Anaphylaxis Flashcards
- potentially life-threatening systemic allergic reaction
involving one or more organ systems that typically occurs within seconds to minutes of exposure to the
anaphylactic trigger
+ drug, food, or hymenoptera sting
+ radiocontrast administration or latex exposure
80-90% of anaphylactic episodes are ____, 10—20% of cases are ____
- uniphasic
- biphasic
may be experienced as a “lump” in the throat with hoarseness, or stridor
Laryngeal edema
feeling of tightness in the chest and/or
audible wheezing is one of the manifestations also of anaphylaxis
Bronchial obstruction
- most common presentations of anaphylaxis (>90% of cases)
- Symptoms include urticarial eruptions, flushing with diffuse erythema, and/or a feeling of generalized warmth
Cutaneous manifestations
Gastrointestinal manifestations
represent another severe presentation of anaphylaxis, and include nausea, vomiting, crampy
abdominal pain, and/or fecal incontinence
- Preexisting Asthma
- underlying cardiovascular disease
- Atopy
- Hymenoptera allergy
- environmental allergies
- Drugs
- amblyomma americanum ticks
Triggers Anaphyalxis
- insects venom
- latex
- drugs
- contrast media
- peaks 60—90 min after the onset of anaphylaxis
- An elevated may warrant further workup for mastocytosis, esp. if the presenting reaction occurred in the setting of
hymenoptera sting
serum tryptase
Tx for Anaphylaxis
- treatment of first choice intramuscular
administration - can further accelerate empty heart syndrome
due to its chronotropic effects
+ patients should be in supine position before receiving
Results of Epinephrine that provides both alpha and beta-adrenergic effects
- vasoconstriction,
- bronchial
smooth-muscle relaxation, - attenuation of enhanced venular permeability
may attenuate this response; therefore, an alternative anti-hypertensive may be considered in patients at high risk of needing emergency epinephrine
Beta blockers
Mechanical Tx Anaphylaxis
- Oxygen alone via a nasal catheter or with nebulized albuterol
- endotracheal intubation or a tracheostomy is mandatory for
oxygen delivery if progressive hypoxia develops
are also useful therapeutics to treat
urticaria/angioedema and bronchospasm once the patient is
hemodynamically stable
Ancillary agents such as antihistamines, glucocorticoids, and
Prevention of Anaphylaxis
- Avoidance
- Specific Immunotherapy
- Tolerance Induction
- Desensitization
- elicits a temporary state of tolerance to the drug in sensitized, clinically reactive
patients - works best for IgE-mediated reactions
- 80% of children with peanut allergy remain sensitive for life
- early introduction of peanut protein to the diet of high risk infants (4-11 months of age with atopic dermatitis and/or egg allergy) can prevent the development of most (80% or more)
peanut allergy compared with children who did not consume peanuts (avoidance group)- ”
(LEAP) study
Tolerance Induction
- “tolerizing” patients to allergen by means of serial subcutaneous administration of
escalating doses of extract containing relevant allergen until a target maintenance dose is achieved - In the case of hymenoptera allergy, patients receive venom immunotherapy VIT extracts containing actual hymenoptera venom with a maintenance dose equivalent to 2—5 stings.
- The recommended duration of treatment is 3—5 years