Amphibians Flashcards
What are the three orders of amphibians?
What are the families of toads, poison frogs, tree frogs, and true frogs?
What are the families of true salamanders?
- Taxonomy:
- Class Amphibia
- Order Anura – Frogs and toads
- Bombinatoridae – Eu and Asian fire-bellied toads
- Bufonidae – True toads
- Ceratophyridae – SA horned frogs
- Dendrobatidae – Neotropical poison frogs
- Hylidae – Tree frogs
- Hyperoliidae – Af reed frogs
- Megophryidae – Asian toads
- Microhylidae – Narrow-mouthed frogs
- Pipidae – African and neotropical tongueless frogs
- Rhacophoridae – Afro-Asian tree frogs
- Ranidae – True frogs
- Order Caudata (Urodela) – Salamanders and newts
- Plethodontidae – Lungless salamanders
- Sirenidae – Sirens
- Salamandridae – True salamanders
- Ambystomatidae – Mole salamanders (Axolotl)
- Hynobiidae – Asian salamanders
- Order Gymnophiona – Caecilians
- Aquatic spp – Typhlonectidae
- Terrestrial neotropical and west African spp – Herpelidae, Dermophiidae
- Order Anura – Frogs and toads
- Class Amphibia
What is unique about amphibian skin compared to reptilian skin?
What is its function?
What happens if it is damaged?
- Integument
- Not covered by keratinized structures.
- Thin stratum corneum shed and eaten periodically.
- Dysecdysis one of the hallmarks of chytrid.
- Lymphatic spaces under the dorsal skin.
- Skin vital for respiration and fluid balance.
- Disruption -> loss of homeostasis, death.
- Susceptible to desiccation, toxins, metabolites including nitrogen metabolites (ammonia, nitrite).
Describe the amphibian circulatory system.
How does the heart change between larval and adult amphibians?
What portal systems do they have?
What is the funciton of lymph hearts?
What is the function of endolymphatic sacs?
- Cardiovascular System
- Larval amphibians – 2 chambered heart
- Adults – 1 ventricle, 2 atria
- Hepatic and renal portal vein systems.
- Veins of the hind limb and tail combine to form the paired Jacobson’s veins.
- Lymph circulated through lymph hearts.
- Anterior lymph hearts dorsal to transverse processes of third vertebrae.
- Posterior lymph hearts lateral to urostyle.
- Direction of lymph flow is toward posterior LH with return of lymph to systemic circulation via renal portal veins.
- Endolymphatic sacs in anurans are large, extend from inner ear down length of spinal column.
- Crystals of calcium carbonate function as physiologic calcium storage.
- White material surrounding brain or white nodules lateral to vertebral bodies may be seen grossly on necropsy.
What are the main modes of amphibian respiration?
Give some examples of each type.
- Respiratory System
- Respiration via skin, MM, gills, and/or lungs.
- Skin – Gas exchange through highly vascularized dermis.
- Especially important in aquatic spp and lungless salamanders.
- Adaptations for cutaneous respiration:
- Intraepidermal blood vessels in cryptobranchid salamanders (hellbendsrs, giant sal).
- Development of elaborate skin folds to increase SA for gas exchange in some spp.
- Gills – Covered in most anuran tadpoles, some paedomorphic salamanders, or externally exposed (early anuran tadpoles, all aquatic salamander larvae, some paedomorphic salamanders.
- Lungs – After metamorphosis.
- Thin-walled, saclike with foldind to increase surface for gas exchange.
- Air forced in lungs via force-pump mechanism of floor of buccal cavity.
- Skin – Gas exchange through highly vascularized dermis.
- Respiration via skin, MM, gills, and/or lungs.
Describe the digestive system of amphibians.
Why is the liver a greyish color?
What is the epithelial type of the epithelium of the oral and esophageal mucosa?
What makes the tongue sticky? What frogs don’t have tongues?
- Digestive System
- Melano-macrophages in liver increase in size and/or freq with age, chronic inflammation, environmental stress, emaciation.
- Unlike stratified squamous epithelium of mammals and birds, oral and esophageal mucosa is lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
- Tongue is covered by mucus producing epithelium that helps with prehension of prey.
- Pipidae (Af clawed frogs) lack a tongue.
- SI lacks distinct crypts present in mammals and birds.
- Physiologic glycogen storage resulting in hepatocellular vacuolation is common in liver of many amphibians.
Describe amphibian reproduction.
What is the process from ovulation to oviposition?
What group of amphibians has an intromittent organ?
What are drivers for reproduction?
What is the primary mode of reproduction for frogs?
What about salamanders and caecilians?
What are nuptial pads? What is the Bidder’s organ?
- Reproductive System
- Paired testes – Lobed in urodeles, not lobed in anurans.
- Attach to kidneys by mesorchium.
- Paired ovaries suspended by mesovarium from kidneys.
- Ovulation results in rupture of the ovisac connective tissue and release of the ova into the coelom.
- Ciliated epithelium within the coelom moves the ova to the opening of the oviduct.
- Copulatory organs only present in male caecilians and a small number of Anura and Caudata.
- Repro driven by environmental determinants (temp/humidity).
- Only males are able to attract females by calls.
- Many spp sexually dimorphic.
- Males often smaller in anurans.
- Secondary sexual characteristics during breeding system – Nuptial pads in anurans, marked swollen cloaca in salamanders and newts.
