Amoeba Part 1 Flashcards
Medically important Parasites
There are 6 Phylum
Phylum Sarcomastigohpora
Phylum Ciliophora (Ciliates)
Phylum Apicomplexa
Phylum Microsporidia
Phylum Aschelminthes (Class nematodes)
Phylum Platylhelminthes (Flatworms)
Under the Phylum Sarcomastigophora
There are 2 Subphylum
Subphylum Sarcodina (Ameba)
Subphylum Mastigophora (Flagellates)
What phylum is this?
It has a suborder of Haemosprina
Parasites that are not equipped with de
Phylum Apicomplexa
What phylum is this?
Are intracellular parasites
Now classified as fungi
They are *spore
Has unique feature of Polar tube
Phylum Microsporidia
They are single-celled, eukaryotic organisms
meaning you can expect to find a nucleus and organells in their cytoplas
Protozoans (Kingdom Protista)
Characteristics of Protozoans
Own words
- Unicellular organisms
- vary in shape, size, locomotion
- reproduce either asexually (by binary fission) or sexually (sporogony or gametogony)
- do not possess a cell wall
The cytoplasms of protozoans have 2 regions.
What are those?
Outer region also called gel
for protection; more clear and more hyaline than endoplasm
It is also known as Ameba
protozoans that possess pseudopod or pseudopodia for locomotion
Inner region also called sol region
primary function is nutriyion and metabolic processes
Also called false feet
3which are foot-like processes which would funcyion for locomotion
Sarcodina (Ameba)
inhabit the large intestine except what?
E. gingivalis
since it is found in the mouth/or the oral cavity
Entamoeba possess what chromatin?
which is located on the edge of the nucleus
Peripheral chromatin
The nucleus in the group entamoeba is what?
has spaces or holes
All are commensals except what?
Commensals means they are non-pathogenic
E. histolytica
it is the only pathogenic member of Amoeba
There are 2 stages of development of Protozoans
Type of Stages of development of Protozoans
in most cases, it is the IS (infective stage). Wherein the ingestion of the parasite will lead to an infection
* Resistant stage
* Non-motile
* found in either formed or watery stool
Type of Stages of development of Protozoans
Vegetative stage of Amoeba and other Protozoans
* Feeding stage
* Can be recovered in stool
* recovered in watery or di
What parasite is this?
The only pathogenic member of Amoeba
Entamoeba histolytica
Mode of transmission
Entamoeba histolytica
Ingestion of Inefective Cyst
In this parasite, mature form, the infective cyst is described to be qua
Entamoeba histolytica
Large Intestine
Final Host
Entamoeba histolytica
own words
Life Cycle
Entamoeba histolytica
- Ingestion of cyst
- Excystationin the small intestine (cyst to torph)
- Become a Metacyst
- Turns into a Amoebulae/Metacystic Trophozoite
- Production of Trophozoite in colon (thru asexual repro)
- There will be Encystationin large intestine (troph to cyst)
- Produced cyst is called precyst
- Released to stool
It is the most common site of extra-intestinal amoebiasis/infections
Cyst Morphology
Entamoeba histolytica
Cyst would have up tp 4 nuclei
(There is dark structure which is the karyosome composed of RNA and is centrally located
+ Peripheral chromatic is on the edge of the nucleus
Cyst Morphology
Entamoeba histolytica
There is also Chromatoidal body or chromidial bar/body
Sausage-like structures that contains crystalline RNA
Function as energy source
Appear as cigar-shaped/sausage-shaped
There is also the presence of glycogen vacuoles
Trophozoite Morphology
Entamoeba histolytica
In direct mount, it is progressive and unidirectional. Has only 1 nucleus
Take note of the presence of pseudopodia
Trophozoite releases pseudopodia one at a time
Centrally located karyosome
Surrounded by fine and smooth peripheral chromatin
Has the appearance of the cytoplasm (clean-looking)
May contain ingested RBC
Disease Manifestation
Entamoeba histolytica
Asymptomatic Carrier State
Majority (90%) of cases areasymptomatic
Disease Manifestation
Entamoeba histolytica
Intestinal Disease
Approx. 10% of infected patients would have symptoms
less than 1% would have extra-inestinal diseases
In intestinal disease, the incubation period is aroun
1-4 weeks
Signs and Symptoms of Intestinal Disease
Entamoeba histolytica
- Diarrhea
- Amebic Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhea). The
presence of blood in stool would indicate that
the parasite is invasive because it’s
destorying the lining of the intestine. - Abdominal Pain
- Flatulence
- Weight loss
- Chronic Fatigue
- Foul smell of stool
- Blood and mucus in stool sample
Disease Manifestation II
Entamoeba histolytica
Intestinal Disease
- Release of Enzymes to lyse mucosal lining
- Formation of Flask Shaped Ulcers
In a biopsy, because of the invasive property of the parasite, the parasite is capable of producing Flask shaped ulcer - something quite unique with Entamoeba Histolytica
Disease Manifestation: Clinical forms of intestinal Amebiasis
Entamoeba histolytica
- Dysentery
Fulminating Colitis, a severe form of diarrhea.This can be deadly because it may
lead to perforation or destruction of the colon - Amebic Appendicitis
Ameboma - granulomas; an inflammatory response usually seen in chronic
inflammation; may be mistaken as cancer
Disease Manifestation
Entamoeba histolytica
Extra-intestinal Disease
- Around less than 1 percent (<1%) of infected patients have extra-intestinal disease
- Ectopic form of amebiasis- It means that it usually occurs in the Liver that can lead to Amebic Liver Abscess
- Signs of Ectopic: Fever, Right Upper Quadrant Pain, Tender Liver, Hepatomegaly
Cutaneous Amebiasis (Amebiasis cutis)- A complication of dysentery wherein there
will be a painful ulceration near the
anus/peri-anal area
The parasite can affect the liver, leading to amoebic
liver abscess. It can also affect the brain and lungs,
which also leads to abscess
Entamoeba histolytica
- Has the ability to lyse tissues
- Attributed to its virulence factors: Lectin, Amebapores, Presence of Cysteine Proteinases
Pathology: Virulence Factors
which is responsible for the attachmen of the parasite
Entamoeba histolytica
Lectin (Gal/GalNAc Lectin)
Pathology: Virulence Factors
which promotes formation of holes
Entamoeba histolytica
Pathology: Virulence Factors
This are presence of ltic enzymed that will lead to tissue destruction. The reason for parasite to spread
Presence of Cysteine Proteinases
What diagnosis is this?
