2021 Jul 31]. In: StatPearls [Internet].
Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 JanPubmed Web link:
Haines DE. Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and System. 4th Ed. Ch7: Synopsis
of Functional Components, Tracts, Pathways, and Systems, pp 176-177, 1995
Which of the following cell groups is derived embryologically from the alar plate?
A. General somatic efferent
B. General somatic afferent
C. Mirror neurons
D. Ependymal cells
E. Purkinje cells
General somatic afferent
The alar plate is the region of the primitive neural tube that lies lateral to the sulcus limitans and
gives rise to the sensory and interneurons of the developing embryo. General somatic afferents
are the sensory neurons from the periphery and originate in the alar plate. The basal plate gives
rise to motor neurons, including general somatic efferents.
Ependymal cells are classified as neuroglia and arise from periventricular radial glial cells. Purkinje
fibers of the cerebellum and mirror neurons in the cortex arise from cells in the subventricular
Spassky N, Merkle FT, Flames N, Tramontin AD, García-Verdugo JM, Alvarez-Buylla A. Adult
ependymal cells are postmitotic and are derived from radial glial cells during embryogenesis. J
Neurosci. 2005 Jan 5;25(1):10-8. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1108-04.2005. PMID: 15634762;
PMCID: PMC6725217.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following structures passes through the opening at the base of the skull indicated by
the arrow in the image shown?
A. Internal Carotid Artery
B. Trigeminal Nerve (V2)
C. Middle Meningeal Artery
D. Trigeminal Nerve (V3)
E. Tensor Veli Palatini
Trigeminal Nerve (V3)
The correct answer is Trigeminal nerve V3 (mandibular branch). The foramen ovale transmits the
third branch of the trigeminal nerve from the trigeminal ganglion in the middle cranial fossa, in the
pocket formed next to the sella turcica (Meckel’s cave), into the infratemporal fossa.
V2 (maxillary branch) exits via the foramen rotundum, an anteriorly angled hiatus in the greater
wing of the sphenoid.
The internal carotid artery enters through the foramen lacerum.
The middle meningeal artery enters the skull via the foramen spinosum. In certain individuals, an
accessory middle meningeal artery may be present.
The tensor veli palatini is a muscle and is in the pterygoid fossa, and therefore does not enter the
Ginsberg, LE, Pruett SW, Chen MYM, Elster, Allen. Skull-Base Foramina of the Middle Cranial
Fossa: Reassessment of Normal Variation with High-Resolution CT Am J Neuroradio 15:283-291 ,
Feb 1994
Pubmed Web link:
Rock, Patrick J. “Foramen Ovale” – 14 Dec. 2020
Pubmed Web link
Case courtesy of Dr Pir Abdul Ahad Aziz Qureshi, <a></a>. From the case <a>rID: 78240</a>
Felten DL, Jozefowicz RF. Netter’s Atlas of Human Neuroscience. Pp 22, 2003
The function of the climbing fiber system of the cerebellum is mediated through which of the
following effects?
A. Purkinje cells
B. Sodium influx
C. Magnesium efflux
D. Potassium influx
E. Complex spikes
Complex spikes
Climbing fibers (CFs) generate complex spikes (CS) and Ca2+ transients in cerebellar Purkinje
cells, serving as instructive signals. Neither sodium, potassium nor magnesium play a role.
Adult Purkinje cells each receive input from a single climbing fiber (CF), which makes hundreds of
synapses across its highly branched main dendrite. CF activation produces a distinctive highfrequency burst of spikes: the complex spike. The CS is thought to represent a critical signal for
the operation of the cerebellar cortex, conveying both timing and triggering synaptic plasticity.
Roh SE, Kim SH, Ryu C, Kim CE, Kim YG, Worley PF, Kim SK, Kim SJ. Direct translation of
climbing fiber burst-mediated sensory coding into post-synaptic Purkinje cell dendritic calcium.
Elife. 2020 Sep 28;9:e61593. doi: 10.7554/eLife.61593. PMID: 32985976; PMCID: PMC7581426.
Pubmed Web link:
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, John H. Martin. The McGraw-Hill Companies – 2012. Chapter 13 –
The Cerebellum
Which of the following structures contains the cell bodies of the deep petrosal nerve?
A. Geniculate ganglion
B. Superior cervical ganglion
Superior cervical ganglion
The deep petrosal nerve carries postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that originate in the
intermediate gray horn of the spinal cord near T1, travel through the sympathetic chain, and then
synapse in the superior cervical ganglion. Following synapse, the nerve fibers then travel in the
carotid plexus and form the deep petrosal nerve, which carries sympathetic innervation to the
blood vessels and secretomotor elements of the lacrimal gland, nasal region, and oral cavity. In the
foramen lacerum, the deep petrosal nerve joins with the greater petrosal nerve to form the vidian
nerve, which carries parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers through the pterygoid canal to the
pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion.
Clinical functional anatomy of the pterygopalatine ganglion, cephalgia, and related dysautonomias:
A review. Surg Neurol Int. 2013. Nov 20;4(Suppl6):S422-8.
Pubmed Web link:
Goosmann MM, Dalvin M. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Deep Petrosal Nerve. StatPearls [Internet].
2021. Aug 11
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following fiber bundles contains first-order sensory axons projecting to the
A. Vestibulocerebellar tract
B. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
C. Superior cerebellar peduncle
D. Cuneocerebellar tract
E. Pontocerebellar trac
Vestibulocerebellar tract
The middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles carry afferent fibers from various pathways to the
cerebellum. The vestibulocerebellar tract carries afferent information from the vestibular nuclei to
the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle. Some fibers of the vestibular root continue
directly to the cerebellum without synapsing in the vestibular nuclei first. Purkinje cells in the
cerebellum send efferent fibers back to the vestibular nuclei. These circuits are involved in the
coordination of balance and eye movements.
The dorsal spinocerebellar tract conveys proprioceptive information from the muscle spindles and
golgi tendon organs to the cerebellum. First order neurons synapse in the dorsal horn, where
second order neurons of Clarke’s nucleus project to the cerebellum.
The pontocerebellar tract carries the fibers of second order neurons from the pontine nucleus. This
tract is part of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway – first order neurons from the cerebral cortex
project to the pontine nucleus, where second order neurons cross the midline and travel within the
middle cerebellar peduncle to the contralateral cerebellum.
The cuneocerebellar tract carries sensory information from the head, neck, and upper limbs,
enters the dorsal horn, and ascends ipsilaterally to the medulla, where it synapses with the
accessory cuneate nucleus (also called the external cuneate nucleus). The accessory cuneate
nucleus projects external arcuate fibers through the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the cerebellar
The superior cerebellar peduncle is the primary efferent pathway of the cerebellum, carrying the
cerebellothalamic and cerebellorubral tracts. Afferent tracts, including the ventral spinocerebellar
tract, also run within the superior cerebellar peduncle.
Takahashi M, Shinoda Y. Neural Circuits of Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellar Cortex and
Nuclei. Neuroscience. 2021 May 10;462:70-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.07.051. Epub
2020 Aug 6.
Pubmed Web link:
Özcan OO, Wang X, Binda F, Dorgans K, De Zeeuw CI, Gao Z, Aertsen A, Kumar A, Isope P.
Differential Coding Strategies in Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurons in the Medial Cerebellar
Nucleus. J Neurosci. 2020 Jan 2;40(1):159-170. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0806-19.2019. Epub
2019 Nov 6. PMID: 31694963; PMCID: PMC6939494.
Most of the fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle arise from which of the following nuclei?
A. The Dentate and Interposed Nuclei
B. The Superior and Inferior Olivary Nuclei
C. The Vestibular and Red Nuclei
D. The Vagus and Oculomotor Nuclei
E. The Fastigial and Vestibular Nuclei
The Dentate and Interposed Nuclei
The superior cerebellar peduncle is comprised mostly of the cerebellothalamic tract, which
originates in the Dentate nucleus, and the cerebellorubral tract, originating in the Globose and
Emboliform nuclei, also called the Interposed nuclei. It also contains afferents from the
spinocerebellar tract.
The Vestibular, Oculomotor, and Vagus nuclei are cranial nerve nuclei and do not contribute to the
cerebellar peduncles.
The Superior and Inferior Olivary nuclei are involved in auditory processing and motor
coordination, respectively. The Superior Olivary Nucleus is primarily connected within the
brainstem microcircuitry. The Inferior Olivary Nucleus fibers enter the cerebellum through the
inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Tacyildiz AE, Bilgin B, Gungor A, Ucer M, Karadag A, Tanriover N. Dentate Nucleus: ConnectivityBased Anatomic Parcellation Based on Superior Cerebellar Peduncle Projections. World
Neurosurg. 2021 Aug;152:e408-e428. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.05.102. Epub 2021 May 29.