- Mating via physical contact i.e. amplexus or actual copulation in caecilians.
- Most anurans and some salamanders and newts have external fertilization.
- Majority of anurans are oviparous, external egg development.
- Most salamanders and newts and all caecilians have internal fertilization.
- Both oviparous and viviparous spp.
- Male toads (Bufonidae) have a Bidder’s organ – Discrete aggregate of inactive ovarian tissue at the cranial pole of the testes.
- Parental care common in salamanders, rare in anurans.
- Paired testes – Lobed in urodeles, not lobed in anurans.
Describe the urinary system of amphibians.
Can amphibians concentrate urine? Why is that?
Do amphibians have a bladder?
What is their primary nitrogenous waste?
- Urinary System
- Adult amphibians have paired, mesonephric kidneys.
- Metanephric kidney seen in reptiles, birds, and mammals, does not develop in amphibians.
- Collecting ducts and a loop of Henle are absent and therefore amphibians cannot concentrate urine.
- Ciliated renal tubules open into the coelomic cavity.
- Collect and filter coelomic fluid.
- Amphibians have a relatively high GFR vs other vertebrates, reduced with dehydration or water availability.
- Bladder – Important site of water storage, plays role in osmoregulation.
- Aquatic amphibians excrete nitrogen as ammonia through urine and gills.
- Terrestrial and arboreal spp excrete mainly urea.
- Many spp can tolerate high circulating urea levels.
- Only a few spp in the genera Phylomedusa (waxy monkey tree frog) and Chiromantis (foam nest tree frogs) excrete uric acid.
- Gout is an unusual diagnosis.
- Adult amphibians have paired, mesonephric kidneys.
Describe the musculoskeletal system of amphibians.
What is unique about their bones?
What is unique about the spinal anatomy of frogs?
What group is capable of regeneration?
- Musculoskeletal System
- Bones are hollow, lightweight but fully ossified.
- Amphibians lack significant medullary trabecular bone.
- Epiphyseal cartilage is a mushroom shaped cap with 3 distinct regions:
- Articular cartilage, lateral articular cartilage, inner growth cartilage centered over the tubular long bone.
- Longitudinal bone growth occurs by intramembeanous ossification within the periosteum.
- Inner growth cartilage contributes primarily to radial bone growth.
- Anurans – Ilium attached to the spine by pair of sacral ribs.
- Caudal vertebrae are fused and constitute a single bony structure (urostyle).
- Salamanders have the ability to regenerate normal limbs, tails, and jaws following traumatic amputation.
- Bones are hollow, lightweight but fully ossified.
Describe the nervous and sensory systems of amphibians.
How many cranial nerves do they have?
Who has a lateral line system?
What triggers a feeding response?
- Nervous System
- Cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum.
- Cerebrum – Process sensory input – olfaction and sight, learning.
- Cerebellum – Coordination, medulla oblongata controls heartbeat and respiration.
- Pineal body involved in hibernation and estivation.
- 10 cranial nerves – Lack XI and XII.
- Cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum.
- Special Senses
- Lateral line in larvae and aquatic amphibians.
- Caecilians – Tentacle below the eye.
- Feeding mainly evoked by moving prey.
Describe the amphibian endocrine system.
What is the primary driver of metamorphosis?
How does metamorphosis take place in anurans versus salamanders or caecilians?
Metamorphosing amphibians are more susceptible to what diseases?
What organ produces calcitonin
- Endocrine System
- Metamorphosis controlled by the thyroid gland.
- Production of T3 and T4 play crucial roles.
- Anuran tadpoles first develop hind legs, then front.
- Tail is resorbed, lungs replace the gills.
- Spiral-shaped GIT of tadpoles is modified for prey items.
- Jaw and tongue and mature immune systems develop.
- Tailed amphibians grow front legs first, then hind limbs.
- External gills disappear, develop eyelids.
- Caecilians lose the lateral line as adults.
- Metamorphosis results in increased susceptibility to drowning or infectious disease.
- Chytrid – Mass mortalities shortly after metamorphosis.
- Metamorphosis (Path book):
- Complex remodeling of body systems initiated by transcriptional effects of thyroid hormone.
- Experimentally inhibited thyroid hormone or developmental lack of thyroid hormone -> grow out to giant size but never metamorphose.
- Important changes:
- Limb development, apoptosis-mediated resorption of the tail musculature.
- Long and coiled GIT in herbivorous anuran tadpoles becomes short to reflect carnivore diet.
- Immune system undergoes extensive reorganization to avoid undesirable recognition of emerging adult tissue antigens.
- Calcitonin is secreted by ultimobranchial bodies.
- Metamorphosis controlled by the thyroid gland.
Describe the defining anatomical characteristics of anuran amphibians.
What skin glands do they have?
What subatances do they produce?
What is the function of the pelvic patch?
What are their mechanisms of respiration?
- Anurans:
- Adults have no tail.
- Vision important for feeding, triggered by movement.
- Single row of small teeth, upper jaw.
- Absent altogether in toads (Bufonidae).
- Cloaca located slightly dorsal.
- Skin – Roles in thermoregulation, fluid balance, respiration, transport of essential ions, respiration, and sex recognition.
- Cutaneous uptake of sodium is active in keratinocytes with Na/K ATPase to produce osmotic gradients and facilitate water absorption.
- Update of Cl- mediated by mitochondria-rich flask cells in epidermis.
- Water absorption primarily across the pelvic patch.
