American Nations: Chapter 16- Study Guide Flashcards
Republican group who wanted greater assurances of white loyalty and greater guarantees of black rights after the Civil War
radical reconstructionists
document that outlined Lincoln’s plan for readmitting Southern states to the Union & reconstructing the South after the war.
Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction
proposed by radical Republicans; wanted stricter provisions for Reconstruction & punishment for former Confederates.
Wade-Davis Bill
the group that was created to help freed slaves transition into life as freedmen.
Freedmen’s Bureau
discriminatory Southern laws used during Reconstruction to restrict black freedoms.
black codes
amendment that defines citizenship and guarantees citizens due process & equal protection.
14th amendment
amendment that abolished slavery.
13th Amendment
amendment that established universal male suffrage.
15th Amendment
Lincoln’s VP; Southern Democrat, anti-wealth and anti-aristocracy President who sabotaged Republican Reconstruction efforts.
Andrew Johnson
laws that prevented intermarriage between Black and White citizens.
anti-miscegenation laws
act that established military rule in the South and stated that the military would supervise voter registration in the South.
Military Reconstruction Act
Southern term for Northern Republicans who moved to the South after the war.
a system in which white planters divided up large plantations into small farms which freedmen rented.
former Civil War general who became a president whose administration was known for corruption.
U.S. Grant
white Southerners who owned small, independent farms.