Anaerobic Infections Flashcards
Skin Infections
Result from 3 mechanisms:
- Primary infection of healthy tissue
- Primary infection of devitalized, traumatized tissue (wound infections)
- Infection secondary to systemic disease
Soft Tissue Infections
- Non-necrotizing infections of fascia and muscle
- Can involve subcutaneous CT, fascia and/or muscles
- Fasciitis ⇒ most cases are caused by β-hemolytic Strep
- Pyomyositis ⇒ usu. caused by S. aureus, occasionally Group A Strep
- Tissue necrosis is a prominent feature of progressive soft tissue infections
Intra-Abdominal Infections
Abscesses and Peritonitis
- Primary peritonitis rarely involves anaerobes
- Secondary peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess ⇒ involve bacteria found in the GI tract
Infections are usu. mixed ⇒ contains both non-anaerobes and anaerobes
- ~ 90% of infections involve anaerobes
- ~ 10-35% show anaerobes only
Intra-Abdominal Infections
- E. coli (dominant)
- Other Enterobacteriaceae, Strep, Enterococci, S. aureus and Pseudomonas
- Bacteroides fragilis group (dominant)
- Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium, Peptostreptococci
- Gram-⊕ non-spore forming rods
- Eubacterium, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Actinomyces
Infections of Bone
- Most commonly affect long bones and vertebrae
- Result from hematogenous or contiguous spread
Staph causes 50-60% of osteomyelitis
- Majority (90%) occurring in children
Neonates (1 month)
- Staph. aureus, group b Strep (S. epidermidis)
- E. Coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas
Older infants, children, adults
- Staph. aureus
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Sickle cell pts ⇒ often due to Strep. pneumoniae and non-typhoidal salmonella
- Other special settings favorable for osteomyelitis are cat or dog bites (pasteurella multocida), human bites, periodontal infections and cutaneous ulcers
Anaerobic Infections
Predominant bacteria primarily responsible for the clinical symptoms are anaerobic
- Are often mixed
- May contain a variety of aerobic types
- Excellent example of opportunism
Compromising factors strongly favor the establishment of anaerobic infection
- Trauma, surgery, immunosuppressive drugs, vascular insufficiency and diabetes
Tissue hypoxia due to lack of blood supply and/or presence of contaminating aerobes (utilize O2)
- Aids in creating conditions
- Contributes to the rapid development of anaerobic infections
Compromising factors strongly favor the establishment of anaerobic infection
Spore-Forming Anaerobes
- Organisms of medical importance all belong to the genus clostridium
- Clostridium tetani
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium perfringens
- Clostridium difficile
- All are obligate anaerobic, large gram-⊕ rods, saprophytic
- Usu. found in soil or air and intestinal tract of various animals
- Source of clostridium involved in anaerobic infections is usu. exogenous
- Can be endogenous
Clostridium perfringens
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
- Infection - mixed infections common
- Exogenous - infections of wound from soil, water, sewage etc.
- Endogenous - C. perfringens may be normal flora of GI tract and female genital tract
- Infections secondary to abdominal surgery or trauma
Clostridium perfringens
- Organisms grow in traumatized tissue, especially muscle
- Occurs in contaminated deep wounds / membranes
- Produce a variety of exotoxins
- Pain, edema and cellulitis occur in the wound area
- Crepitation due to gas in tissue
Manifestation include:
- Localized cellulitis ⇒ amputations
- Suppurative infections and abscesses ⇒ abdomen, gall bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes
- Severe necrotizing disease of the intestines
Gas gangrene/myonecrosis
- Most serious
- Characterized by rapidly progressive, extensive necrosis, gas, foul smell
- Fever, hemolysis, toxemia, jaundice
- Can lead to shock and death
Clostridium perfringens
Alpha toxin
Lecithinase is the primary exotoxin
- Hydrolyzes lecithin and sphingomyelin
- Disrupts cell and mitochondrial
Lecithinase is the primary exotoxin
Tissue degrading enzymes
- Collagenase
- Hyaluronidase
- DNase
Clostridium perfringens
Diagnosis and Treatment
- Culture, isolation, identification by biochemical tests
- Tissue debridement, PCN, hyperbaric oxygen
Clostridium tetani
Morphology and General Characteristics
- Slim, gram-⊕ rod, motile
Forms round terminal spores (drumstick shape)
- Spores remain viable in soil for many years
- Prevalent in manure treated soil
- Organism sometimes found in lower intestinal tract of man and animals
Clostridium tetani
Tetanospasmin neurotoxic exotoxin
- Causes spastic paralysis
- Encoded by plasmid
Zinc-endopeptidase specific for synaptobrevins of the neuro-exocytosis machinery
- Inhibits release of inhibitory neurotransmitters
Clostridium tetani
Pathogenesis and Clinical Considerations
- Spores introduced into wounds contaminated by soil or foreign bodies
- Incubation is 4 days to several weeks
- Area of low O2 tension allows spores to germinate
- Bacilli multiply locally
Tetanospasmin is produced
- Reaches CNS by retrograde axonal transport or via the bloodstream
- Blocks postsynaptic inhibition of spinal motor reflexes ⇒ spasmodic contractions, hyperreflexia and seizures
- Masseter muscles usu. first affected trismus (lockjaw)
- Untreated spasms can become generalized and extremely painful
Death results from respiratory failure when muscles affected
- Untreated, mortality ranges from 15-60%
- Highest seen in the elderly and infants
Neonatal Tetanus
- Results from contamination of umbilicus by unclean severing implement or bandages
- More common in developing countries
Clostridium tetani
Laboratory Diagnosis
Dx by clinical presentation and history of injury
- Rabies and strychnine poisoning are differential diagnoses
- Anaerobic culture on blood agar w/ material isolated from contaminated wounds may yield C. tetani
- Infection remains localized, disease is entirely a toxemia
- Treatment should never be withheld pending lab confirmation
Clostridium tetani
- No immunity to natural infection w/ tetanus
- Survivors do not demonstrate circulating antibody to the toxin
- Lethal dose < immunogenic dose
Clostridium tetani
Tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
- Pooled plasma containing tetanus anti-toxin
- Can neutralize the toxin but only before it binds nervous tissue
Surgical debridement to remove necrotic tissue
- Eliminates the environment essential for growth of the organism
- Metronidazole is the current drug of choice
- Historically penicillin was used as it does inhibit growth and production of toxin
- Recent work suggests it may enhance the activity of the toxin
Supportive therapy ⇒ for pts who develop symptoms
- Muscle relaxants
- Sedation
- Assisted ventilation
Clostridium tetani
Prevention and Control
- Tetanus is a preventable disease
Universal immunization w/ tetanus toxoid (DTap, Tdap)
- Initial series is 3 shots given during 1st year of life
- Booster shot before entry into school
- Additional boosters every 10 years
- Previously immunized w/ potentially dangerous wound w/o boost in past 10 yrs ⇒ tetanus toxoid
- Immunized w/ heavily contaminated wounds w/o boost in past 5 yrs ⇒ tetanus toxoid
- Unimmunized or incompletely immunized w/ serious wounds ⇒ anti-toxin (TIG) & tetanus toxoid
Non-Spore Forming Anaerobes
- Organisms belong to diverse variety of gram-⊖ and gram-⊕ rods and cocci
- Normally inhabit mucous membranes and less commonly skin
Genera of major clinical importance are:
- Bacteroides
- Prevotella
- Porphyromonas
- Fusobacterium
- Actinomyces
Non-Spore Forming Anaerobes
- Source of non-spore forming anaerobes involved in anaerobic infections is endogenous
- Little evidence of person to person spread or exogenous infection
Majority of infections of oral cavity and maxiofacial regions are basically anaerobic
- Actinomycosis
- Acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
- Root canal infections
- Periodontal diseases
- Severe dental caries
- Anaerobic, non-spore forming gram-⊖ rods
Most common cause of serious anaerobic infections
- Sepsis, peritonitis, and abscesses
B. fragilis is the most frequent pathogenic species
- Also predominant in the normal colonic and vaginal flora