- Epidermis has 1-2 layers of keratinized cells in the stratum corneum.
- Granular glands (dermis) – Contain eosinophilic granules composed of biogenic amines and polypeptides that function as defensive toxins against predators or part of the innate cutaneous immunity.
- Antimicrobial peptides, under sympathetic nerve control.
- Mucus glands (dermis) – Protective and reduce evaporative water loss.
- Holocrine serous glands secrete bioactive molecules, antimicrobial peptides, steroids, alkaloids, hormonelike pepeitdes.
- Toxins – i.e. Tetrodotoxin in family Dendrobatidae. Largely derived from prey items, loss of toxicity in captivity.
- Anurans have a Eberth-Kastschenko layer in dermis – deposition of Ca phosphate, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans subjacent to epidermis, function unknown. Mistaken for dystrophic mineralization on histo.
- Misc – Mental glands, nuptial pads, melanophores, xanthophores and erythrophores, iridophores.
- All anurans may absorb water through the ventral pelvic skin (pelvic patch) and also resorb water in kidney and from urinary bladder.
- Lymph contains all components of blood besides RBC, pulsatile lymph hearts move lymph in one direction.
- Lymph heart failure should be ddx for SQ or coelomic cavitary accumulation of fluid.
- Larval stages maintain gills for respiration; adults respire via lungs, buccopharyngeal cavity, cutaneous respiration.
- Heart – 3 chambers: 2 atria, 1 ventricle. Complete interatrial septum.
- Renal portal system.
- Amphibians cannot synthesize carotenoids (vit A).
- Reproduction:
- Thumbs present hypertrophies in males (nuptial) pads, help hold female during amplexus.
- Fertilization is external in anurans except genus Ascaphus.
What are the defining anatomical characteristics of caudatan amphibians?
What family of caudates has tail autonomy? Which has no limbs?
What does it mean if they are neotenic?
What are secondary male sexual characteristics?
Compare caudate versus anuran immune function.
Where is the major site of erythropoiesis in salamanders?
Describe salamander reproduction.
- Caudata:
- Presence of a tail.
- Plethodontid salamanders exhibit tail autonomy.
- All have four limbs except for Sirenidae (small forelimbs, no hind).
- Larval salamanders distinguished from anuran tadpoles by presence of external gills.
- Some spp are neotenic or pedomorphic – retain juvenile gills throughout adulthood.
- Male secondary sexual characteristics in Plethodontidae – Mental glands, tail glands, cirri, hypertrophied jaw muscles, swollen vents from enlargement of seasonally responsive cloacal glands.
- Hyobranchial apparatus is dramatically adapted – Essential feeding structures should be considered during any invasive procedure, can be extensive.
- Mechanisms of respiratory exchange in amphibia via four routes:
- Branchial, buccopharyngeal, cutaneous, pulmonary.
- Branchial – All amphib larvae. Some neotenic salamanders as primary route.
- Cutaneous – Used to greater extent in caudates vs anurans.
- Anurans – Cutaneous respiration occurs primarily as a means of carbon dioxide exchange with majority of O2 exchange in the lungs.
- Caudates – Take up most O2 through cutaneous respiration, even in spp with lungs.
- Respiratory capillaries concentrated in skin of taxa that rely on cutaneous gas exchange i.e. Plethodontidae and Cryptobrachidae.
- Cryptobrachidae also use modified skinfolds to increase surface area.
- Respiratory capillaries concentrated in skin of taxa that rely on cutaneous gas exchange i.e. Plethodontidae and Cryptobrachidae.
- Caudates have weak immune systems vs anurans.
- Lack of red and white pulp compartmentalization in spleen, production of only two Ig types, lack of detectable humeral responses to soluble antigens, chronic rejection of skin allografts.
- Spleen is a major site of erythropoiesis, especially in salamanders.
- Reproduction:
- Triggered by temperature changes, photoperiod, rainfall.
- Individual females may skip one or more years between repro events to replenish energy stores.
- Salamanders primarily use chemical and olfactory cues for communication during reproduction.
- Eggs often retained.
- May be due to improper environmental cycling, improper mating opportunities or suitable oviposition sites, nutritional deficiencies, stress.
- Eggs adhered to substrate should not be detached.
- Water level in container should never contact the eggs, can result in rapid swelling and premature rupture of egg capsule.
Describe the defining anatomical traits of caecilians.
Discuss housing Typhlonects spp with fish - what concerns might there be?
What is unique about their dermis?
What about their lungs?
Do they have a bladder?
What is the function of the tentacle?
Describe caecilian reproduction.
- Caecilians
- Order Gymnophonia
- Most nocturnal.
- Most common spp in captive animals – Dermophis mexicanus, Geotrypetes seraphini, Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, Shistometopum thomense, Typhlonectes natans.
- Longevity in captivity ~11 years.
- Mucus from Typhlonectes spp may be toxic to fish, although some have been kept with fish spp.
- Only amphibians with scales within the dermis.
- Most have functioning right lung, vestigial left lung; 2 lungless spp described.
- The left lung is absent in some caecilians and lungs are absent altogether in the plethodontid salamanders.
- Resp cycle – Single, long exhalation with series of short inhalations through buccopharyngeal pumping.
- Prevents mix of inspiratory and exp airflow, unlike majority of amphibs.
- Pulmonic, buccopharyngeal, and cutaneous respiratory methods.
