ANAT Flashcards
Fibrous material join…
bone ends together
The amount of movement available depends on…
the length of the fibres
Examples of fibrous joints…
sutures (immovable)- between bones of skull
syndesmosis (sl. moveable)- between radius and ulna
Glenoid labrum is…
fibrous structure around the glenoid fossa
Functions of the glenoid labrum…
- facilitate mobility
- increase glenoid cavity
- provide attachment for joint capsule, ligaments, muscles
What are the joints of the wrist complex and where are the located?
- radiocarpal- between scaphoid, lunate, and triquetral and distal surface of radius + inferior radioulnar joint disc
- midcarpal- between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones
Radiocarpal joint classification and movements…
- synovial, biaxial, ellipsoid
- flexion/extension, adduction/abduction
Attachment to the skeleton of a skeletal muscles organ…
- must cross a joint
- proximal attachment called the origin
- distal attachment called the insertion
Action of muscles occurs when…
muscles contracts and shortens
The muscles ‘belly’ contains…
contractile cells
Pronator quadratus I and O…
O- distal 1/4 anterior ulna
I- distal 1/4 anterior radius
Palmar aponeurosis function…
- binds skin of the palm
- improves grip
Femoral nerve motor and sensory…
M- iliacus, pectineus, sartorius, quadriceps group
S- skin of anterior and medial thigh, knee and hip joints
Obturator nerve motor and sensory…
M- pectineus, adductor brevis, longus and half of magnus, obt ext, gracilis
S- skin of medial thigh
Sciatic nerve motor and sensory…
M- hamstrings and half of adductor magnus
S- none
Tibial nerve motor and sensory…
M- gastrocs, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, TP, FHL, FDL, biceps femoris long head
S- knee and ankle joints
Common peroneal nerve motor and sensory…
M- None directly
S- knee joint, skin of ant. post. and lat upper leg (adj. to knee)