Analysis of Morphology, Taxonomy, Cladistics Flashcards
list of characters when assembled together would classify a species
evolutionary species
group belonging to a lineage that is evolving seperately from other lineages
biological species
a group of interbreeding populations that reproduce isolated from others
silbing species
one or two biological species that are nearly indistinguishable morphologically
an extinct species only identifed with fossil material
two individuals in same lineage that are seperated by time; could be classified as different species because enough time has passed
derived, distinctive character state (broad)
derived trait that is unique to one group
shared primitive character
shared derived character between common ancestor
all derived from recent common ancestor
come from different lineage but derived traits are similar than sister taxa
trait acquired independently in many species
all modern and extinct great apes, humans and their ancestors
humans and their ancestors
gibbons, great apes, humans and their ancestors
sample from which characters of population are inferred
ancestral to humans, infers bipedalism before brain increase
how species are named, system of naming them is nomenclature
extinct species of primate lived during miocene, candidate for common ancestor to great ape clade
archaeological site in Georgia where serveral hominid species have been discovered
chimpanezee origin
gorilla origin
distinguish between Linnean and Neo-Linnean taxonomy systems
Linnean taxonomy is syatem of hierarchal classification based on binomial identification, no recongizing change/evolution (Carl Linnaeus)
Neo-Linnean taxnomy is system where considers species as product of evolution and studies all populations, sub-species etc (Julian Huxley)
what are 3 verus 5 kingdoms of the two systems?
animal, vegetable, and mineral orignally then into animal, plant fungi, protist, and monera
what is difference between taxonomy and classification
Taxonomy describes relationship between items (hiearchical) while classification groups items together based on characters they have in common
why is more variation expected to be expected in a chronospecies than a biological species?
Chronospecies have a wide gap of time between them which means there could be a lot of variation between them since there is so much time for evolution to occur while biological species can reproduce with one another at the same time therefore creating gene flow and more similarities between the 2
what is the signficance of the Dmanisi site?
Dmanisi site provides a lot of hominid fossil records which has a lot anthropologists to decipher homo origins and trace the earliest Pleistocene homind migrations