- Metabolic rate lower vs other amphibian orders.
- Bilobate bladder.
- Concertina movement – Hydrostatic pressure generated between skin and muscle layer important for burrowing.
- Lateral lines with ampullary organs.
- Tentacle – Chemosensory and tactile organ, protrudes from opening between each eye and nostril, attaches to tear duct and vomeronasal organ.
- Innervated by trigeminal nerve.
- Major means of environmental perception.
- No cone photoreceptors.
- Prey detected via olfaction and grasped in jaws; bicuspid teeth.
- Reproduction:
- Male has a complex erectile phallodeum.
- Internal fertilization reported to occur in all spp.
- Oviductal (not cloacal) sperm storage for up to a few weeks has been reported.
- Most spp viviparous.
- Post-hatch or newly born animals resemble adults.
Describe teh appropriate husbandry of anurans.
What is their main source of energy?
Describe the feeding strategies of tadpoles versus adults.
What are their temperature requirements?
- Anurans:
- Compensate daily thermal fluctuation by modifying behavior and metabolic changes.
- Keep within POTZ; some hibernate or estivate.
- Generally 70-75 F or 21-24 C (note this is cooler vs reptiles).
- Fats preferred substrates of aerobic metabolism, main source of energy during hibernation.
- Heat lamps may desiccate amphibians, avoid.
- Most sick amphibians do better in cooler vs warmer environment (unlike reptiles).
- Tadpoles and aquatic spp need dechlorinated water.
- Dilute chlorine disinfection of choice, rinse thoroughly.
- Tadpoles – Herbivorous or omnivorous.
- Adults – Carnivorous. Terrestrial anurans only target moving prey.
- Energetic spp. i.e. Dendrobates should have insects available ad lib; insect farm essential.
- Feeding anurans in captivity – Provide few inverts of different spp and sizes.
- Hazardous to supplement the diet directly, better to prevent single-item prey sources and provide balanced diets to the prey.
Describe the husbandry of caudate amphibians.
What temps are generally preferred?
What enclosure concerns are there?
What is important in their prey drive?
What foods have been recommended? Should any be avoided?
- Caudates:
- Preferred temps are in general lower than most frogs.
- 10-20C.
- Air conditioning and water chillers required in most cases.
- Humidity critical component of refugia selection by terrestrial salamanders.
- Prevent escaptes – Foam weather stripping, silicone sealant, duct tape to seal gaps around lids, screening to prevent entering the plumbing.
- Substrates should regularly be rinsed and allowed to cycle until stagnant or foul odors dissipate.
- Addition of springtails (order Collembola) to substrate may facilitate decomposition of waste, supplemental food source for salamanders.
- Most nocturnal or crepuscular.
- Anorexia likely due to compromised health or inadequant environment.
- Olfactory cues in conjunction with movement important for prey.
- Will feed on nonliving prey.
- Lateral line system.
- May consume smaller conspecifics, consider for exhibits.
- Broad diversity of inverts recommended for diet.
- Red wiggler Eisenia foetida may be refused because it produces defensive secretions.
- Insects provide the staple diet of most terrestrial salamanders.
- Large aquatic taxa – crustaceans, fish, other vertebrates.
- Exclusively fish = deficiencies.
- Frequent feeding of rodents = obesity.
- Crayfish have been shown to be a vector for chytrid, significant infection risk to captive salamanders.
- Preferred temps are in general lower than most frogs.
Describe the husbandry of caecilians.
What substrate is recommended? Should any be avoided?
What do they eat?
- Caecilians
- Prefer much higher temperatures vs caudates ~25C.
- Humidity 70-80% recommended.
- Some animals require moisture gradients within soil.
- Soil and leaf litter should be sterilized.
- Vermiculite should be avoided – Potential FB.
- Peat moss, manure are acidic, can cause skin irritation – avoid.
- Scolecomorphus spp do not burrow, need flat surfaces with hiding spots.
- Aquatic caecilians depend on breathing air.
- Aquariums should provide ready access to air-water interface.
- DO should be > 80%.
- All caecilians are carnivorous.
- One African spp (Boulengerula) eats only termites.
Describe ideal amphibian water quality needs.
What water sources can be used?
What disinfection and decontamination protocols can be used for enclosures?
- Water Quality
- Tap water usually good- low chlorine, pH 6-8, hardness is mod to high.
- pH <4 or >11 are lethal
- Hardness- dissolved ca & mg & carbonates and bicarb
- Lower hardness, lower capacity to be buffered with crazy pH flux
- Chlorinated water…leave out for 24 hrs, avoid chloramine treated water
- More crucial – monitoring nitrogen metabolites, i.e. ammonia, nitrate, & nitrite
- Max levels: ammonia (0.02 mg/L), nitrite (0.1), nitrate (50mg/L)
- New tank syndrome no bacteria there to break down the above
- Dissolved Oygen, 5mg/L
- Oversaturation can cause gas bubble disease
- Heating to 80C (176F) for 30 mins will kill most pathogens (Ranaviruses, Batrachochytrium, and trombiculid mites
- Humidity- at least 80C
- Quarantine for at least 6 wks
- Decontamination- sodium hypochlorite or Virkon S or by heat treatment, rinse after disinfection (phenols & chloroxylenol have residuals).
- Toxins- Zinc and copper from copper tubes
Describe an ideal amphibian preventative medicine protocol?
What diseases should be screened for?