PMID: 34062299.
Pubmed Web link:
Jan Voogd, Tom J.H. Ruigrok. Chapter 15 - Cerebellum and Precerebellar Nuclei. Editor(s): Jürgen
K. Mai, George Paxinos, The Human Nervous System (Third Edition), Academic Press, 2012,
Pages 471-545, ISBN 9780123742360.
Pubmed Web link:
Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellum send axons to which of the following nuclei?
A. Subthalamic nucleus
B. Dentate nucleus
C. Nucleus accumbens
D. Oculomotor nucleus
E. Caudate nucleus
Dentate nucleus
The Purkinje cells represent the only output of the cerebellar cortex and project to the deep
cerebellar nuclei (the dentate, emboliform, globose, and fastigial nuclei) and vestibular nuclei. The
dentate nucleus receives input from the lateral cerebellar hemisphere; the emboliform and globose
nuclei receive input from the intermediate zone, and the fastigial nucleus receives input from the
vermis. The Purkinje cells are GABAergic and exert inhibitory activity on the deep cerebellar
The nucleus accumbens is located in the ventral striatum and has been implicated in motivational
processes, the reward pathway, and addiction.
The oculomotor nucleus is located in the midbrain and provides motor output to the superior
rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles.
The caudate nucleus is a component of the basal ganglia and receives afferents primarily from the
cerebral cortex and substantia nigra.
The subthalamic nucleus regulates movement, and receives afferents from the cerebral cortex,
thalamaus, globus pallidus externus, and brainstem.
Takahashi M, Shinoda Y. Neural Circuits of Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellar Cortex and
Nuclei. Neuroscience. 2021 May 10;462:70-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.07.051. Epub
2020 Aug 6.
Pubmed Web link:
Hirano T. Purkinje Neurons: Development, Morphology, and Function. Cerebellum. 2018
Dec;17(6):699-700. doi: 10.1007/s12311-018-0985-7.
Pubmed Web link:
Salgado S, Kaplitt MG. The Nucleus Accumbens: A Comprehensive Review. Stereotact Funct
Neurosurg. 2015;93(2):75-93. doi: 10.1159/000368279. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
Pubmed Web link:
Melanocytes in the CNS are found in which of the following locations?
A. Gray matter
B. White matter
C. Choroid plexus
D. Leptomeninges
E. Periventricular region
Melanocytes are derived from the multipotent neural crest cells, with induction dependent on bone
morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. Development of the cell into a mature melanocyte typically
occurs in the neural tube and is dependent on Wnt signaling. Melanocytes are found within the
leptomeninges and are primarily located in the brain along with skull base and ventral spinal cord,
with pigmentation of the meninges often grossly apparent intraoperatively or at autopsy. While
relatively uncommon, primary melanin-containing tumors can arise from CNS melanocytes, while
CNS metastasis of a primary melanoma more commonly occurs. Melanomas are commonly
associated with overactivation of BRAF and NRAS through somatic mutation, and loss of the
CDKN2A locus is also commonly observed.
Smith AB, Rushing EJ, and Smirniotopoulos JG. Pigmented lesions of the central nervous system:
radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics. Sept-Oct 2009; 29(5): 1503-24.
Pubmed Web link:
Trinh V et al. Primary melanocytic tumors of the central nervous system: Report of two cases and
review of the literature. Surg Neurol Int. 2014. 5:147.
Pubmed Web link:
Uong A and Zon LI. Melanocytes in development and cancer. J Cell Physiol. 2010. 222(1):38-41.
Pubmed Web link:
The majority of the orbital floor is formed by the roof of which of the following sinuses?
A. Ethmoid sinus
B. Frontal sinus
C. Cavernous sinus
D. Sphenoid sinus
E. Maxillary sinus
Maxillary sinus
The maxillary sinus is directly beneath the floor of the orbit. It forms the majority of the floor of the
orbit. The sphenoid sinus forms the posteromedial wall, and the ethmoid sinus forms the medial
wall. The frontal sinus is above the orbit and the cavernous sinus does not make any significant
contact to the orbit.
Rhoton AL Jr. The Orbit In Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches. Neurosurgery Supplement.
2003: 331.
Cohen-Gadol, A. “Orbit” The Neurosurgical Atlas Apr. 7 2021.
Pubmed Web link:
Cohen-Gadol, A. “Neuroanatomy: Sphenoid and Palatine Bones” The Neurosurgical Atlas
The dorsal nucleus (Clarke’s nucleus) is located in which of the following?
A. The intermediolateral horn from C8-L2
B. The ventral horn from C7-T12
C. The intermediolateral horn from T1-2
D. The intermediolateral horn from S2-4
E. The ventral from C1-T4
The intermediolateral horn from C8-L2
Clarke’s nucleus (the dorsal nucleus) is located in the intermediolateral horn from C8-L2. It is
rarely referred to as the nucleus thoracicus. It is in Rexed lamina of the gray matter. It gives rise
to the posterior spinocerebellar tract and is notable in that it is an uncrossed tract. The neurons
project to the cerebellum via the restiform body, a portion of the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Felten DL, Jozefowicz RF. Netter’s Atlas of Human Neuroscience. pp 142-143, 2003
Carpenter MB. Core Textbook of Neuroanatomy, 4th Ed. Ch 4: Tracts of the Spinal Cord, pp70,
Haines DE. Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and System. 4th Ed. Ch7: Synopsis
of Functional Components, Tracts, Pathways, and Systems, pp 190-191, 1995
The dentate nucleus influences motor neuron activity at the ipsilateral final common pathway in the
spinal cord through which of the following?
A. Ipsilateral Motor Cortex
B. Ipsilateral Thalamus
C. Cerebellar Vermis
D. Contralateral Thalamus
E. Contralateral Rubrospinal Tract
Contralateral Thalamus
The “final common pathway” of the spinal cord is so-called because all motor signals ultimately
synapse on alpha-type lower motor neurons. The dorsal portion of the dentate nucleus is involved
with motor control and sends projections through the superior cerebellar peduncle in the
cerebellothalamic tract, which decussates at the level of the inferior colliculi and synapses on the
ventrolateral (VL) nucleus of the contralateral thalamus. The VL nucleus then projects to the
primary motor cortex on its side of the brain, influencing motor activity contralateral to itself but
ipsilateral to the original dentate nucleus. As such, “contralateral thalamus” is the most correct
answer for how the dentate nucleus influences ipsilateral motor function.
de Leon AS, M Das J. Neuroanatomy, Dentate Nucleus. [Updated 2021 Jul 31]. In: StatPearls
[Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-.
Pubmed Web link:
MacKinnon CD. Sensorimotor anatomy of gait, balance, and falls. Handb Clin Neurol.
2018;159:3-26. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63916-5.00001-X. PMID: 30482322; PMCID:
Pubmed Web link:
In the coronal image of the head shown, which of the following arrows points to the collateral
A. C
B. A
C. E
D. D
E. B
A. C
The collateral sulcus lies along the tentorial surface of the temporal pole (extending to the occipital
pole) between the parahippocampal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus. Choice (A) represents the
superior temporal gyrus. Choice (B) represents the middle temporal gyrus. Choice (D) represents
the hippocampus, and (E) represents the sylvian fissure.
Diagnostic Imaging: Brain. Anne G. Osborn, Karen L. Salzman, A. James Barkovich. Amirsys
2010. ISBN 9781931884723, 1931884722.
Atlas of the Human Brain. Juergen K. Mai, Milan Majtanik, George Paxinos. Elsevier 2015. ISBN:
The arrow in the figure shown corresponds to which of the following structures?
A. Dentate gyrus
B. Area entorhinalis
C. Cornu Ammonis
D. Subiculum
E. Uncus
The arrow is pointing to the subiculum or the subiculum area, the transition zone between the
hippocampus proper and the entorhinal area.
The hippocampus proper or Cornu Ammonis (CA) 1-4 wraps the dentate gyrus right above the
subiculum area and all 3 together (CA, dentate gyrus and subiculum) constitute the hippocampal
formation. The hippocampus proper and dentate gyrus are situated superior to the subiculum.
The entorhinal area within the parahippocampal gyrus lies next to the collateral sulcus, inferior and
lateral to the arrow. The uncus is ventral to the hippocampal formation.
