American Religions Final Spring 2020 - Q&A reversed Flashcards
The _________ saw the start of evangelicalism, with an increase in revivalist preaching that was much more emotionally charged and appealing, and promoted more emotional congregation responses and behaviors; there was also pressure applied on making an immediate decision on conversion now as the path to salvation. (Corbett-Hemeyer p. 66 and class notes) With similarities to a prior movement in terms of message content, the __________ occurred from 1795 to 1835 on the American frontier and emphasized an emotional over intellectual style (roots of Evangelicalism) while pressing listeners for immediate conversion to Jesus Christ as personal savior, often because listeners were highly mobile and may move from the local community within hours. (Class presentation, JCH)
- Second Great Awakening
also known as mysteries or religious rituals through which God’s divine grace is imparted to the recipient through the actions and prayers of the priest. Ex: Baptism, Chrismations, Eucharist, Confession, Marriage, Holy Unction, and Holy Orders. _________ are ritualized actions that help enact or make present the grace of God, such as baptism or the Eucharist, the number of which vary across Christian denominations, e.g., Luther and Calvin recognized two _________, whereas the Church of England and Catholics recognized seven (confirmation, confession, marriage, holy orders, anointing of the sick, in addition to baptism and the Eucharist). (Class notes, JCH,
- Sacraments
the second major epic poem in ancient India. Tells the story of the god Rama
- Ramayana
A temple ordinance/ceremony of baptism that includes immersion; only those who are old enough to understand the significance can partake. “It is performed by the living on behalf of the dead” Those that die without hearing the Mormon teachings needed for exaltation can receive them in spirit by family members who are undergo this process on their behalf. _________ is for these relatives who did not receive it themselves and “temple work” involves tracing your ancestry back and performing vicarious ceremonies, but the soul in the spirit world must give consent to be saved–the ceremony itself does not save them. (American Born Christians, Religion in America pg 159). The font is on sculptures of oxen that represent the twelve tribes of Israel.
- Temple Baptism (LDS)
The reaction that followed William Miller’s incorrect prediction that Jesus Christ would return in October of 1844 (p.164 in Religion in America book).
- Great Disappointment
One of three denominations of Judaism which practices the oldest of Jewish traditions that have not changed since day one. The other denominations of Judaism are Conservative and Reform. (Rabbi Blumof is a Conservative rabbi.) (YouTube video from the Chicago Police Department.)
- Orthodox Judaism
The preserver, one of Hinduism’s three main Gods
- Vishnu
American religious leader and founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement. When he was 24, he published the Book of Mormon.
- Joseph Smith
The ________ was a major church council where changes were made including, but not limited to, a confirmation of separation of church and state, it becoming acceptable to render Mass in the language of the area where Mass is held, an architectural revision where the priest now faces the congregation during Mass, and a change to the sacrament of last rites to include anointing those who are very ill but not in danger of dying. (Corbett-Hemeyer, pgs. 105-110 and class notes) in 1965, Council of the Roman Catholic Church which sought to modernize worship in the Catholic Church by allowing the mass to be celebrated in the vernacular instead of the traditional Latin Mass, and changed the order of service so the priest would face the congregation and stand for Christ (in persona Christi) while celebrating the sacraments.
- Vatican II
__________ is a tradition of teachings that are focused on Amitābha Buddha. __________-oriented practices and concepts are found within basic Mahāyāna Buddhist cosmology, and form an important component of the Mahāyāna Buddhist traditions of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Tibet.
- Pure Land Buddhism
all life involves suffering, we aggravate or even cause our own suffering, we can escape suffering, 8-fold path
- 4 Noble Truths (Buddhism)
_______ Christianity focuses on the believer being filled with the movement of the Holy Spirit; it is most widely portrayed in Pentecostal worship and mostly through glossolalia; however, ________ Christianity has experienced a second wave that has crossed into other Protestant denominations as well as the Catholic Church. (Corbett-Hemeyer and class notes) The “new ________ movement brought Pentecostal experiences to Christians who had not previously had them” (other major Protestant denoms and Catholicism) and emphasized “experience rather than doctrine” (C-H, p. 93-94)
- Charismatic
(Actual person) the actual historical Buddha who became enlightened sitting under a tree.
- Siddhartha Gautama
(in Indian religion) _______ is the eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order. ALSO- (in Buddhism) the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha; the teaching of Buddhism. ALSO-an aspect of truth or reality.