- Quarantine minimum 30 days.
- Preliminary reports indicate caecilians may carry Bd, testing may be appropriate.
- Routine water quality evaluation.
- Routine evaluation for early identification of abnormalities.
- Prevent escape of enclosures.
- Ranavirus
- Ranavirus can live in aquatic environments for several weeks without a host.
- Bleach 3% and chlorhexidine 0.75% for 1 minute contact time are effective disinfectants.
- Ranavirus can live in aquatic environments for several weeks without a host.
- Protocol for screening live foods and decorative plants suggested to minimize accidental intro of pathogens into collections.
- Dipping food items and live plants in hypertonic salt baths < 5 min and following with chlorinated tap water < 30 min or acriflavin bath 1-2 hours helps reduce unwanted organisms.
Describe amphibian restraint generally.
Describe the proper physical restraint for each amphibian group.
- In general:
- Caution potential toxic effects of latex, vinyl, and nitrile gloves when working with amphib larvae. Reactions appear spp specific.
- Thoroughly rinsing gloves in FW before use with adults or larvae to remove talcum and reduce potential toxins recommended.
- Many amphibians bite!
- Some salamanders have tail autotomy, avoid placing pressure on tails.
- Anurans:
- Grasp large anurans behind the forelegs – May give off a release call, alarming.
- Caudates:
- Salamanders will attempt to spin or roll when in hand.
- Avoid restraint by tail, may induce autotomy.
- Caecilians
- Iatrogenic jaw fractures anecdotally reported during gavage feeding.
Anesthesia of amphibian is typically performed with baths.
What are some common side effects, describe the process of preparing a bath.
What are the agents used in baths? How do doses compare to fish?
What injectables have been used? Have any been documented with mortalities?
What about inhalants? What is a potential side effect of gas anesthesia in amphibians?
- Chemical restraint:
- MS222, isoeugenol, benzocaine are ax of choice for amphibs in general.
- Apnea and cardiac depression common side effects of ax.
- Baths – Care must be taken to prevent drowning, keep solution below the humeroscapular joint and carefully monitor. Line induction tubs with plastic bags.
- MS222:
- Range from 1-2 g/L needed for surgical ax in most frogs and salamanders, but 3 g/L needed for many toads (Bufo spp).
- Can administer intracoelomically.
- Sx plane of anesthesia – Resp effort may slow or stop, cardiac rate often unaffected.
- Renal circulation may become reduced a high concs of MS222.
- Erythema of ventral skin or other light-colored skin is first sign of ax induction with MS222.
- Light plane of ax – Loss of righting and corneal reflex, persistent withdrawal reflex, spont movement, gular resp, and cardiac impulse (visible heartbeat).
- Overdose – Cardiac impulse slows or becomes difficult to detect.
- Clove oil (eugenol active ingredient):
- Immersion, generally short term, few spp studied
- Propofol
- Intracoelomic or IV in frogs, deep anesthesia, lethal in some.
- Topical and intracoclomic generally inconsistent induction time, depth, and time to recovery, no advantages over MS222.
- Ketamine less satisfactory vs MS222 and isoeugenol, large volumes may be needed, induction time is extremely variable, level of anesthesia varies greatly between spp.
- Spontaneous movement even if withdrawal reflex is lost.
- Recovery time is variable.
- Some spp extremely sensitive or resistant, dosages are all over the place. Wait 30 min before changing the dose.
- Ketamine-diazepam induction and recovery significantly prolonged.
- Alfaxalone
- Neuroactive steroid and general anesthetic.
- One study using 5 mg/L bath in axolotl for surgery.
- Sedation and light anesthesia with IM injection Australian green tree frogs.
- In general, doses insufficient for painful procedures, more studies needed.
- Sevoflurane/isoflurane
- Use topically as water-soluble gels.
- Sevo may be preferred.
- Downside – Induction needs to be performed under a fume hood or other scavenging system.
- Induction chamber use
- Some spp do not tolerate volatile anesthetics.
- Epidermal damage may occur if in contact with halothane or iso for prolonged periods of time.
- Can intubate and maintain on gas, but alt resp patterns i.e. cutaneous and buccopharyngeal makes maintenance at a steady plane of ax challenging.
- Uncuffed endotracheal tuubes recommended.
- Use topically as water-soluble gels.
What analgesics have been used in frogs?
Injection into what anatomical site may enhance analgesia duration?
- Analgesia
- Opioids (i.e. buprenorphine) injected into lymph sacs may provide significant analgesia for up to 4 hours.
- Dexmedetomidine in dorsal lymph sac may provide analgesia up to 8 hours (high doses i.e. 40-120 mg/kg).
- Meloxicam significant decrease in serum PGE2, suggests anti-inflammatory effects/analgesia.
Describe the effects of the following environmental issues with amphibians:
Poor water quality
Deep water with dendrobatid frogs
Frogs of varying size in same enclosure
- Dehydration quickly progresses to desiccation.
- Rehydration accomplished by placing in shallow layer of well-oxygenated, chlorine-free water that is spp specific temp.
- Intracoelomic fluids may be needed.
- ARS, or salin 0.9% one part to two parts 5% dextrose.
- Do not exceed 25 ml/kg for initial fluid doses.
- Avoid fluids containing potassium initially unless hypokalemia is confirmed.
- Water quality.
- Ammonia and Cl tox can be treated with sodium thiosulfate baths followed by well-oxygenated fresh water.