The subiculum’s functional properties are not well understood, but it is thought to play an important
but ill-defined role in spatial navigation, mnemonic processing and control of the response to
Anand KS and Dhihav V. Hippocampus in health and disease. An overview. Ann Indian Acad
Neurol. 2012 15(4) 239-246.
Pubmed Web link:
O’Mara S. The subiculum: what it does, what it might do, and what neuroanatomy has yet to tell
us. Journal of anatomy. 207 (3): 271-82. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7580.2005.00446.x - Pubmed
Insausti R, Muñoz-López M, Insausti AM, Artacho-Pérula E. The Human Periallocortex: Layer
Pattern in Presubiculum, Parasubiculum and Entorhinal Cortex. A Review. Frontiers in
neuroanatomy. 11: 84. doi:10.3389/fnana.2017.00084 - Pubmed
Which of the following is the single most important biomechanically stabilizing soft tissue structure
at the craniocervical junction?
A. The transverse and alar ligaments
B. The tectorial membrane
C. The apical and transverse ligaments
D. The anterior longitudinal ligament and atlantoaxial joint capsules
E. The ligamentum flavum of C1-2 and nuchal ligaments
The transverse and alar ligaments
The importance of the alar and transverse ligaments cannot be overstated. The transverse
ligament holds the dens against the anterior ring of the atlas. It projects across from one side of
the atlas to the other, holding the dens to within 3 mm of the atlas. It prevents folding of the
brainstem into the upper cervical spine during flexion motion. The inferior and superior crura
project perpendicularly to the transverse ligament to form the cruciate ligament.
The alar ligaments project from the anterolateral dens and connect to the medial aspect of the
occipital condyles, forming a Y-shaped structure that secures the C1-C2 complex to the basilar
aspect of the skull, while allowing rotational freedom of the head.
The tectorial membrane is a relatively thin structure and is a projection of the posterior longitudinal
ligament. It attaches to the clivus superiorly and blends into the dura. It is not structurally strong
and can be torn in severe trauma.
The apical ligament extends from the uppermost tip of the dens to the anterior portion of the
foramen magnum. It can be absent in certain instances.
The anterior longitudinal ligament and facet joint capsules do not provide significant structural
integrity to the craniocervical complex, nor do the nuchal ligament or ligamentum flavum.
Menezes AH, Traynelis VC. Anatomy and biomechanics of normal craniovertebral junction (a) and
biomechanics of stabilization (b). Childs Nerv Syst. 2008 Oct;24(10):1091-100.
Pubmed Web link:
Lopez AJ, Scheer JK, Leibl KE, Smith ZA, Dlouhy BJ, Dahdaleh NS. Anatomy and biomechanics
of the craniovertebral junction.
Neurosurg Focus. 2015 Apr;38(4):E2. doi: 10.3171/2015.1.FOCUS14807.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following structures is a part of the Papez circuit?
A. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lentiform nucleus
C. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
D. Mammillothalamic tract
E. Caudate nucleus
Mammillothalamic tract
The Papez circuit encompasses a series of connections between components of the limbic system
and contributes to multiple functions including behavioral and emotional expressions, memory, and
spatial learning. The traditional Papez circuit includes the cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal
gyrus, hippocampus, mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus, and anterior nucleus of the
thalamus. White matter tracts within the Papez circuit include the cingulum, fornix, and
mammillothalamic tract. Information travels from the cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus
and hippocampus via the cingulum. The primary outflow tract of the hippocampus, the fornix,
travels to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. The mammillothalamic tract connects the
mammillary bodies to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, with thalamo-cortical projections
thereby completing a reciprocal information pathway back to the cingulate gyrus.
The remaining question responses do not belong to the limbic system or Papez circuit. The
superior longitudinal fasciculus represents a large group of association fibers spanning the frontal,
parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. The inferior longitudinal fasciculus represents a smaller
group of association fibers providing connections between the temporal and occipital lobes. The
caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus (composed of the putamen and globus pallidus) represent
components of the basal ganglia, contributing to motor function.
Escobar I, Xu J, Jackson CW, Perez-Pinzon MA. Altered Neural Networks in the Papez Circuit:
Implications for Cognitive Dysfunction after Cerebral Ischemia. J Alzheimers Dis.
2019;67(2):425-446. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180875. PMID: 30584147; PMCID: PMC6398564.
Pubmed Web link:
Bubb EJ, Kinnavane L, Aggleton JP. Hippocampal - diencephalic - cingulate networks for memory
and emotion: An anatomical guide. Brain Neurosci Adv. 2017 Aug 4;1(1):2398212817723443. doi:
10.1177/2398212817723443. PMID: 28944298; PMCID: PMC5608081.
Pubmed Web link:
Principles of Neural Science. E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, and T.M. Jessell (Eds.), McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000.
The uncinate fasciculus connects which of the following?
A. The amygdala and parahippocampal gyri to the precuneus
B. The amygdala and parahippocampal gyri to the visual cortex
C. The nuclei of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) and the three primary nerves
controlling the movements of the eye.
D. Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
E. The amygdala and parahippocampal gyri to the orbitofrontal cortex
The amygdala and parahippocampal gyri to the orbitofrontal cortex
The uncinate fasiculus is a bidirectional pathway between the temporal lobe and inferior frontal
gyrus and may have a functional role in certain types of learning and mnemonic memory. It
connects the amygdala and parahippocampal gyri to the orbitofrontal cortex. It does not have any
direct connections to the hippocampus. The fibers are interrupted by the radiations of the pars
opercularis, which connect to Broca’s area. However, they are not in continuity with these tracts.
The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is a fiber tract found in the brainstem that connects the
nuclei of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) and the three primary nerves controlling the
movements of the eye.
The arcuate fasciculus (AF) is a fiber tract connects Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area.
Peltier, J; Verclytte, S; Delmaire, C; Pruvo, JP; Godefroy, O; Le Gars, D (2010). “Microsurgical
anatomy of the temporal stem: clinical relevance and correlations with diffusion tensor imaging
fiber tracking”. Journal of Neurosurgery. 112 (5): 1033–8
Pubmed Web link:
Kier LE, Staib LH, Davis, LM, Bronen, RA (May 1, 2004). “MR Imaging of the Temporal Stem:
Anatomic Dissection Tractography of the Uncinate Fasciculus, Inferior Occipitofrontal Fasciculus,
and Meyer’s Loop of the Optic Radiation”. Am J Neuroradiol. 25 (5): 677–69
Pubmed Web link:
Sacral sparing is a clinical finding associated with a spinal cord lesion that spares which of the
A. S1-S3 spinal cord segment
B. S2-S3 spinal cord segments
C. S4-S5 spinal cord segments
D. Cauda Equina
E. L2-L4 spinal cord segments
S4-S5 spinal cord segments
Sacral sparing, refers to the preservation of sacral nerve related reflex and sensations below the
level of a spinal cord injury. The sacral roots originate near the caudal end of the conus medullaris,
behind the L1 and L2 vertebrae.
The ASIA criteria for sacral sparing are S4-S5 light touch, S4-S5 pin prick, anal sensation, and
voluntary anal contraction. The best positive predictive value of independent ambulation at 1 year
is the acute phase anal contraction, S4-S5 light touch and S4-S5 pinprick.
A common, quick way to check for an intact segment is the bulbocavernosus reflex. This is elicited
by performing a rectal exam and gentle traction on the penis or a foley catheter (for catheterized
patients or those without a penis). A positive reflex is the reflexive contraction of the external anal
sphincter in response.
Other ways include light touch in the perineal area and the verbal affirmation of the patient’s
Zariffa J, Kramer JL, Jones LA, Lammertse DP, Curt A; European Multicenter Study about Spinal
Cord Injury Study Group, Steeves JD. Sacral sparing in SCI: beyond the S4-S5 and anorectal
examination. Spine J. 2012 May;12(5):389-400.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2012.03.028. Epub 2012
May 8. PMID: 22572584.
Pubmed Web link:
van Middendorp JJ, Hosman AJ, Pouw MH; EM-SCI Study Group, Van de Meent H. Is
determination between complete and incomplete traumatic spinal cord injury clinically relevant?
Validation of the ASIA sacral sparing criteria in a prospective cohort of 432 patients. Spinal Cord.
2009 Nov;47(11):809-16. doi: 10.1038/sc.2009.44. Epub 2009 May 26. PMID: 19468282.
Pubmed Web link:
Felten DL, Jozefowicz RF. Netter’s Atlas of Human Neuroscience. pp 87, 2003
Which of the following is the main afferent supply to the transverse temporal (Heschl’s) gyrus?