- Dharma
Jehovah’s Witness, Battle of _________ will be a universal disaster. “God is gathering the righteous together to spare them from the disaster”. It is written in the book of Revelation, will begin the reign of Jehovah god on earth and witnesses will be the forerunners of this new kingdom, 144,000 people will live with God in Heaven. The rest will live on earth in a paradise, kingdom of God on both earth and in heaven but only the select will have eternal life in heaven with God. These chosen people are called to separate from society to create their own theocracy…don’t involve themselves in politics, the military, don’t salute the flag or sing the national anthem because they do not want to worship the nation as a false idol (American Born Christians, Religion in America pg 166).
- Armageddon
People who are not joined with a religion. Noting the context, analyzing the data, understanding the stories
- noting the context - disestablishment, Awakening, civil religion, authenticity, individual choice
- analyzing the data - stereotypes to watch out for, what the numbers indicate
- understanding the stories - a step toward empathy and seeing the word in a way that makes meaning, connecting patterns, getting inside of the world view to understand why a person thinks/believes what they do.
- Unaffiliation
A Jewish movement that supports the establishment of a Jewish nation or national homeland in Israel. (Corbett-Hemeyer, page 194. Supplemented by Google.)
- Zionism
(response from the mid-term which has to do with his thoughts on persecution, but has info on who he is) Originally a Puritan minister and the founder of the first Baptist church in America, (a person rejected the persecution of Christians because of their “soul liberty,” or their personal spirituality; he was also among the first to extend religious tolerance to Jews. (class reading: Establishment or Tolerance?, Corbett-Hemeyer pgs. 52-53, and class notes) A dissenter from John Winthrop’s vision of an ecclesial civil authority, ___________ organized the Rhode Island colony around concepts of religious tolerance and liberty, using language that valued individual conscience and freedom from religious persecution. (Class presentation, notes, JCH, the statement was called “The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution”
- Roger Williams
A _________ is a mosque or Islamic place of worship.
- Masjid
The _________ are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha in Buddhism, also called the Three Jewels. (Sanskrit: triratna, Pali: tiratana). The _________ in Taoism are compassion, frugality and humility.
- 3 Treasures
It is a form of Judaism that falls between Orthodoxy and Reform Judaism, supporting religious tradition with evolution and change of interpretation over time. (Corbett-Hemeyer, 2016, p. 192).
- Conservative Judaism
The ________ is the written record of centuries of discussion, commentary, interpretation on the Torah by ancient Rabbis, who were scholars and teachers of the Torah. (Corbett-Hemeyer, 2016)
- Talmud
________ is the central belief in Judaism of one God, which is repeated daily, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone” (Dt. 6:4, Tanakh) (Corbett-Hemeyer, 2016, p.181).
- Shema
In Hinduism, _______ is the spiritual life principle of the universe, especially when regarded as inherent in the real self of the individual. Also- A persons soul. The human’s real self, or divine self, is carried through each successive reincarnation cycle (death and rebirth), progressing until the separation between the real self and the divine is overcome, resulting in unity and liberation (Corbett-Hemeyer). “The Real Self, or _______, is the divine within each and every person” (Corbett-Hemeyer, p. 241)
- Atman
It is a Hanukkah candleholder, which has eight branches plus a ninth that holds the lighting candle (Corbett-Hemeyer, 2016).
- Menorah
(in Hinduism and Jainism) ________ is the release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma. Also- the transcendent state attained as a result of being released from the cycle of rebirth. (Corbett-Hemeyer 241-242)
- Moksha
A ________ is a small box (red or black) that is tied to the forehead or arm of Orthodox Jewish men and contains a prayer from the Torah.
- Tefillin
After the assassination of Joseph Smith in 1844, he was chosen leader of the Mormons and continued as president until his death. He directed the migration of 16,000 Mormons from Illinois to Utah from 1846 to 1852, and became governor of the territory in 1851. In addition to bolstering his community through education and the arts, he contracted for the national expansion of telegraph and railroad lines.
- Brigham Young
Selling Christianity/ Jesus through mainstream media. Evangelism for the masses- because no one wants the fire and brimstone that we grew up with, they want to be entertained by the stories in the Bible
- Christo-tainment
The __________ within the First Amendment indicates that Congress may not create a state-supported religion; there are several views of this: accommodationist (help all religions, but protect the heritage of Judeo-Christianity), separationist (separation of church and state), and nonpreferentialist (support all religions like accommodationists, but no Judeo-Christian protections). (Corbett-Hemeyer and class notes)
- Disestablishment clause
is a perspective where it is possible to live in the natural world without reference to a transcendent reality. (It is a way to see the world where there is no possibility of contact with supernatural beings. It happens because of that reduction of science and reason applied to religion or the stuff that cannot be seen, the supernatural).