Infections are endogenous and include intra-abdominal infections
- Peritonitis or local abscesses
- Metastatic abscesses may arise due to hematogenous spread to distant organs
- Lung abscesses due to aspiration of organisms
- Predisposing factors: surgery, trauma, chronic disease
- Contributes to infection: local tissue necrosis, impaired blood supply, growth of facultative anaerobes (E. coli) at the site
Virulence Factors
- Polysaccharide capsule ⇒ antiphagocytic, abscess promoting
- Endotoxin ⇒ less biologically active compared to classic endotoxin due to lack of lipid A
- Opportunists that produce indolent, slowly progressive diseases
- Heterogenous group of filamentous bacteria
- Superficially resemble fungi
- Grow as branching organisms
- Tend to fragment into bacteria-like pieces
- Most are free living, particularly in soil
- Many are part of the normal flora of the mouth or GI tract
- Several pathogenic species
- Actinomyces israelii most important medically
Morphology and General Characteristics
- Irregular staining gram ⊕, non-spore forming rods
- Grow in a branching filamentous pattern
- Facultative intracellular pathogens
- Facultative or obligate anaerobes

Chronic suppurative, destructive disease of connective tissues
- Formation of granulomas, pyogenic lesions, or abscess
- Infections are opportunistic
- Actinomyces found as nl flora of mouth and GI tract
- Gain access to CT usu. following trauma of mucosal or epithelial surfaces
- Spread via formation of interconnecting sinuses, granulomatous and pyogenic lesions

Clinical Subtypes
4 clinical forms of the diseases are recognized:
Cervicofacial actinomycosis ⇒ 30-60% of cases
- Usu. follows dental surgery or dental disease (poor oral hygiene)
- ± Bone involvement
Abdominal actinomycosis ⇒ 20-30% of cases
- Usu. follows rupture of appendix or cecum
- ± Involvement of various abdominal organs
Thoracic actinomycosis ⇒ 20-30% of cases
- May develop by extension from cervicofacial disease or by aspiration of sputum causing lung infection
- Pelvic actinomycosis ⇒ associated w/ intrauterine devices

- In vitro: branching filaments, fragment in 24 hrs into bacillary, short chains and coccobacillary forms, stain gram ⊕
In vivo: microcolonies formed in infections called sulfur granules
- When crushed, organisms appear as gram ⊕, bacillary and diphtheroid forms
- Presence of sulfur granules in sputum, pus from draining sinuses, or exudates is diagnostic
- Yellow color of granules d/t presence of large numbers of MΦ
- Actinomycotic infections are almost always mixed infections
- Material from sulfur granules
- Inoculated into thioglycollate broth or brain heart infusion blood agar
- Incubated anaerobically
- Growth is slow, may take up to 2 weeks

- Prolonged tx w/ PCN (or erythromycin as an alternative)
- Surgical excision and drainage often necessary
- Most species are resistant to metronidazole
- Tetracyclines have variable activity