A. Lateral Lemniscus
B. Inferior Colliculus
C. Cochlear Nuclei
D. Superior Olivary Nuclei
E. Medial Geniculate Nucleus
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
The primary auditory cortex lies in the transverse temporal gyrus of Heschl. Projections reach the
auditory cortex from the medial genicular nucleus of the thalamus via the auditory radiations. The
primary auditory cortex receives projections from both ears. The primary auditory cortex
corresponds to Brodmann area 41. The auditory pathway is made of both peripheral structures
and brain regions. Auditory information proceeds from the Organ of Corti to spiral ganglion cells
and the vestibulocochlear nerve afferents in the ear, to the cochlear nuclei, and to the superior
olive in the brain stem. Ascending fibers stop in the inferior colliculus in the midbrain and then the
medial genicular body of the thalamus before reaching the transverse temporal gyrus.
Pickles JO. Auditory pathways: anatomy and physiology. Handb Clin Neurol. 2015;129:3-25. doi:
10.1016/B978-0-444-62630-1.00001-9. PMID: 25726260.
Pubmed Web link:
Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems. D.E. Haines, Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins, New York, 2000
C.K. Henkel, Chapter 21 - The Auditory System, Editor(s): Duane E. Haines, Gregory A. Mihailoff,
Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications (Fifth Edition), Elsevier, 2018,
Pages 306-319.e1.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following is the most likely visual field defect after right temporal lobectomy for mesial
temporal sclerosis?
A. Homonymous hemianopia
B. Homonymous ipsilateral superior quadrantanopia
C. Homonymous contralateral superior quadrantanopia
D. Bitemporal hemianopia
E. Monocular blindness
Homonymous contralateral superior quadrantanopia
A temporal lobectomy may cause damage to the inferior optic radiations, or Meyer’s loop, which
can lead to a superior quadrantanopia on the contralateral side. These visual fibers traverse the
temporal lobe from the lateral geniculate body to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe.
Bitemporal hemianopia is caused by central injury to the optic chiasm. Monocular blindness is
caused by an injury to the globe or optic nerve. A homonymous hemianopia is caused by injury at
the level of the primary visual cortex.
de Blank P, Fisher MJ, Gittleman H, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Badve C, Berman JI. Validation of an
automated tractography method for the optic radiations as a biomarker of visual acuity in
neurofibromatosis-associated optic pathway glioma. Exp Neurol. 2018 Jan;299(Pt B):308-316. doi:
10.1016/j.expneurol.2017.06.004. Epub 2017 Jun 3. PMID: 28587872.
Pubmed Web link:
Guenot M, Krolak-Salmon P, Mertens P, Isnard J, Ryvlin P, Fischer C, Vighetto A, Mauguière F,
Sindou M. MRI assessment of the anatomy of optic radiations after temporal lobe epilepsy surgery.
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 1999;73(1-4):84-7. doi: 10.1159/000029760. PMID: 10853107
Pubmed Web link:
On the illustrations shown, in which the right lateral ventricle is exposed using the head position,
scalp incision, bone flap, and cortical incision shown, which of the following is the correct location
of the thalamostriate vein?
A. B
B. D
C. E
D. A
E. C
E. C
This right frontal craniotomy and middle frontal gyrus corticotomy provide a transcortical approach
to the frontal horn of the right lateral ventricle. Identifying components of intraventricular anatomy
and critical neurovascular structures helps confirm laterality and should be performed prior to any
surgical manipulation or dissection. The thalamostriate vein (location c) joins the anterior septal
vein (location b) and anterior caudate vein (location a). The thalamostriate vein traverses through
the foramen of Monro and lies along the striothalamic sulcus between the caudate nucleus and the
thalamus. The septum pellucidum (location d) and body of the fornix along the choroidal fissure
(both along location e) are positioned along the medial aspect of the exposure. The thalamus
comprises the floor of the body of the lateral ventricle and lateral wall of the third ventricle (not
Anderson RC, Ghatan S, Feldstein NA. Surgical approaches to tumors of the lateral ventricle.
Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2003 Oct;14(4):509-25. doi: 10.1016/s1042-3680(03)00054-8. PMID:
Pubmed Web link:
Mortazavi MM, Adeeb N, Griessenauer CJ, Sheikh H, Shahidi S, Tubbs RI, Tubbs RS. The
ventricular system of the brain: a comprehensive review of its history, anatomy, histology,
embryology, and surgical considerations. Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 Jan;30(1):19-35. doi:
10.1007/s00381-013-2321-3. Epub 2013 Nov 16. PMID: 24240520.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following afferent fibers ultimately reaches the Purkinje cells through projections from
the inferior olivary nucleus by way of the inferior cerebellar peduncle?
A. Pyramidal tract fibers
B. Mossy fibers
C. Climbing fibers
D. Parallel fibers
E. Spinothalamic fibers
Climbing fibers
The main input to the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum is from cells of the inferior olivary nucleus,
whose axons form the climbing fibers that reach the cerebellum through the inferior cerebellar
Mossy fibers are another major input to the cerebellum. These are formed from axons of cells from
the cerebral cortex, vestibular nuclei, spinal cord, and reticular formation. They enter the
cerebellum through the middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles and synapse on granule cells of
the cerebellum. They do not originate from the olivary nucleus.
Parallel fibers are the axons of granule cells of the cerebellum, and they synapse on the dendrites
of Purkinje cells. They do not originate from the olivary nucleus.
The pyramidal tract and spinothalamic tracts do not send axons to the Purkinje cells.
Ausim Azizi S. . . . And the olive said to the cerebellum: organization and functional significance of
the olivo-cerebellar system. Neuroscientist. 2007 Dec;13(6):616-25. doi:
10.1177/1073858407299286. Epub 2007 Oct 2. PMID: 17911222.
Pubmed Web link:
Voogd J. The human cerebellum. J Chem Neuroanat. 2003 Dec;26(4):243-52. doi:
10.1016/j.jchemneu.2003.07.005. PMID: 14729127.
Pubmed Web link:
Amore G, Spoto G, Ieni A, Vetri L, Quatrosi G, Di Rosa G, Nicotera AG. A Focus on the
Cerebellum: From Embryogenesis to an Age-Related Clinical Perspective. Front Syst Neurosci.
2021 Apr 9;15:646052. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.646052. PMID: 33897383; PMCID: PMC8062874.
Pubmed Web link:
Axons of hippocampal pyramidal cells form which of the following structures?
A. Ventral (amygdalofugal) pathway
B. Cingulum
C. Parahippocampal Gyrus
D. Stria Terminalis
E. Fornix
Hippocampal pyramidal cells output travels in the fornix, ending in the mammillary bodies of the
hypothalamus. Fibers from the mammillary bodies pass backward into the anterior thalamic nuclei
via the mammillothalamic tract and then on to the cingulate gyrus. The cingulum is connected with
the association cortices and also the hippocampus, thus closing the loop. The fornices form part of
the classic Papez circuit, which was described by James Papez in 1937. As part of this extended
hippocampal-diencephalic system, the fornices are thought to contribute to the efficient encoding
and normal recall of new episodic information.
The amygdalofugal pathway connects the amygdala with the hypothalamus. The stria terminalis
originates from the corticomedial amygdaloid nuclei and travels to the hypothalamus. The
cingulum arises from cells in the cingulate gyrus and projects to the entorhinal and
parahippocampal cortices. The parahippocampal gyrus is primarily a grey-matter structure
containing its own neuronal projections.
Chauhan P, Jethwa K, Rathawa A, Chauhan G, Mehra S. The Anatomy of the Hippocampus. In:
Pluta R, editor. Cerebral Ischemia [Internet]. Brisbane (AU): Exon Publications; 2021 Nov 6.
Chapter 2. PMID: 34905307.
Pubmed Web link:
The Fornix in Health and Disease: An Imaging Review
Adam G. Thomas, Panos Koumellis, and Robert A. Dineen
RadioGraphics 2011 31:4, 1107-1121
The roof of Dorello’s canal is formed by which of the following?
A. Ligamentum petrosphenoidale (Gruber ligament)
B. Interclinoid ligament
C. Lesser wing of the sphenoid
D. Petroclinoid ligament
E. Pterygospinous ligament
Ligamentum petrosphenoidale (Gruber ligament)
The Gruber ligament, or ligamentum petrosphenoidale, forms the roof of Dorello’s canal. It
transmits the abducens nerve (CN VI) and courses laterally along the clivus. It extends from the
superior border of the petrous apex to the lateral border of the dorsum sella and clivus.