- Immanent frame
This refers to when Mary Baker Eddy slipped on an icy street in Lynn, MA in 1866 which left her in critical condition because of her injuries, but she healed by turning to God and the Bible, and this gave rise to Christian Science religion.
- Fall at Lynn
(from mid-term, where test item was about the City on a Hill image so not sure this is what we should recall for final) As part of a sermon to Puritans travelling to the New World to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony, (a person) described the future settlement as a civil and ecclesiastical form of government rising up as a city on a hill, visible to everyone to see if they did not succeed in keeping their covenant with God in the settlement establishment. (class reading: Establishment or Tolerance? and class notes)
Other details of his life:
*English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony. *He led the first large wave of immigrants from England in 1630 *served as governor for 12 of the colony’s first 20 years. *His writings and vision of the colony as a Puritan city upon a hill dominated New England colonial development, influencing the governments and religions of neighboring colonies. *He was not involved in founding the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1628, but he became involved in 1629 when anti-Puritan King Charles I began a crackdown on Nonconformist religious thought. *In October 1629, he was elected governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and he led a group of colonists to the New World in April 1630, founding a number of communities on the shores of Massachusetts Bay and the Charles River.
- John Winthrop
Consort of Shiva and mother of Ganesha
- Parvati
Originally from Jerusalem, he is a main prophet in the book of Mormon, brought family to the colonies in America (wikipedia and class chart)
- Lehi
___________, as described by sociologist Robert Bellah in the late 1960s, is a “public religious dimension” whereby religious beliefs are expressed publicly through “God talk” in political documents (such as the Constitution) and speeches, holiday observances, and by describing political issues in moral terms, often either through a conservative and priestly path that emphasizes individual morality, or through a more liberal and prophetic view that emphasizes morality extended to the world. (Corbett-Hemeyer, p. 32-33)
- Civil religion
a denomination or subgroup of Muslims
- Shia
_______ is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the day Esther, Queen of Persia, saved the Jewish people from execution by Haman, the advisor to the Persian king. It is celebrated by dressing up in costume and having fun with the community. Hamantaschen, triangular filled pastries/cookies, are the traditional treat during this time.
- Purim
_________ refers to a consistent life ethics, since God created all life, Roman Catholics are biased towards life in all circumstances (abortion, death penalty, refugees and healing). This metaphor, coined by the late Archbishop of Chicago Joseph Bernardin in 1984, refers to a consistent life ethic derived from Catholic Social Teachings that honor the sanctity of human life across a wide spectrum of issues, including war, capital punishment, human trafficking, abortion, euthanasia, workers’ rights, the poverty-stricken, etc. (
- Seamless garment
The _______ is part of the trinity including God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, comprehended across multiple religions as various “spiritual gifts” and often defined as something to be experienced rather than explained; internalizing the _______ can take on many forms, such as speaking in tongues within the Pentecostal Church. (class notes)
- Holy Spirit
___________ is the Jewish New Year, usually early autumn (Sept/Oct), a time of contemplation and spiritual self evaluation, taking account of the deeds done and not done the previous year (Corbett-Hemeyer, 2016).
- Rosh Hashanah
The ________ are the most ancient Hindu scriptures, written in early Sanskrit and containing hymns, philosophy, and guidance on ritual for the priests of the religion based on these scriptures. The ________ are the oldest sacred writings that have influenced the development of Hinduism. Bhagavad-Gita is a famous section of a longer (singular)_\_ called the Mahabharata, of which Dr. Baker read a part in class. (Corbett-Hemeyer pg 241)
- Vedas
god born of Shiva and Parvati, born full grown from the dew of the body of Parvati. Shiva arrived when Parvati was taking a bath and ________ opens the door but his father doesn’t recognize him and cuts his head off. When Parvati tells him he killed his son, Shiva gets the first head he finds and _______ ends up with an elephant head.
- Ganesha
The destroyer, one of Hinduism’s three main Gods
- Shiva
Born in 1873, was the first woman preacher in the African Methodist Church after she felt the call to preach the gospel.
- Jarena Lee
(a person) , (born Feb. 15, 1782, Pittsfield, Mass., U.S.—died Dec. 20, 1849, Low Hampton, N.Y.), was American religious enthusiast and leader of a movement called (his last name + ism) that sought to revive belief that the bodily arrival (“advent”) of Christ was imminent.
- William Miller
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops established the ______________ in 2002 to address allegations of the sexual abuse of minors by members of the Catholic clergy. (
- Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.