Anatomy Flashcards
conical, hollow muscular organ
Formed of the Lt ventricle & directed downward forward to the left.
apex of the heart
lies in the 5th intercostal space, 9.5 cm from the midsternal line.
apex of the heart
Formed of both atria & directed backward
base of the heart
forming the posterior aspect of the heart.
Receives the pulmonary veins and the superior and inferior venae cava
The base of the heart
borders of the heart
Upper border formed of the
2 atria
borders of the heart
Lower border formed of the
2 ventricles.
receives the openings of SVC, IVC & Coronary sinus ?
The right atrium
receiving the openings of 4 pulmonary veins?
The left atrial wall
right & left ventricles
receives the blood from the corresponding atrium
Rough inflowing part,
formed of irregular muscular trabeculae
them form the papillary muscles
The right & left ventricles:
Rough inflowing part,
pushes the blood to the following big
right & left ventricles
Smooth outflowing part,
Smooth outflowing part,
It is called the …… in RT ventricle & the ….. in LT ventricle.
each is guarded by cusps attached to papillary muscles by chordae tendinae.
Atrio-ventricular valves (AV)
is formed of 3 semilunar cusps that guard the beginning of the big arteries (aorta & pulmonary).
Semilunar valves:
branch runs in the ( posterior interventricular groove) + posterior interventricular A
Right coronary artery
divides into two branches,
the anterior interventricular branch
and the circumflex branch
left coronary artery (LCA)
heart is drained mainly by veins that empty into
coronary sinus and partly by small veins
coronary sinus and partly by small veins
empty into the right atrium
wide venous channel that runs from left to right in the posterior part of the coronary sulcus
The coronary sinus
The tributaries of the coronary sinus are:
1-great cardiac vein,
2-middle cardiac vein,
3-small cardiac veins,
4-left posterior ventricular vein
5-left marginal vein
pacemaker of the heart located at the junction of the SVC and right Atrium
The sinoatrial (SA) node
located in the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus
The atrioventricular (AV) node
only bridge
between the atrial and ventricular
The AV bundle (HIS bundle)
large tubular vascular spaces lined with phagocytes
By Sinusoids
direct shunt between arterioles & venules without capillaries
By direct Arterio -Venous Shunt
minute vascular connections present in all body organs and connect the small arterioles to the small venules.
on the neck below the jaw and lateral to the larynx/trachea
Carotid artery pulse
on the anterior aspect of the elbow .
is commonly used to measure blood pressure
Brachial artery pulse
The radial pulse is palpated immediately above the wrist joint near the base of the thumb
Radial artery pulse
is palpated over the ventral thigh between the pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine
Femoral pulse
posterior aspect of knee in the popliteal fossa with the middle and index fingers
Popliteal pulse –
posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus
Posterior tibial pulse
palpated in the groove between the first and second toes on the dorsum of the foot
Dorsalis pedis pulse