- different from bacterial dysentery
- there is mucus and blood in stool
- no granulocytosis (no high level of WBC)
- no high fever
Amebiasis Differential Diagnosis
Drainage of a liver abscess
Aspirated fluid from the liver looks like what?
where trophozoite can be seen
Anchovy Sauce
Laboratory Diagnosis for amebiasis
Entamoeba histolytica
Ova and Parasite Examination
Entamoeba histolytica
There are 3 Examination
- Direct Fecal Smear (DFS)
- Concentration Technique
- Permanent Stained Smear (Iron Hematoxylin or Trichrome Stain)
General rule:
If you find cysts ortrophozoites in DFS and Conc. Techniques, is it conlusive or not?
No, it is not yet conclusive.
You have to do the third step in Ova and Parasite Examination-Permanent Stained smear
Used for confirmation of the presence of intestinal protozoan. This step is required for confirming intestinal protozoan
What ova andparasite examination?
Permanent Stained smear
- It is where we are detecting Antigens
- Immunoassays are done as well
Entamoeba histolytica
Note that specimen should be freshly passed stool
Serology (ELISA), IHA
This is where flas-shaped ulcers can be seen
Entamoeba histolytica
Rectal Biopsy
This is used especially in cases of amebic liver abscess
Entamoeba histolytica
Examination of Liver Aspirates
Entamoeba histolytica
- Worldwide distribution
- Practicing homosexuals (MSM)
- Those with poor access to clean water
Recent identification of a E. histolytica look-alike:
- E. dispar
- E. moshkovskii - formally known as Laredo strain
- Entamoeba bangladesh
What would be the manner of reporting if we see any cysts or cyst stages of entamoeba?
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
Entamoeba histolytica
- Metronidazole
- Diloxanide Furoate (esp. forasymptomatic carriers
- Iodoquinol
Entamoeba histolytica
- Proper disposal of waste
- Proper sanitation
- Access to safe water & food
- Development of an effective vaccine
Currently don’t have effective vaccine against amebiasis
Other Commensal amebae
- Generally do not cause disease
- Non-pathogenic Ameba that you may encounter in the
stool - The Common reason why this is present in stool is
due to drinking fecally contaminated water - Have same or similar life cycle as E. histolytica
- E. coli
- E. hartmanni
- E. polecki
- E. chattoni
- E. nana
- Iodamoeba butschlii
- E. gingivalis
It is very common commensal
E. coli
E. coli Cyst
in terms or Nuclei
- will have up to 8 nuclei
E. coli cyst
In terms of Karyosome
karyosome would be eccentric (not centrally located
E. coli Cyst
In terms of Peripheral chromatin
Appear as “Coarse or rough’
E. coli cyst
In terms of Chromatoidal bars
described as needlle-like, splintered, broomstickor witch broom
E. coli trophozoite is bigger or smaller than E. histolytica?
bigger than E.histolytica
E. coli trophozoite
In terms of movement and psedopodia
Movement: Sluggish; non-progressive
Pseudopodia: ‘blunt”
moving but it stays in the same place
E. coli trophozoite
in terms of Pseudopodia
Described as “blunt”
E. coli trophozoite
in terms of the nucleus, karyosome, and peripheral chromatin
1 nucleus, with eccentric karyosomeand rough/course peripheral chromatin
E. coli trophozoite
In terms of cytoplasm
Dirty-looking appearance
would have ingested material like bacteria and fungi.
Also known as “small race of E. histolytica”
because it is similar to E. histolytica but this parasite is smaller
Entamoeba hartmanni
E. hartmanni
In terms of movement
sluggish; non-progressive
- The ameba of pigs and monkeys
- most common parasite in Papua new Guinea
- Quite difficult to identify; may resemble other entamoeba species
- The presence of chromatoidal bar is the most
important feature of Entamoeba polecki - Presence of angular/pointed chromatoidal
bar - Presence of only one nucleus (cyst/troph) and the karyosome is found in the center.
Entamoeba polecki
E. polecki trophozoite
in terms of nucleus, movement, karyosome, peripheral chromatin
Nucleus: 1
Movement: progressive
Karyosome: at the center
PC: Evenly distributed
What parasite?
Morphologically similar to E. polecki
Seen in apes and monkeys
Entamoeba Chattoni
What parasite?
Smallest intestinal amebae (as small as RBC)
Commensal and is oval in shape
Endolimax nana