The petroclinoid ligaments are folds of the dura the extend from the anterior and posterior clinoid
processes and the petrous part of the temporal bone.
The lesser wing of the sphenoid is part of the sphenoid bone and forms the roof of the superior
orbital fissure.
The interclinoid ligament connects the anterior and posterior clinoid processes.
The pterygospinous ligament is a membranous ligament extending from the spine of the sphenoid
to the upper part of the posterior lateral pterygoid plate.
Kshettry VR, Lee JH, Ammirati M. The Dorello canal: historical development, controversies in
microsurgical anatomy, and clinical implications. Neurosurg Focus. 2013 Mar;34(3):E4.
Pubmed Web link:
Umansky F, Elidan J, Valarezo A. Dorello’s canal: a microanatomical study. 1991 J Neurosurg 75:
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following is the unique visually identifiable feature of the visual cortex (Brodmann’s
area 17)?
A. Precuneus
B. Pre-Occipital Notch
C. Pars Marginalis
D. Calcarine Sulcus
E. Parieto-Occipital Sulcus
Calcarine Sulcus
The primary visual cortex (Brodmann area 17) lies mainly on the medial surface of the occipital
lobe, extending posteriorly to the occipital pole. Running parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
occipital lobe along its medial surface, the calcarine sulcus (or fissure) represents a unique,
prominently identifiable feature of the primary visual cortex. The calcarine sulcus separates the
cuneus (superiorly) from the lingual gyrus (inferiorly). The primary visual cortex surrounds the
calcarine sulcus along its upper and lower banks. The parieto-occipital sulcus lies along the
anterior border of the occipital lobe, ventral to primary visual cortex. The pre-occipital notch lies
inferiorly along the lateral cortical surface, demarcating the transition between the temporal and
occipital lobes. Viewed along the medial cerebral surface, the pars marginalis represents the
superiorly oriented continuation of the cingulate sulcus and demarcates the posterior boundary of
the paracentral lobule. The precuneus lies between the pars marginalis (anterior) and the parietooccipital sulcus (posterior) and contains visual association areas.
Patel SC, Smith SM, Kessler AT, Bhatt AA. Imaging of the Primary Visual Pathway based on Visual
Deficits. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2021 Apr 7;11:19. doi: 10.25259/JCIS_12_2021. PMID: 33880244;
PMCID: PMC8053434.
Pubmed Web link:
Pula JH, Yuen CA. Eyes and stroke: the visual aspects of cerebrovascular disease. Stroke and
Vascular Neurology 2017;2: e000079. doi:10.1136/svn2017-000079
Pubmed Web link:
Chauhan P, Rathawa A, Jethwa K, et al. The Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex. In: Pluta R, editor.
Cerebral Ischemia [Internet]. Brisbane (AU): Exon Publications; 2021 Nov 6. Chapter 1. Available
from: doi:
Pubmed Web link:
Most of the fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle arise from which of the following nuclei?
A. The Superior and Inferior Olivary Nuclei
B. The Dentate and Interposed Nuclei
C. The Vagus and Oculomotor Nuclei
D. The Fastigial and Vestibular Nuclei
E. The Vestibular and Red Nuclei
The Dentate and Interposed Nuclei
The superior cerebellar peduncle is comprised mostly of the cerebellothalamic tract, which
originates in the Dentate nucleus, and the cerebellorubral tract, originating in the Globose and
Emboliform nuclei, also called the Interposed nuclei. It also contains afferents from the
spinocerebellar tract.
The Vestibular, Oculomotor, and Vagus nuclei are cranial nerve nuclei and do not contribute to the
cerebellar peduncles.
The Superior and Inferior Olivary nuclei are involved in auditory processing and motor
coordination, respectively. The Superior Olivary Nucleus is primarily connected within the
brainstem microcircuitry. The Inferior Olivary Nucleus fibers enter the cerebellum through the
inferior cerebellar peduncle.
Tacyildiz AE, Bilgin B, Gungor A, Ucer M, Karadag A, Tanriover N. Dentate Nucleus: ConnectivityBased Anatomic Parcellation Based on Superior Cerebellar Peduncle Projections. World
Neurosurg. 2021 Aug;152:e408-e428. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.05.102. Epub 2021 May 29.
PMID: 34062299.
Pubmed Web link:
Jan Voogd, Tom J.H. Ruigrok. Chapter 15 - Cerebellum and Precerebellar Nuclei. Editor(s): Jürgen
K. Mai, George Paxinos, The Human Nervous System (Third Edition), Academic Press, 2012,
Pages 471-545, ISBN 9780123742360.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following innervates the dura in the middle cranial fossa?
A. Anterior ethmoidal nerve
B. Posterior ethmoidal nerve
C. Superior cervical ganglion
D. Nervus spinosus
E. Nervus tentorii of Arnold
Nervus spinosus
The nervus spinosus, a branch of the mandibular division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve, arises just
below the foramen ovale and enters the cranial cavity through the foramen spinosum along the
middle meningeal artery and innervates the dura mater in the middle cranial fossa and along the
lateral convexity. The ophthalmic division (V1) of the trigeminal nerve gives off the anterior and
posterior ethmoidal nerves to innervate the anterior cranial fossa, which follow the branches of the
middle meningeal artery. The nervus meningeus, a branch of the maxillary division (V2) of the
trigeminal nerve, innervates the dura in the parietal area of the middle cranial fossa. The nervus
tentorii of Arnold, which is a recurrent branch of V1, innervates the tentorium cerebelli and the dura
of the parietooccipital region, posterior falx cerebri, and superior sagittal and transverse sinuses.
The innervation of the cranial dura mater: neurosurgical case correlates and a review of the
literature. World Neurosurg. 2012. Nov;78(5):505-510.
Pubmed Web link:
Innervation of the cerebral dura mater. Neuroradiol J. 2014. June;27(3):293-298.
Pubmed Web link:
In the cerebellum, the synaptic connection between which of the following structures is inhibitory?
A. Granule cell layer and Molecular layer
B. Vestibular system and Purkinje cells
C. Pontine nuclei and Purkinje cells
D. Purkinje cell layer and the deep cerebellar nuclei
E. Inferior olive and Molecular layer
Purkinje cell layer and the deep cerebellar nuclei
Purkinje cells send inhibitory projections to the deep cerebellar nuclei, which is the primary motor
control system of the cerebellum.
The inferior olive sends excitatory signals to Purkinje cells through climbing fibers.
Pontine nuclei and the vestibular system project to Purkinje cells through mossy fibers, which are
excitatory. They also project directly to the deep cerebellar nuclei, also through excitatory
Granule cells receive excitatory input from mossy fibers and relay the excitation to Purkinje cells.
Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, et al., editors. Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Sunderland (MA):
Sinauer Associates; 2001. Circuits within the Cerebellum.
Pubmed Web link:
Husson Z, Rousseau CV, Broll I, Zeilhofer HU, Dieudonné S. Differential GABAergic and
glycinergic inputs of inhibitory interneurons and Purkinje cells to principal cells of the cerebellar
nuclei. J Neurosci. 2014 Jul 9;34(28):9418-31. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0401-14.2014. PMID:
25009273; PMCID: PMC6608357.
Pubmed Web link:
Cerebellar lesions that produce intention tremor usually involve which of the following?
A. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
B. Vermis
C. Cerebellar hemispheres
D. Cerebellar tonsils
E. Dentate nucleus
Dentate nucleus
Lesions that affect the dentate nucleus will result in intention tremors. Intention tremors are low
frequency < 5Hz tremor that increase in amplitude as the limb approaches its target. Intention
tremor is usually caused by a lesion in the cerebellothalamic pathway. This pathway starts at the
dentate nucleus, through the superior cerebellar peduncle to the red nucleus and then on to the
cortex through the posterior ventral lateral thalamus.
Injuries to the cerebellar hemispheres, vermis, or tonsils do not cause intention tremors.
Injury to the inferior cerebellar peduncle, unlike injury to the superior cerebellar peduncle, is not
associated with intention tremors.
Bhatia KP, Bain P, Bajaj N, Elble RJ, Hallett M, Louis ED, Raethjen J, Stamelou M, Testa CM,
Deuschl G; Tremor Task Force of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
Consensus Statement on the classification of tremors. from the task force on tremor of the
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Mov Disord. 2018 Jan;33(1):75-87. doi:
10.1002/mds.27121. Epub 2017 Nov 30. PMID: 29193359; PMCID: PMC6530552.
