An Timpeallacht Flashcards
pollution of the environment
truailliú na timpeallachta
refuse pollution
truailliú ó bhruscar
farm pollution
truailliú ó fheirmeacha
traffic pollution
truailliú ón trácht
chemical pollution
truailliú ceimiceach
nuclear pollution
truailliú eithneach
the atmosphere
an t-aerbhrat
energy sources
foinsí fuinnimh
natural resources
acmhainní nádúrtha
climate change
athrú aeráide
carbon footprints
rian carbóin
The Green Movement
An Ghluaiseacht Ghlas
global warming
téamh domhanda
fresh air
aer folláin
millte/ scriosta
crith talún
wave, waves
tonn, tonnta
problems that apply to the environment
fadhbanna a bhaineann leis an gcomhshaol
pollution of rivers and water
truailliú aibhneacha agus uisce
fuel shortage
ganntanas breosla
food shortage
ganntanas bia
destruction of the animals
díothú na n-ainmhithe
future of the world
todhchaí an domhain
hanging in the balance
idir dhá cheann na meá
the world getting wetter and warmer
an domhan ag éirí níos fliche agus níos teo
floods, drought, famines
tuilte, triomaigh, gortaí
the environment and climate change
An comhshaol agus athrú aeráide
people in developing countries
daoine i dtíortha i mbéal forbartha
ag streachailt/ ag fulaingt
ag fáil bháis
low life expectancy
ionchas saoil íseal
the environment and the individual person
an comhshaol agus an duine aonair
every person responsible for it
gach duine freagrach as
reduce, re-use, recycle
laghdú, athúsáid, athchúrsáil
fair trade
every little helps
bailíonn brobh beart
the environment in Ireland
An comhshaol in Éirinn
traffic problems
fadhbanna tráchta
rubbish problems
fadhbanna bruscair
problems with fuel supply
fadhbanna le soláthar breosla
animal habitats in danger
gnáthóga na n-ainmhithe i mbaol
the economy and the environment
An eacnamaíocht agus cúrsaí comhshaoil
people have less money
níos lú airgid ag daoine
people looking for cheaper food and clothes from far away countries
daoine ag lorg bia agus éadaí níos saoire ó thíortha i bhfad i gcéin
people aren’t buying fair-trade products because they are more expensive
níl daoine ag ceannach earraí cóirthrádála toisc go bhfuil siad níos daoire
solution of the problem
Réiteach na faidhbe
renewable fuel
breosla inathnuaite
muilte gaoithe
wave power
cumhacht na dtonnta
wind power
cumhacht na gaoithe
nuclear power
cumhacht núicléach
respect for the environment and others
meas ar an timpeallacht agus ar a chéile
water meters
méadair uisce
natural disasters
tubaistí nádúrtha