- Nitrite/nitrate tox may respond to tx with methylene blue.
- Dendrobatid frogs may drown if maneuvered into deep water by cagemates.
- Amphibians may try to ingest one another.
- Clear-sided enclosures often a source of traumatic rostral injuries.
- Hyperthermia – Especially aquatic amphibians.
- Do not exceed 80-85F, 27-29C.
- CS – Frenzied swimming, uncoordinated jumping or walking, lethargy, death.
- Autolysis rapid.
- Therapy aimed at returning to normal body temp, bathe in FW ice baths or administer cool ICe fluids.
- Corticosteroids may be helpful.
- Hypothermia – Rarely life threatening.
- CS – Lethargy.
- Return to preferred body temp over 12-24 hours.
What solution should be used for surgical prep in amphibians? What should be avoided?
Describe the closure technique for amphibian skin.
What is unique about salamander amputations?
What is the approach like for amphibian coeliotomy?
What is a significant complication with caecilian surgery?
- Surgery:
- Prep – May include hydration, prophylactic antimicrobials.
- Povidone iodine diluted with sterile saline 1:10.
- Avoid use of alcohol on skin.
- For extensive skin surgery, can perform chemical cauterization with metacresolsulfonic acid and formaldehyde 36%. Lotagen has astringent action and promotes granulation and epithelialization.
- Everting suture patterns, simple interrupted, use nonabsorbable materials for skin closure.
- Amputated limbs may regenerate in salamanders in newts – Leave amputation sites OPEN.
- Closure may cause abnormal regeneration or prevent it completely.
- Paramedian approach to the coelom recommended – avoids ventral abdominal vein on midline.
- Aquatic caecilian spp – Dermatitis and subsequent osmotic imbalance appears to be a major complicating factor that increases morbidity.
- Persistent cloacal prolapse in T. natans noted to cause morbidity and mortality in one caecilian review.
- Prep – May include hydration, prophylactic antimicrobials.
What suture is recommended for amphibian surgery? What two should be avoided?
What toes should not be used for toe clips?
What are some potential issues with amphibian ocular surgery?
- MARMS – 107. Amphibian Soft Tissue Sx
- Monofilament nylon showed the least histo reaction and recommended as the suture of choice in amphibian skin closure
- Chromic gut and silk elicited the greatest reaction & high rate of dehiscence and not recommended.
- Polydioxanone, poliglecaprone 25, and polyglactin should be used internally and for muscle closure, although polyglactin is likely to cause greater inflammation
- Tapered needed with wedge-on suture least traumatic
- Cyanoacrylate tissue glue good- watertight and antimicrobial
- Sterile saline or 2% providone iodine in sterile saline soln to prep
- No fasting necessary
- Powder free gloves
- Buprenorphine is good for pain or dexmedetomidine in dorsal lymph sac
- Toe Clip- remember the nuptial pads and first 3 toes important for grasping female
- Ocular Surgery
- Amphibians have a membranous orbit and poorly defined lacrimal bone
- Do not to damage the membrane that separates the globe from the buccal cavity
- Control bleeding
- Celioscopy: Helpful in sexing and visualization
- Insuflation pressures of 0.5 to 2mm Hg with flow rate < 0.5L/min
- Paramedian incision best to access liver, be careful of ventral midling vein
What are some benefits and uses of minimally invasive surgery in amphibians?
What are some potential risks?
Descrie the approach for laparoscopic exam and biopsy.
Describe endoscopic orchiectomy.
F9 Ch 54 Minimally invasive surgery of amphibians
- Laparoscopy in amphibians may permit the visualization of almost all the coelomic organs from a single point of entry
- Indications: Gender ID, retrieval of FB from upper GI, assessment of intracoelomic lesions, diagnostic tool for nonspecific presentations, biopsies of tissues and organs, reproductive endosurgery.
- Size may be a contraindication, as are compromised individuals with greater anesthetic risk
- General anesthesia & analgesia is requisite for MIS
- Risks from damaging the ventral abdominal
- Laparoscopic Examination and Endoscopic Biopsy
- Dorsal recumbence is recommended, unless sp. is laterally compressed
- Insufflation can be used at a lower rate that sm. Mammals
- CO2 insufflation w/ pressures of 0.5–2 mm Hg with a flow rate not exceeding 0.5 L/min
- Surgical prep:
- Cleansing the surgical site with sterile gauze soaked in 0.75% chlorhexidine solution and left on the surgical site at least 10 minutes prior to surgery
- Coelom permits the visualization of liver, gallbladder, heart, lungs, digestive tract, gonads, kidneys, bladder, and fat body from a single entry point
- Monofilament nylon is the best choice of suture in amphibian skin
- On recovery, the animal is transferred to a warm, anesthetic-free bath and is rinsed copiously with fresh, well-oxygenated water
- Endoscopic Orchiectomy
- Incision with an 11 blade to insert atraumatic 5mm forceps
- Cauterize surrounding vessels and epididymis with diode laser
- Deflate animal post procedure
- Close with 1-2 interrupted sutures
Describe nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in amphibians.
What period of development is calcium intake critical?
How can calcium be supplemented to tadpoles?
What are typical clinical signs?
What are the first bones to show signs of radiolucency?
How can this be treated?
- MBD aka Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
- Most common form of MBD in amphibians.
- Usually results from dietary Ca deficiency, vitamin D3 deficiency, or combinations.