Pubmed Web link:
Choi SM. Movement Disorders Following Cerebrovascular Lesions in Cerebellar Circuits. J Mov
Disord. 2016 May;9(2):80-8. doi: 10.14802/jmd.16004. Epub 2016 May 25. PMID: 27240809;
PMCID: PMC4886204.
Pubmed Web link:
Kakei S, Manto M, Tanaka H, Mitoma H. Pathophysiology of Cerebellar Tremor: The Forward
Model-Related Tremor and the Inferior Olive Oscillation-Related Tremor. Front Neurol. 2021 Jun
28;12:694653. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.694653. PMID: 34262527; PMCID: PMC8273235.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following structures forms the anterior margin of the foramen of Monro?
A. Thalamostriate vein
B. Anterior commissure
C. Column of the Fornix
D. Choroidal fissure
E. Septum pellucidum
Column of the Fornix
The column of the fornix constitutes the anterior margin of the foramen of Monro, the connection
between the third ventricle and the lateral ventricle. These paired foramina allow for the flow of
cerebrospinal fluid between lateral ventricles and third ventricle. If obstructed, the patient will show
signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus.
The choroidal fissure runs directly posteriorly from the foramen of Monro on the floor of the lateral
ventricle. The thalamostriate vein runs posterolateral to the foramen. The anterior commissure is
anterior to the column of the fornix so it does not represent any margin of the foramen, nor does
the septum pellucidum, which is superior to the fornix.
The lateral and Third Ventricles Rhoton Jr. A. Neurosurgery 2002: 51(4 Suppl):S207-71
Pubmed Web link:
The Cerebrum. Anatomy. Rhoton Jr. A. Neurosurgery 2007 61: 37-118
Pubmed Web link:
The major input to deep cerebellar nuclei originates from:
A. Basket Cells
B. Golgi Cells
C. Granule Cells
D. Stellate Cells
E. Purkinje Cells
Purkinje Cells
The major input to the deep cerebellar nuclei originates from the Purkinje cells. The Purkinje cells
provide strong inhibitory input on cells of the deep cerebellar nuclei. Sources of excitatory input to
the deep cerebellar nuclei are collaterals of the mossy fibers and climbing fibers.
The Granule cells receive input from Mossy fibers and their output axons split to form the parallel
fibers that synapse on Purkinje cells.
The Basket and Stellate cells provide inhibitory input to the Purkinje cells. They don’t synapse on
deep cerebellar nuclei.
Golgi cells are inhibitory cells that synapse on the dendrites of granule cells. They receive
excitatory input from mossy fibers. Its axons, together with the mossy fibers axons, synapse on the
dendrites of granule cells, forming the cerebellar glomerulus. Golgi cells do not synapse on the
deep cerebellar nuclei.
Amore G, Spoto G, Ieni A, Vetri L, Quatrosi G, Di Rosa G, Nicotera AG. A Focus on the
Cerebellum: From Embryogenesis to an Age-Related Clinical Perspective. Front Syst Neurosci.
2021 Apr 9;15:646052. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.646052. PMID: 33897383; PMCID: PMC8062874.
Pubmed Web link:
Roostaei T, Nazeri A, Sahraian MA, Minagar A. The human cerebellum: a review of physiologic
neuroanatomy. Neurol Clin. 2014 Nov;32(4):859-69. doi: 10.1016/j.ncl.2014.07.013. Epub 2014
Oct 24. PMID: 25439284.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following structures contains the cell bodies of the deep petrosal nerve?
A. Superior cervical ganglion
B. Superior salivatory nucleus
C. Pterygopalatine ganglion
D. Solitary nucleus
E. Geniculate ganglion
Superior cervical ganglion
The deep petrosal nerve carries postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers that originate in the
intermediate gray horn of the spinal cord near T1, travel through the sympathetic chain, and then
synapse in the superior cervical ganglion. Following synapse, the nerve fibers then travel in the
carotid plexus and form the deep petrosal nerve, which carries sympathetic innervation to the
blood vessels and secretomotor elements of the lacrimal gland, nasal region, and oral cavity. In the
foramen lacerum, the deep petrosal nerve joins with the greater petrosal nerve to form the vidian
nerve, which carries parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers through the pterygoid canal to the
pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion.
Clinical functional anatomy of the pterygopalatine ganglion, cephalgia, and related dysautonomias:
A review. Surg Neurol Int. 2013. Nov 20;4(Suppl6):S422-8.
Pubmed Web link:
Goosmann MM, Dalvin M. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Deep Petrosal Nerve. StatPearls [Internet].
2021. Aug 11
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following structures is a part of the Papez circuit?
A. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
B. Caudate nucleus
C. Mammillothalamic tract
D. Lentiform nucleus
E. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
Mammillothalamic tract
The Papez circuit encompasses a series of connections between components of the limbic system
and contributes to multiple functions including behavioral and emotional expressions, memory, and
spatial learning. The traditional Papez circuit includes the cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal
gyrus, hippocampus, mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus, and anterior nucleus of the
thalamus. White matter tracts within the Papez circuit include the cingulum, fornix, and
mammillothalamic tract. Information travels from the cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus
and hippocampus via the cingulum. The primary outflow tract of the hippocampus, the fornix,
travels to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. The mammillothalamic tract connects the
mammillary bodies to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, with thalamo-cortical projections
thereby completing a reciprocal information pathway back to the cingulate gyrus.
The remaining question responses do not belong to the limbic system or Papez circuit. The
superior longitudinal fasciculus represents a large group of association fibers spanning the frontal,
parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. The inferior longitudinal fasciculus represents a smaller
group of association fibers providing connections between the temporal and occipital lobes. The
caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus (composed of the putamen and globus pallidus) represent
components of the basal ganglia, contributing to motor function.
Escobar I, Xu J, Jackson CW, Perez-Pinzon MA. Altered Neural Networks in the Papez Circuit:
Implications for Cognitive Dysfunction after Cerebral Ischemia. J Alzheimers Dis.
2019;67(2):425-446. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180875. PMID: 30584147; PMCID: PMC6398564.
Pubmed Web link:
Bubb EJ, Kinnavane L, Aggleton JP. Hippocampal - diencephalic - cingulate networks for memory
and emotion: An anatomical guide. Brain Neurosci Adv. 2017 Aug 4;1(1):2398212817723443. doi:
10.1177/2398212817723443. PMID: 28944298; PMCID: PMC5608081.
Pubmed Web link:
Principles of Neural Science. E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, and T.M. Jessell (Eds.), McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000
The pterygopalatine fossa contains which of the following nerves?
A. Ophthalmic nerve, zygomatic nerve, facial nerve branches, vidian nerve
B. Vidian nerve, mandibular nerve (V3), infraorbital nerve
C. Optic nerve, sphenopalatine ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion
D. maxillary nerve (V2), the greater palatine nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, and sphenopalatine nerve
E. Greater petrosal nerve, vidian nerve, facial nerve branches, lesser palatine nerve
maxillary nerve (V2), the greater palatine nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, and
sphenopalatine nerve
The pterygopalatine fossa, not to be confused with the pterygoid fossa, is an “inverted pyramidal
valley” bordered superiorly and posteriorly by the pterygoid process, anteriorly by the infratemporal
maxillary wall, medially by the palatine bone, and laterally by the pterygomaxillary fossa, inferiorly
by the pyramidal process of the palatine bone. It contains the foramen rotundum. The maxillary
artery terminates in the fossa and has multiple terminal arterial branches. The pterygopalatine
fossa contains the maxillary nerve (V2), the greater palatine nerve, the pterygopalatine ganglion,
and sphenopalatine nerve. It is viewed as a sort of nexus of spaces, with communication with
structures of the orbit, nasal cavity, and infratemporal fossa. It is a natural conduit for the spread of
infections and tumors and can account for the local spread of pathological processes between the
eye, nasopharynx, and sometimes intracranially with ease and seeming little bony involvement.
The vidian nerve does enter the pterygopalatine canal. The mandibular nerve travels via the
foramen ovale and is not associated with the pterygopalatine fossa. The ophthalmic nerve (V1)
enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure. The zygomatic nerve is a branch of V2 but enters
via the inferior orbital fissure into the orbit. The optic nerve enters the orbit via the optic canal. The
sphenopalatine ganglion is a synonym for the pterygopalatine ganglion.
Hitotsumatsu T, Rhoton AL Jr. Unilateral upper and lower subtotal maxillectomy approaches to the
skull base: Macrosurgical anatomy. Neurosurgery. 2000;46:1416-53.
