Analysis Questions Flashcards
What is thematic analysis?
“method for identifying, analysing and reporting patterns (themes) twithin data”
When is thematic analysis appropriate?
Detailed textual data
No strong theoretical perspective driving analysis
What are the steps to conducting a thematic analysis?
- Familiarise self with data
- Generate initial codes (= topic codes)
- Searching for themes (= analytical codes)
- Reviewing themes
- Defining and naming themes
- Producing the report
What is Phenomenology?
Study of the consciousness from a first-person perspective
“A study of people’s subjective and everyday experiences… from the ‘point of view’ or ‘perspective’ of the subject”
What is the focus of phenomenology?
Understanding the essence of a phenomenon
List some characteristics of phenomenology research
epoché: the state where all judgments about non-evident matters are suspended
- Bracketting
-Avoiding hierarchies of meaning
Phenomenological psychological reduction
-Consideration of the given from the viewpoint of engaged human consciousness
‘Phenomenological nod’
What is Interpretative phenomenological
Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is an approach to psychological qualitative research with an idiographic focus, which means that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given phenomenon.
Criticisms of conduct of IPA research?
Explanation or description?
- Limited to no ability to answer why and how
- Failure to recognise preconceptions
- Failure to recognise own role in interpretation
Define grounded theory research?
Grounded theory (GT) is a systematic methodology in the social sciences involving the construction of theory through methodic gathering and analysis of data.
The theory specifies the relationship between concepts in an organised manner and enables interpretation, explanation, and prediction
What does grounded theory research require?
Theoretical sensitivity
Theoretical sampling
Theoretical saturation
Grounded theory according to Strauss?
Reformulated’ grounded theory that
aims to develop and test theory and
provides specific techniques to
achieve this
Researcher is a co-constructor
Grounded theory according to Glaser
Classic’ grounded theory with focus on understanding the basic social psychological process underlying a phenomenon, and developing grounded hypotheses for testing in later research
Theory emerges from the data
What is the Constructionist approach to grounded theory? (Charmaz)
“Grounded theory must move on from its
positivist origins and incorporate many of the
methods and questions posed by
constructivists over the last twenty years to
become a more nuanced and reflexive
Data and theories are not ‘discovered’
Theories are constructed
What is Constant comparative method?
Method NOT methodology
Lite’ or ‘diet’ grounded theory
- A method not a methodology
- Use of theoretical sampling and grounded theory analysis techniques
- Applicable with smaller samples but is less likely to generate theory
What are the options for grounded theory research?
Classic (Glaserian) grounded theory
Reformulated (Straussian) grounded theory
Social constructionist (Charmazian) grounded theory
Constant comparative method (diet version)
Mix procedures