- Most of the commonly fed prey items have an inverse Ca:P ratio and low total calcum.
- Intake of Ca during larval stage critical for normal skeletal development and calcium homeostasis of adults.
- Consider environmental water composition when evaluating altered intake ratios of Ca:P.
- Fluorosis may contribute, but the animals from that report also lacked adequate UVB exposure.
- Ca absorption depend son available UVB, dietary vit D3, Ca, healthy GIT, kidneys, integument, MSK system.
- Cuttlebone or other Ca source should be provided for tadpoles of many spp.
- CS – Typically starts with spastic tetany after stenuous movement i.e. leaping, improves during rest. Coelomic distension from GI stasis, gas buildup may be seen.
- Spinal deformities, angulation of long bones, bowed mandibles (osteomalacia).
- Lateral processes of the vertebrae and urostyle become radiolucent early in the course.
- Long bones become radiolucent after the ghosting of the lateral processes of the vertebrae and urostyle.
- Tetany, spastic movement, muscle fasciculation, bloat, limb paralysis, ridigity considered a medical emergency.
- Tx: 100 mg/kg Ca gluconate ICe, IM, IV, SQ SID-BID or more until signs resolve.
- Then continue weekly injections until eating, then switch to heavy oral supplementation with Ca carbonate.
- Oral or injectable vit D3 may facilitate Ca utilization.
- Baths of 2-5% Ca gluconate and 2-3 IU/mL vit D3 may be helpful in some spp but should not be the single course of correction.
- Tx requires several months for resolution of rad changes.
- Supportive nutritional care with critical care diets, etc PRN.
- Calcitonin therapy reported in reptiles NOT effective in amphibians – major structural differences between amphibian calcitonin and salmon calcitonin used for tx osteoporosis in humans.
- Tx: 100 mg/kg Ca gluconate ICe, IM, IV, SQ SID-BID or more until signs resolve.
Describe hypovitaminosis A in amphibians.
Why is it called short tongue syndrome?
Why are amphibians especially sensitive?
What are some sequelae to this disorder?
- Hypovitaminosis A (Anurans; not reported in caudates)
- Short tongue syndrome.
- Squamous metaplasia of the mucous glands of the tongue, does not stick to prey.
- Submit entire tongue on necropsy for examination of a longitudinal section (not cross section).
- Bladder, kidneys, eyelids should also be assessed histologically.
- Lesions commonly found in oral mucosa, esophagus, cloaca, and urinary bladder.
- Frozen liver submitted for vit A analysis – Confirmatory diagnosis requires determination of hepatic retinol.
- Unable to synthesize carotenoids, leads to vision loss, epithelial hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, keratinization of mucosal epithelium.
- Captive-reared insects lack significant amounts of pre-formed vit A and the plant-based carotenoids found in wild sinecs that are converted to active vit A.
- Squamous metaplasia within the kidney or urinary bladder may result in hydrocoelom. Conjunctival swelling has been reported.
- Impaired immune system, secondary infection by Bd and other pathogens.
- Insects generally low in vitamin A.
- Supplements lose potency if stored in areas with high humidity, warm temps, or both.
- Multivitamins should be used within 6 months of opening.
- Human-grade vit A supplements can be diluted with propylene glycol to appropriate concentrations, may be irritating to some amphibians.
- Short tongue syndrome.
Obesity is a common issue for amphibians. What are the most common sites of adipose deposition?
- Obesity
- Amphibians regularly offered rodents.
- Most stored fat is in coelomic fat pads -> grossly distended abdomen and normal limbs and tail.
- Gonadal fat bodies located cranial to gonads and kidneys, numerous finger-like structures in anurans.
- Other common sites of adipose deposition:
- Epicardium, tail (plethodontid salamanders).
- Inguinal region (toads, Bufonidae).
- Bone marrow.
Amphibians are voracious eaters.
What can occur if an amphibian eats too large or too many prey items in a short time?
What are the sequelae to this?
How can this be managed?
- Gastric overload or impaction
- Result of eaving a single overly large prey or consuming too many prey items in a short period of time.
- Amphbians stimulated to eat when seeing movement, can ingest smaller cage mates.
- Swallowing overly large meals may affect respiratory ability.
- Bacterial decay can outpace enzymatic digestion, leads to bloat and endotoxemia, can lead to perforation.
- Undigested hair and bones can cause impactions.
- Gastric washes with hypotonic saline may remove ingesta if acute.
- Endoscopic retrieval.
- Gastroenterotomy.
- Consider pre and post op abx.
Describe corneal lipidosis in amphibians.
What are the clinical signs? How common is it?
Are there any known risk factors?
How can it be managed?
- Corneal lipid deposision aka lipid keratopathy aka corneal lipidosis.
- Most commonly reported ocular disease in amphibians.
- Presence of cholesterol clefts.
- Associated with captive diets that differ in cholesterol content or other lipid composition compared to diets of free-ranging animals.
- Hazy white discoloration at limbus with extension over time to completely cover the cornea with thick white nodules and plaques.
- May present as a vertical line across the cornea.
- Most also have hypercholesterolemia.
- Females may be at increased risk.
- Associated with pinkie mice and cultured crickets, which have different FA profiles vs wild prey.
- Tx unrewarding, can debulk lesions and manipulate the diet.
- Use of wild-caught insects vs monoculture crickets, feeding small amphibians or reptiles instead of mice.