Pubmed Web link:
Rhoton AL, Apuzzo MLJ, eds. Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches. 1st ed. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2003
Which of the following innervates the dura in the middle cranial fossa?
A. Nervus spinosus
B. Posterior ethmoidal nerve
C. Nervus tentorii of Arnold
D. Anterior ethmoidal nerve
E. Superior cervical ganglion
Nervus spinosus
The nervus spinosus, a branch of the mandibular division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve, arises just
below the foramen ovale and enters the cranial cavity through the foramen spinosum along the
middle meningeal artery and innervates the dura mater in the middle cranial fossa and along the
lateral convexity. The ophthalmic division (V1) of the trigeminal nerve gives off the anterior and
posterior ethmoidal nerves to innervate the anterior cranial fossa, which follow the branches of the
middle meningeal artery. The nervus meningeus, a branch of the maxillary division (V2) of the
trigeminal nerve, innervates the dura in the parietal area of the middle cranial fossa. The nervus
tentorii of Arnold, which is a recurrent branch of V1, innervates the tentorium cerebelli and the dura
of the parietooccipital region, posterior falx cerebri, and superior sagittal and transverse sinuses.
The innervation of the cranial dura mater: neurosurgical case correlates and a review of the
literature. World Neurosurg. 2012. Nov;78(5):505-510.
Pubmed Web link:
Innervation of the cerebral dura mater. Neuroradiol J. 2014. June;27(3):293-298.
Pubmed Web link:
The arcuate eminence serves as an important landmark during extradural anterior petrosectomy. It
indicates the location of which of the following structures?
A. Internal auditory canal
B. Jugular bulb
C. petrous carotid artery
D. superior vestibular nerve
E. superior semicircular canal
superior semicircular canal
The correct answer is superior semicircular canal. While not 100% accurate in all cases, the
arcuate eminence overlies the superior semicircular canal. It represents the superior semicircular
canal’s location in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It is also useful as a landmark as the
posterior portion of Kawase’s triangle, formed by the petrous edge of the temporal bone medially,
and bordered by Meckel’s cave anteriorly, the GSPN laterally and the arcuate eminence
posteriorly. It also is useful chiefly for localizing the IAC in drilling the petrous apex. By drawing a
line following the GSPN and the AE and bisecting the angle, one may identify roughly the IAC’s
location (Garcia-Ibañez Technique).
The jugular bulb is situated deep to the facial nerve in the temporal bone. The superior vestibular
nerve is located posterior to the facial nerve and is divided by the superior crest in the IAC. The
petrous portion of the carotid is deep to this and is transmitted via the foramen lacerum.
Faure A, Masse H, Gayet-Delacroix M, Khalfallah M, Bordure P, Hamel O, Raoul S, Leborgne J,
Robert R. What is the arcuate eminence? Surg Radiol Anat. 2003 May;25(2):99-104. doi:
10.1007/s00276-003-0102-5. Epub 2003 Jun 11. PMID: 12802509.
Pubmed Web link:
Ossama Al-Mefty, M.D., John L. Fox, Sr., M.D., Robert R. Smith, M.D., Petrosal Approach for
Petroclival Meningiomas, Neurosurgery, Volume 22, Issue 3, March 1988, Pages 510–517,
Pubmed Web link:
Cohen-Gadol, A. “Anterior Petrosectomy” The Neurosurgical Atlas Apr. 25 2021.
Pubmed Web link:
The output of the cerebellar cortex modulates the deep cerebellar nuclei through the axons of
which of the following cells?
A. Basket cells
B. Golgi cells
C. Stellate cells
D. Purkinje cells
E. Granule cells
Purkinje cells
The Purkinje cells represent the only output of the cerebellar cortex and project to the deep
cerebellar nuclei (the dentate, emboliform, globose, and fastigial nuclei) and vestibular nuclei. The
Purkinje cells are GABAergic and exert inhibitory activity on the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Granule cells are glutamatergic, excitatory cells located in the granular layer of the cerebellar
cortex; their axons ascend as parallel fibers to the molecular layer where they form synapses with
Purkinje cell dendrites. Golgi cells are also located in the granular layer and are inhibitory
interneurons. Golgi cell axons, granule cell dendrites, and a mossy fiber rosette form a structure
called a glomerulus.
The molecular layer is the most superficial layer of the cerebellar cortex and consists of Purkinje
cell dendrites, parallel fibers (formed by granule cell axons), and inhibitory basket cells and stellate
cells. Basket cells form synapses on Purkinje cell bodies, while stellate cells form synapses on
Purkinje cell dendrites.
Takahashi M, Shinoda Y. Neural Circuits of Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellar Cortex and
Nuclei. Neuroscience. 2021 May 10;462:70-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.07.051. Epub
2020 Aug 6.
Pubmed Web link:
Hirano T. Purkinje Neurons: Development, Morphology, and Function. Cerebellum. 2018
Dec;17(6):699-700. doi: 10.1007/s12311-018-0985-7.
Pubmed Web link:
Roostaei T, Nazeri A, Sahraian MA, Minagar A. The human cerebellum: a review of physiologic
neuroanatomy. Neurol Clin. 2014 Nov;32(4):859-69. doi: 10.1016/j.ncl.2014.07.013. Epub 2014
Oct 24.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following cell types in the cerebellum is excitatory?
A. Granule cell
B. Basket Cell
C. Purkinje Cell
D. Golgi Cell
E. Stellate Cell
Granule cell
The granule cell is the major excitatory cell of the cerebellum. Its excitatory axons form the parallel
fibers that synapse on the dendrites of the Purkinje cells.
Purkinje cells are inhibitory cells that sends axons that synapse on the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Stellate and Basket cells are inhibitory interneurons that reside in the molecular layer of the
cerebellar cortex.
Golgi cells are inhibitory interneurons that reside in the granule cell layer. Their dendrites, together
with the dendrites of granule cells, synapse with the axons of the mossy fibers to form the
cerebellar “glomerulus.”
Amore G, Spoto G, Ieni A, Vetri L, Quatrosi G, Di Rosa G, Nicotera AG. A Focus on the
Cerebellum: From Embryogenesis to an Age-Related Clinical Perspective. Front Syst Neurosci.
2021 Apr 9;15:646052. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.646052. PMID: 33897383; PMCID: PMC8062874.
Pubmed Web link:
Roostaei T, Nazeri A, Sahraian MA, Minagar A. The human cerebellum: a review of physiologic
neuroanatomy. Neurol Clin. 2014 Nov;32(4):859-69. doi: 10.1016/j.ncl.2014.07.013. Epub 2014
Oct 24. PMID: 25439284.
Pubmed Web link:
Which of the following cortical regions is the location of Broca’s area?
A. Inferior Temporal Gyrus
B. Inferior Frontal Gyrus
C. Inferior Parietal Lobule
D. Superior Frontal Gyrus
E. Superior Temporal Gyrus
Inferior Frontal Gyrus
The primary functions of Broca’s area are both language production and comprehension. Broca’s
area is in the posterior inferior frontal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere, more specifically the pars
opercularis (Brodmann area 44) and pars triangularis (Brodmann area 45). Broca’s area is usually
in the dominant cerebral hemisphere; however, regardless of handedness, Broca’s area is still
found on the left side the majority of the time. Insults or injury to Broca’s area may lead to
expressive aphasia, which is non-fluent aphasia characterized by partially losing the ability to
produce spoken and written language.
Keller SS, Crow T, Foundas A, Amunts K, Roberts N. Broca’s area: nomenclature, anatomy,
typology and asymmetry. Brain Lang. 2009 Apr;109(1):29-48. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2008.11.005.
Epub 2009 Jan 19. PMID: 19155059
Pubmed Web link:
Hagoort P. Nodes and networks in the neural architecture for language: Broca’s region and
beyond. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2014 Oct;28:136-41. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.07.013. Epub 2014
Jul 23. PMID: 25062474.
Pubmed Web link:
Principles of Neural Science. E.R. Kandel, J.H. Schwartz, and T.M. Jessell (Eds.), McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000.
Which of the following cells give rise to spinothalamic sensory fibers?
