Amphibians Flashcards
Approximately _______ species of living amphibians are known.
is a group of tetrapods that includes all modern amphibians
wormlike animals with poorly developed eyes
AMPHIBIANS traits (5)
- cold blooded made up of F,T,S,N,C
- amphibios
- born with gills, and while some outgrow (lungs)
- Anamniotes
- Naked moist skin with mucous glands
a long overlooked new species of fanged frog
limnonectes cassiopeia
Ichthyophidae (5)
- Asian tailed caecilians
- oviparous
- indirect development
- distinct primary annuli
- scales in posterior annuli
Formerly known as Discoglossidae
It is a large, heavy-bodied, highly aquatic frog found in the fast-moving waters of mountain streams on the Philippine islands of Busuanga and Palawan.
Barbourula busuangensis
Other characterizations are:
* dorsoventrally flattened body shape, dorsally placed nostrils and eyes, robust and muscular hindlimbs and forelimbs, and webbed digits on the forelimbs as well as the hind limbs.
Barbourula busuangensis
this frog’s coloration is dark, appearing dark green to black
Barbourula busuangensis
A very distinct character of members of this family is entirely adherent tongue along its lower jaw margin
Barbourula busuangensis
Toads with warty skin and an enlarge glands in the back of its head called ____________
paratoid gland
They tend to hop short to escape predators rather than long leaps like frogs.
Family Bufonidae
*Other characters shared within the family are the presence of the Bidder’s organ, absence of teeth, absence of posterior constrictor muscles, depressor mandibulae originating from squamosal, presence of inguinal fat bodies and highly ossified skull.
Family Bufonidae
- Forest frogs
- direct development
- largest family (31 members)
- Frogs with forked tongue belongs to this family.
Family Dicroglossidae
was previously placed under the family Ranidae
new family of frog in the Philippines with one member (invasive)
- Cryptic frogs or litter frogs
- nocturnal and walk instead of jump
Morphological characters that are exhibited by this Megophryidae family:
*absence of ________, presence of intervertebral cartilages with ossified centers, a paddle like tongue, arciferal pectoral girdle with long bony sternum, sacral diapophyses expanded anterior and posteriorly, absence of palatine but with palatal process in the area.
Family consists of narrow-mouthed frogs.
Morphological characters of members of this family exhibits fully exposed glottis in the buccal floor of larva, absence of cornified denticles in larva, nares are not perforated in larva, ventrally divided velum in larva and two to three palatal fold in adult individuals.
varied reproductive biology
- is the most widespread and one of the largest family of anurans which consist of true frogs.
usually medium to large in size, have smooth skin, and long legs with webbing between the toes.
closely related to the Family Ranidae but is differentiated by its webbed fingers and toes, large digital pads or disks on the tips of the fingers and being arboreal.
- large eyes with horizontal pupils.
- exhibit flashy coloration as a defense mechanism
- usage of foam nest for egg laying
the mating position of frogs and toads, in which the male clasps the female about the back.
The male grasps the female so that his ______ is positioned just above the female’s ____.
microhabitats used by ph amphibians (7)
- tree canopy and epiphytes
- vegetation by river
- forest floor
- leaf axils and tree holes
- stream bed/ pools
- river rocks/ boulders
- marsh/ ponds
as bio-indicators of habitat health
- restricted-range island endemics
- forest dependent and limited microhabitats
- tolerant & intolerant to disturbance & pollution