- Basking spots should be offered to any amphibian with corneal lipidosis, inappropriate thermoregulation in some spp may play a role in development.
Describe the effects and causes of the following renal disorders in amphibians:
Renal oxalosis
Ammonium urate urolithiasis
Metastatic mineralization
- Renal oxalosis
- Waxy monkey frogs that consumed crickets fed an oxalate-containning plant.
- Tadpoles of wild anurans feeding on oxalate containing plants.
- Leads to renal dysfunction and calculi, hycrodoclom or SQ edema, white foci within kidneys.
- Gout
- Unkonwn etiology, probably results from combo of dehydration, renal failure, inappropriate diets, toxicities.
- Most likely to occur in those amphibians that excrete uric acid.
- Waxy tree frogs (Phyllomedusa sauvagii).
- Ammonium urate urolithiasis
- Formation of large urinary bladder stones reported in waxy monkey frogs.
- Contributing factors – Unique uricotelic metabolism of this spp, high-protein captive diets, dehydration.
- Metastatic mineralization reported for captive frogs with dietary hypervitaminosis D.
What are some common causes of gastric or cloacal prolapse in amphibians?
- Gastric and cloacal prolapse.
- Usually indicates a serious disorder when noted in salamanders.
- Cloacal prolapse is commonly seen.
- Predisposing factors – Dehydration, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, malnutrition, GI GB, cystic calculi, gastroenteritis, hyperthermia, trauma, parasitism.
- Keep tissue moist and protected, genetly try to replace, abx if indicated. Tx underlying cause.
Describe the effects and management of the following amphibian toxicities:
Chlorine & chlaramines - what levels are concerning?
Ammonia - what levels are you concerned about?
- Toxicities (Mader Ch 89 Amphib Medicine):
- Keeping spring water that is aerated is an inexpensive solution for clinics seeing occasional amphibians.
- Chlorine (Cl2) is easily removed.
- Sodium thiosulfate, sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate (AmQuel), and/or carbon filters.
- Chloramine (NH2Cl) – Combo of chlorine and ammonia.
- Difficult to remove.
- Sodium thiosulfate can be used to break apart the chlorine and ammonia and remove the chlorine, but ammonia remains.
- Zeolite or biological filter needed to remove the ammonia.
- Sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate effectively splits the chlorine ammonia bone and also neutralizes the resulting ammonia.
- Avoid use of plastic containers that have held anything other than water.
- Many common disinfectants are toxic to amphibians:
- Povidone iodine, chlorhexidine, quaternary ammonium compounds, chlorine, ammonia.
- Stoskopf reported an incident of iodine intoxication of poison dart frogs, resulted in agitation and abnormal posture before death.
- Suspected to have diffused out of a plastic enclosure despite rinsing prior.
- Ammonia > 0.2 ppm suspicious for toxicosis.
- Levels > 1 ppm verification of toxicity.
- Complete water change recommended.
- Sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate may be used to temporarily bind ammonia if water change is not practical.
- Chlorine intoxication is likely if a major water change has occurred within the past 24h.
- Dangerous levels > 0.5 ppm.
- Bath of 100 mg/mL sodium thiosulfate can be used to treat confirmed chlorine toxicosis.
- Heavy metals i.e. lead, copper, Zn may be in plumbing.
- Salt toxicosis may occur with marine aquariums kept near an amphibian enclosure.
- Keep amphib enclosures away from marine tanks and label containers distinctly to avoid confusion.
- Presticides.
- If needed for treatment around amphibians, insect growth regulators are preferred over toxicants.
- Nicotine.
- Secondhand tobacco smoke is irritating.
- Keep in smoke-free rooms.
What parasite is associated with polymelia or amelia (supernumerary or missing limbs) in amphibians?
What is spindly leg syndrome?
- Miscellaneous (Path book):
- Limb malformations
- Trematode parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae
- Polymelia or amelia n free-ranging anurans.
- Supernumerary limbs or missing limbs.
- Enhanced by environmental eutrophication.
- Disruption of the embryonic limb bud by encysting metacercaria.
- Polymelia or amelia n free-ranging anurans.
- Spindly leg syndrome
- Thin underdeveloped forelimbs from time of metamorphosis.
- Cause is unknown – Genetic vs malnutrition, water quality, enclosure temps, etc.
- Animal generally dies, euthanasia is recommended
- Trematode parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae
- Limb malformations
What are some potential causes of coelomic effusion and lymphedema in amphibians?
- Coelomic effusion and lymphedema are common nonspecific clinical presentations.
- Commonly caused by chronic renal disease.
- Polycystic nephropathy occurs in captive anurans from Panama.
- Hypocalcemia with secondary lymph heart failure.
- Hypoproteinemia.
- GIT disease.
- Heart failure.
- Renal toxicity.
- Congenital anomalies of lymph hearts.
- African clawed frogs – Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome following lab tx with human chorionic gonadotropin.
- Infectious causes of edema – Ranavirus infection, sepsis, mycobacteriosis, metacercariae of echinostome trematodes.
What is the most common tumor of northern leopoard frogs? What virus is it caused by?
What other neoplasms are commonly reported?
- Neoplasia:
- Lucke’s renal adenocarcinoma.
- Free-ranging and captive northern leopard frogs.
- Ranid herpesvirus 1.
- Chromatophoromas, melanophoromas, iridophoromas.
- Lucke’s renal adenocarcinoma.