A. Sensory cells bodies in the skin, muscles, and connective tissue
B. The dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
C. The cuneatus and gracile fasciculi
D. The anterior commissure
E. The dorsal horn of the spinal cord, laminae I and V
The dorsal horn of the spinal cord, laminae I and V
Unlike other tracts, the spinothalamic tract (SpTh) has cell bodies that originate in the gray matter
of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. These cells cross (decussate) over quickly in the spinal cord
itself, through the anterior commissure, usually at the same spinal level. They then ascend in the
anterolateral white matter (anterior spinothalamic tract) and then synapse in the VPL of the
The SpTh conveys pain (nociceptive), temperature and deep pressure. There are both
unmyelinated and small myelinated fibers that bring the information in from the periphery and then
synapse in the I and V laminae. These cells in the gray matter of the cord are the true origin of this
The dorsal root ganglion does have cell bodies that receive input information that is conveyed via
the SpTh, but it does not contain the cells of origin. They contain the first-order neurons of the
tract that convey nociceptive information.
There are other cell bodies in the DRG that project into the gracile and cuneate fasciculi of the
dorsal columns without synapsing in the spinal cord. However, for reflex arcs, they can and do
synapse onto lower motor neurons in the anterior horn and also to the neurons that in turn project
into the dorsal spinocerebellar tract.
Felten DL, Jozefowicz RF. Netter’s Atlas of Human Neuroscience. pp 214, 218-219, 2003
Carpenter MB. Core Textbook of Neuroanatomy, 4th Ed. Ch 4: Tracts of the Spinal Cord, pp86-7,
In a patient who has disturbed station, head rotation, and nystagmus, which of the following areas
of the cerebellum is most likely to be damaged?
A. Paravermal region of the cerebellum
B. Cerebellar Hemisphere
C. Vermis
D. Superior cerebellar peduncle
E. Dentate Nucleus
Stance and gait abnormalities reflect disease of the midline zone of the cerebellum, which consists
of the anterior and posterior parts of the vermis, the fastigial nucleus, and its associated input and
output projections. Patients have a broad-based stance with truncal instability during walking,
causing falls to either side. The steps are irregular, and the feet may be lifted too high. Gait ataxia
without limb impairment, occurring most commonly with alcohol damage and nutritional deficiency,
indicates damage to the anterior superior vermis.
The vermis also is concerned with position of the head relative to the trunk, as well as control of
extraocular movements. Thus, patients with vermian injury may have rotated postures of the head
and disturbances of eye movements such as nystagmus.
The paravermal region of the cerebellum and the interposed nuclei control velocity and force and
the pattern of muscle activity.
The cerebellar hemispheres and dentate nucleus control planning of movement with the cerebral
cortex; thus, lesions here result in abnormalities of skilled voluntary movements.
Paymaan Jafar-Nejad, Stephen M. Maricich, Huda Y. Zoghbi, 91 - The Cerebellum and the
Hereditary Ataxias, Editor(s): Kenneth F. Swaiman, Stephen Ashwal, Donna M. Ferriero, Nina F.
Schor, Richard S. Finkel, Andrea L. Gropman, Phillip L. Pearl, Michael I. Shevell, Swaiman’s
Pediatric Neurology (Sixth Edition), Elsevier, 2017, Pages 689-700, ISBN 9780323371018,
Pubmed Web link:
Walker HK. The Cerebellum. In: Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW, editors. Clinical Methods: The
History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition. Boston: Butterworths; 1990. Chapter
Pubmed Web link:
Bodranghien F, Bastian A, Casali C, Hallett M, Louis ED, Manto M, Mariën P, Nowak DA,
Schmahmann JD, Serrao M, Steiner KM, Strupp M, Tilikete C, Timmann D, van Dun K. Consensus
Paper: Revisiting the Symptoms and Signs of Cerebellar Syndrome. Cerebellum. 2016
Jun;15(3):369-91. doi: 10.1007/s12311-015-0687-3. PMID: 26105056; PMCID: PMC5565264
Ataullah AHM, Naqvi IA. Cerebellar Dysfunction. 2021 Aug 30. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure
Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan–. PMID: 32965988.
Which of the following is predominantly involved in the planning of motor movements?
A. Prefrontal cortex
B. Anterior thalamic nuclei
C. Cerebellum
D. Supplementary motor cortex
E. Primary motor cortex
Supplementary motor cortex
The supplementary motor cortex is thought to be involved in planning of motor movements. The
primary motor cortex contains neurons projecting through the corticospinal tract involved directly in
the action of movements. The cerebellum involves relays which may refine and coordinate limb
movements and tone. Anterior thalamic nuclei are association nuclei part of the limbic and memory
circuitry. The prefrontal cortex may have many functions in higher level cognitive function and
personality, but not directly in motor movement.
Kandel ER, Schwartz JH. Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000:
Donoghue JP, Sanes JN. Motor areas of the cerebral cortex. Journal of clinical neurophysiology:
official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. 1994 Jul 1;11(4):382-96.
Tanji J, Shima K. Role for supplementary motor area cells in planning several movements ahead.
Nature. 1994 Sep;371(6496):413-6.
Axons in the superior cerebellar peduncle project to which of the following structures?
A. Vestibular nuclei
B. Inferior olivary nucleus
C. Dentate nucleus
D. Primary sensory cortex
E. Ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus
Ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus
The superior cerebellar peduncle is the primary efferent pathway of the cerebellum. The efferent
fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle arise from the deep cerebellar nuclei, decussate in the
tegmentum of the midbrain (at the level of the inferior colliculus), and project to the red nucleus
and thalamus. Some fibers terminate in the red nucleus itself, while most pass through and around
the red nucleus, ultimately terminating in the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus. Cells in the
ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus then project to the primary motor cortex and premotor
Other cerebellar efferents project via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the vestibular nuclei. The
inferior cerebellar peduncle also includes afferent fibers from the nucleus dorsalis and the inferior
olivary nucleus.
The primary sensory cortex is not involved in cerebellar circuitry; rather, the superior cerebellar
peduncle terminates in the thalamus, where cells project to the primary motor cortex.
The dentate nucleus is one of the deep cerebellar nuclei from which the superior cerebellar
peduncle arises References:
Takahashi M, Shinoda Y. Neural Circuits of Inputs and Outputs of the Cerebellar Cortex and
Nuclei. Neuroscience. 2021 May 10;462:70-88. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.07.051. Epub
2020 Aug 6.
Pubmed Web link:
Hirano T. Purkinje Neurons: Development, Morphology, and Function. Cerebellum. 2018
Dec;17(6):699-700. doi: 10.1007/s12311-018-0985-7.
Pubmed Web link:
The dendritic arborization of the Purkinje cell is located predominantly in the: (choose one)
A. Purkinje layer
B. Vestibular nuclei
C. Granular layer
D. Molecular layer
E. White matter
Molecular layer
The outermost molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex contains the flattened dendritic
arborizations of the Purkinje cells as well parallel fibers, stellate and basket cells. Second from the
outer layer is the Purkinje layer formed by a single row of large Purkinje cells and Bergman glia.
Granular layer, which is the third layer from the top, contains tightly packed granule cells and Golgi
type II cells. White matter is below the granular layer. Vestibular nuclei are located in the medulla
Louis ED, Lee M, Babij R, Ma K, Cortés E, Vonsattel JP, Faust PL. Reduced Purkinje cell dendritic
arborization and loss of dendritic spines in essential tremor. Brain. 2014 Dec;137(Pt 12):3142-8.
doi: 10.1093/brain/awu314. Epub 2014 Nov 2. PMID: 25367027; PMCID: PMC4240305.
Pubmed Web link:
Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, John H. Martin. The McGraw-Hill Companies – 2012. Chapter 13 –
The Cerebellum. Refer to figure: 13-14.
The cuneus is separated from the lingual gyrus by which of the following sulci?
A. Marginal limb of the cingulate sulcus
B. Parieto-occipital sulcus
C. Calcarine sulcus
D. Collateral sulcus
E. Occipitotemporal sulcus
Calcarine sulcus
The calcarine sulcus separates the cuneus from the lingual gyrus. The upper and lower banks of
calcarine sulcus house the primary visual cortex. Each primary visual cortex receives visual
information from the contralateral half of the brain.
The parieto-occipital sulcus lies between the cuneus and the precuneate gyrus. The marginal
branch/limb of the cingulate sulcus divides the precuneus from the paracentral lobule. The
occipitotemporal sulcus separates the inferior temporal gyrus from the occipitotemporal (fusiform)
gyrus. The collateral sulcus divides the parahippocampal gyrus from the fusiform gyrus.
Campero et al. Brain Sulci and gyri: a practical anatomical review. J. Clin Neurosci 2014
Pubmed Web link:
The Cerebrum. Anatomy. Rhoton Jr. A. Neurosurgery 2007 61: 37-118
Pubmed Web link: