anatomical directions Flashcards
What is meant by Anatomy?
The study of internal and external
structures of the body, and the
physical relationship among body
What is meant by physiology?
The study of the functions and
activities of structures of the body and of
the physical and chemical changes
name two divisions of anatomy?
microscopic and macroscopic
microsocpoic anatomy includes?
cytology and histology
macroscopic anatomy includes
regional system and surface
region anatomy means?
how different body structures work together in a particular region of the human body.
system means
the anatomy of a body system
what is meant by surface anatomy?
the study of anatomical landmarks that can be indentified by observing the surface of the body.
what is cytology mean?
study of cells
what is cytopathology
how cells are affected by diease
What is Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC), and how is it sometimes guided?
FNAC uses a fine needle to extract cells. It is guided by ultrasound.
what is histology and what does it provide information about?
study of architecture tissues and provides information about the tissues than cytology
what technqiue does histology use?
ultrasound guided biospsy
benefits of ultrasound guided biospy (3)
larger quanties obtained, bigger needle than fnac, reliable diagnosis.
what does pathology mean?
study of diagnoses of dieases
what does pathogensis mean
specific causes of dieases at a cell or tissue level
what does pathphysiology mean
the study of how abnomalities of diease affect physiology
Why use anatomical terms? (3)
Allow us to describe the anatomy of an organism, organ or other structure,easy to understand,avoid confusion
what is the correct anatomical postion
Standing upright
* Facing forward
* Arms straight
* Palms facing forward
* Feet together and parallel
* Toes pointing forward
what do directional terms provide?
descriptions of structures location
Anterior (or Ventral)
Toward the front
Superior (or Cranial)
Toward the head end of
the body; upper
Inferior (or Caudal)
Away from the head;
Toward the midline
Away from the midline
Toward or nearest the trunk,
or the point of origin of a part
Away from or farthest from the
trunk, or the point or origin of
a part
a position farther from the surface of the
a position closer to the surface of the
On the same side of the body
On the opposite side of the body
tilted flat
Frontal plane
Divides the body (or an organ) into
anterior (front) and posterior (rear) (also
called coronal plane)
Sagittal plane
Divides the body (or an organ)
vertically into right and left sides
Transverse (horizontal) plane
Divides the body (or an organ)
horizontally into upper and lower
Moving something away from the center of your body.
Moving something back toward the center of your body.
Bending a joint to make the angle between two parts smaller.
Straightening a joint to make the angle between two parts bigger. For example, straightening your arm or leg.
Medial rotation
Turning a body part toward the middle of your body.
Lateral rotation
Turning a body part away from the middle of your body.
what are body cavtites main thing they do? (3)
Contain and protect
delicate internal
* Separate organs and
* Hold organs in the
correct locations, even
during high impact
Axillary -
Brachial -
Carpal -
Cervical -
Coxal -
Crural -
Femoral -
Gluteal -
Inguinal -
Lumbar -
Mammary -
digital/phalanges -
Oral -
Otic -
Palmar -
Patellar -
Pelvic -
Popliteal -
Sacral -
Sternal -
Tarsal -
Thoracic -
Umbilical -
Vertebral -
- Armpit
- Upper arm
- Wrist
- Neck
- Hip
- Leg (shin)
- Thigh
- Buttock
Inguinal - Groin - Lower back
- Breast
- fingers
- Mouth
- Ear
- Palm of the hand
- Knee
Lower abdomen (around hips) - Lower back, above the tailbone
- Breastbone
- Ankle
- Chest
- Belly button (navel)
- Spine (back)
how many bones in human body ?
how many does the axial skeleton have?
80 bones
how much does the appendicular skeleton have?
126 bones