Anaesthesia Equipment Flashcards
What is Anaesthesia and what are the 2 types ?
Anaesthesia is the loss of sensation.
Local (numbs certain areas of your body) and general (controlled unconsciousness)
What are the key functions of an aesthesia machine ?
Provide Oxygen and stable ventilation (if needed) to a patient.
Mix gases with anaesthetic gases.
Minimise anaesthesia related risk.
What subsystems are found in modern anaesthetic machines ?
High Pressure System (from cylinders to pressure reducing valves )
Intermediate Pressure System. (from pressure reducing valves to the flowmeters )
Low Pressure System (from flowmeters to common gas outlet )
What features may be present in a block diagram for an anaesthesia machine ?
Gas pipelines
Flowmeters for each gas
Hypoxia guards
A vaporiser to mix gases
A common manifold (plumbing)
Common Gas Outlet (CGO)
Scavenging Circuit (to reduce gas waste )
Breathing Circuit
Disposal Tubing
What gases may be used as the anaesthetic gas?
Nitrous Oxide
What is hypoxia and how is it prevented in some anaesthetic machines ?
Hypoxia is a condition where part of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply. Hypoxia guards are used to prevent this.
How do hypoxia guards function ?
Found in low pressure part of machine . Works by moving oxygen levels up proportionally when increasing anaesthetic and reducing anaesthetic levels proportionally when oxygen levels are reduced. This is usually done by a gear system which involves keeping a specific ratio (around 1:3 O2 : N20 )
What are the main gases used in an anaesthetic machine and what colour are the pipelines which carry them ?
Nitrous Oxide (or another anaesthetic ) –> BLUE
Oxygen – > WHITE
Air –> BLACK
What electrical components are used in an anaesthesia machine ?
Master Switch –> to turn on and off the electrical and pneumatic functions.
Power Failure Indicator (ALARM)
Reserve Power
Automated machine checks
Data communication
Electrical Outlets (for the monitors) + Circuit Breakers.
What safety features are present before the high pressure system ?
Gas cylinders as back ups to the pipeline gas.
Colour coding on the gas tubing.
Tubing contains Shrader probes and sockets which only fit the correct tubing. Means N2O cant connect to O2 port.
One way valves to ensure unidirectional flow.
What features are present in the high pressure system ?
Gas cylinders -> contain gas at high pressures and have thin steel walls to withstand this.
Yoke and bodok seals
Check valves (one way flow valves ) -> prevent leakage when changing cylinders and filling of empty cylinders.
Pressure regulator valves
What does a yoke and bodok seal do ?
The yoke supports the cylinder and provides an airtight seal. Contains a pin index to prevent the cylinder form being attached to the wrong inlet.
A bodok seal is a bonded disk seal which provide gas tight seals in place of grease.
What pressures do the regulator valves operate at ?
Entry pressure is around 4 bar( 400kPa) and exit pressure is around 1 bar. Greater than 525kPa sets of the safety valve on the regulator. The regulator functions using the F = P x A equation and balances force. Pressure is reduced by applying the large pressure to a small area which is equivalent to a large area with a smaller pressure.
What features are found in the intermediate system ?
Pipe inlet connections
Oxygen supply failure alarm
Oxygen flush valve
Oxygen failure safety device.
What features are found in the low pressure system ?
Flowmeters (for each gas )
Hypoxic guards
Common gas outlets