Ammendments 19-27 Flashcards
13th Amendment
Abolish Slavery
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Voting Rights for Black Men
19th Amendment
Women’s voting
26th Amendment
Lower voting age from 21 to 18
-The draft was happening so why would men be going off to a war that they couldn’t even vote for to have a say in
24th Amendment
Abolish Poll Taxes
Ways Voting Was Prevented
-Literacy Tests
-Grandfather Clause - if your grandfather can’t vote, you can’t
-Poll Taxes
Opera Trading Schools
-Shows segregation economically
Mississippi Burming Case
-3 civil rights workers were murdered
-Investigating church burning
-Ku Klux Klan
-People convicted of civil rights violations but not murder
Dredd Scott
Slavery is okay
Man crosses state lines and says he is not a slave
Tries to sue
Is told he is property
Plessy Vs Ferguson
Separate but equal
1/8th black, taken off white train car
Ida Phillips
-Tries getting hired
-different hiring process for men and women
-Now ask same questions
Brown Vs Board of Education
No segregation in education
Affirmative Action
Righting past wrongs
Right to vote
Most recent amendment
Congressional Pay