an Overview of WW2 Flashcards
When was war declared
WarwasdeclaredatthestartofSeptember1939whenHitlerhadinvaded Poland.
TheBattleoftheAtlantictookplacebetweensubmarines,warshipsand planes at sea. The Allies established a naval blockade of Germany as soon as war broke out and also sought to provide safe conduct across the Atlantic for merchant navy ships carrying supplies to England. This continued throughout the war.
InMay1940,theGermantacticsofBlitzkriegweresosuccessfulthatthe British forces in France were pushed back to the beaches of Dunkirk. The British had to evacuate their troops across the Channel; the British managed to save the core of their army to fight another day
InJune1940,Hitler’sBlitzkriegtacticsweresuccessfulinFranceandthe country was occupied by the Germans for the remainder of the war. Britain had lost one of her biggest allies.
InSeptember1940,theLuftwaffebeganattackingBritishindustrialcitiesby the air. London was their biggest target
InJune1941,theGermansinvadedtheUSSR.TheUSSRjoinedtheallies. The Germans soon found themselves fighting a fierce Russian resistance in extremely cold conditions that they were not used to.
October 1942. This is where the British troops, the ‘Desert Rats’, defeated the Nazis and then went on to push the enemy back through Sicily and then Italy. By the September of the following year, Italy had surrendered to the allies.
When did the germans surrender
TheGermanssurrenderedon8thMay1945,eightdaysafterHitlerhad committed suicide in his Berlin bunker. The war in Europe was over but the war with Japan still raged on.