Amphibians Flashcards
What are modern (extant) amphibians known as?
What are the characteristic traits of the Lissamphibia?
- Permeable skin
- Wide diversity of body forms
- DIverse reproductive strategies
- Carnivory
- Diverse habitats, but no marine species.
What are the 3 orders of Lissamphibia?
- Urodeles (salamanders)
- Anurans (frogs and toads)
- Caecilians
What are the key features of lissamphibian skin?
- Soft epidermis with local horny (keratinous) regions
- Chromatophores
- Mucous glands
- Poison glands
- Fibrous connective tissue overlaying muscle
What two purposes to chromatophores serve?
- Camouflage
2. Warning
Why do amphibians only have rudimentary lungs in comparison to other tetrapods (i.e. lizards)?
- Permeable skin allows for cutaneous gas exchange, reducing the need for more complex lungs.
- Many amphibians have a low basal metabolic rate (BMR)
How does temperature impact amphibian gas exchange?
- At lower temperatures, the skin is the primary site of O2 and CO2 exchange
- At higher temperatures, the lungs become the dominant site of O2 exchange, but the skin becomes more important for CO2 exchange
How is the amphibian heart adapted for a life divided between aquatic and terrestrial habitats?
Cutaneous circuit- only one ventricle, this allows the blood vessels leading to the lungs to constrict when underwater. Gas exchange across the skin (and in some cases gills) then takes over.
What are the key adaptations of the amphibious eye?
- Ability to cope with the different refractive indices of air and water
- High sensitivity to movement, but low acuity
Which is the largest of the lissamphibia orders?
Anura (4800+ species)
Key features of Urodele skeletons
- Weak and reduced skull with large open orbits
- Short ribs and no rib-cage
- Weakly ossified wrists and ankles
- Long tail
Why is urodele locomotion inefficient.
- Sprawling gait- requires complex leg movements and leads to considerable undulation of the body.
- At high speeds the body begins to drag on the ground.
What are the purposes of male pheromone transfer in amphibian reproduction?
- Species recognition
2. Stimulate female endocrine response
How do the skeletons of modern Anurans differ from ancestral forms?
- Loss of vertebrae
- Loss of front toe
- Elongation of ilium and addition of urostyle.
- Elongation of hind legs and toes.
How is the power behind anurans’ jump provided?
Rapid extension of hind legs, via ‘zig-zag’ system with multiple joints.
Describe the structure of anuran adhesive toe-pads
Made up of flexible polygons, between which viscous mucus is secreted.
Anuran eardrums can detect sounds between which frequencies?
c. 50Hz - 8 kHz
What purposes do anuran songs serve?
- Mate-attraction
- Territorial marking
- Aggression and alarm signals
How does Anuran reproduction significantly differ from Urodele reproduction
Anurans almost all have external fertilization mechanisms.
What challenges are faced by very small anurans? (i.e. tree frogs)
- Risk of desiccation
2. Cannot afford to lay large egg batches.
What mechanisms of post-oviposition care do anurans emply?
- Storage of eggs on back or in dorsal pouch
2. Buccal or gastric brooding- swallow newly laid eggs.
Key features of Caecilians
- Small eyes covered with layer of skin.
- Retractible chemo-sensory tentacles.
- Skin grows in rings, bearing small scales used to grip walls of burrow.
- Short post-anal tail
- Smooth rounded head and thick skull for digging.
Key features of Caecilians
- Small eyes covered with layer of skin.
- Retractible chemo-sensory tentacles.
- Skin grows in rings, bearing small scales used to grip walls of burrow.
- Short post-anal tail
- Smooth rounded head and thick skull for digging.
How do caecilians burrow?
Concertina burrowing-
- Mid section bunches up (forming concertina), anchoring the caecilian in position.
- Front section becomes rigid via muscle contraction and is used to push through soil
- Front section forms new concertina, allowing rear to be pulled forwards.