America In The 1930s Flashcards
How did Hoover try and solve the depression?
He cut taxes in 1930 so as to try and boost the economy. He encouraged business leaders to maintain wages that would also help. He set up the Reconstruction Finance company to help banks. He made tariffs to protect industries but this strangled international trade and made the depression worse.
He stopped the Garmer-Wagner relief bill in 1932 which would have provided $ 2.1 billion for jobs.
What did Hoover think up to 1932?
He thought they wasn’t a problem and said “prosperity is just around the corner”
Why did Hoover do what he did?
He didn’t make big changes as they felt it was caused by problems in Europe. The republicans felt that there was a cycle of boom and bust.
H didn’t try to help people. Social security was not the job of the government. He thought it would make people less willing to work.
Explain Rooservelt’s campaign.
The election held in 1932.
He said he would spend money on getting people to work.
His plans were vague and general but he promised action. He used a train to travel around the USA and made 16 major speeches. He promised a new deal.
He won by 7 million votes.
In 1930 how many banks failed?
1,352 and this meant people rushed to try and withdraw their savings.
How many were unemployed by 1933?
14 million.
What is a policy of leaving everyone alone?
What was Rooservelt’s general plan?
He wanted to help the lives of the ordinary people.
Spend money to help people find jobs.
He would ask advice from experts such as factory owners, union leaders and economists.
Who were and what happened to the bonus marchers?
They were 10,000ex-service men who fought in WW1. They marched outside the White House and wanted to be paired they war bonuses early. Hoover didn’t want to meet them and a lack of communication with General Douglas MacArthur, who thought they were communists, meant police men cleared them out with tear gas and riot gear.
What was the people’s perception of Hoover?
He was a “do nothing president”. Hoovervilles were named after him as be was blamed for the poverty.
What was the main difference between Hoover and Rooservelt?
Roosevelt felt that people needed held from e government while Hoover felt things would get better on their own.
What happened to wages between 1928-1933?
Wages were cut down by 60%
What happened to employment in 1932?
Half of workers in the steel town of Cleveland were unemployed and in Toledo it was 80%
What were the conditions of Hoovervilles?
People slept in open piano crates, tents, in shelters made of scape metal and on the ground. A Hoover blanket was an old newspaper and a Hoover wagon was a car pulled by horses as the owner couldn’t afford petrol.
How many were unemployed in 1932?
What is the federal emergency relief administration?
It would produce half a billion dollars to state and local agency’s. It tried to help the poor and this could be done by opening soup kitchens or giving clothing grants. It supported 5 million households and gave vaccines and literacy classes to millions who couldn’t afford them.
What did the civil works administration do?
It employed 4,000,000 people at $15 a week.These jobs could be repairing or building roads, parks airports or other public improved moral a and gave millions a steady job.
What did the emergency relief appropriation act do?
It provided $5,000,000,000 to create work for 3,500,000 people.
What did the public works administration do?
In 100 days
It was created in 1933 and produced 2,500,000 jobs for men who built things. This provided $3,300,000,000 to pay for public health projects like the building of schools, damns, roads, post offices and hospitals. By June 1934 funded 13,266 federal projects and 2,407 non federal projects.
What did the agricultural adjustment administration do?
In 100 days
It decreased farm production meaning prices went up. It did this by putting taxes on things like cotton and tobacco.
It encouraged modern farming techniques meaning soil was conserved.
It gave out loans to farmers and encouraged them to store food in times of high yield for times of low yield.
What did the social security act?
It provided old age pensions for workers, survivors of war and widows. It provides benefits for victims of industrial accidents and helped the unemployed by producing unemployment insurance. It also funded local governments so they could help the disabled.
What did the farm security administration do?
It gave $1 billion to help farmers.
What did Hoover think a well faire state would do?
He thought it would encourage laziness.
What was one of the first things that Roosevelt do?
He closed all banks for 4 days and only banks that could surrport themselves could open again.
What were the fire side chats?
It was when Roosevelt went on the radio and explained his new acts and why he did them.
What did the civilian conservation corps do?
In 100 days
It helped young unemployed people. They could sign on for 6 months and if they didn’t find work it would be renewed.
It employed people to plant trees to stop soil being washed away. It was created in 1933 and lasted for tens years. It employed 2.5 million.
What did the national recovery administration do?
In 100 days.
It produced many different business codes which tried to boost the economy. They introduced minimum wages and working conditions. It forbade child labour and encouraged fair completion and unions. The idea was to give workers money to spend. It would prevent over producing which causes a slump. Over 2 million joined the voluntary scheme.
Which people didn’t like the new deal?
The rich didn’t like the higher taxes.
Some felt that new deal was doing to much.
Communists didn’t think it was doing enough for the working class.
What happened in 1931 to starving people?
238 starving people went into hospital while 45 dies of malnutrition.
This was when Hoover said “no one is actually starving”
What was the new deal?
A promise Roosevelt made to people to get people back to work to protect people’s savings and property, help the sick and vunrible and help industry and agriculture to get on their feet.
What did the Tennessee valley authority do?
The valley would flood when it was wet and dry up when dry.
Nothing could grow and there was great poverty on the area.
It was created in 1933 and was the most ambitions of the new deal agencies. It’s aim was to develop the Tennessee valley water shed and it did this by building 16 damns that controlled the flow of water into the area. It also provided cheap electricity, improved agriculture and thousands of jobs.
Why was the second new deal made?
The economy had improved but not as much as FDR wanted. His wife Eleanor went to see and wanted to help the poor.
It included the resettlement act, the works progress administration, the youth administration, the social security act, the Wagner act and the fair labour standard act.
Explain the Wagner act.
It forced employers to let unions work. It let unions talk with employers to improve working conditions and it made it illegal to sack a person for being in a union.
Explain the resettlement act.
It loaned money to farmers so they could buy their own land.
Explain the works progress administration.
It payed musicians painters and photographers. This created jobs.
Explain the youth aidminstaion
It produced part time jobs for students.
Explain the fair labour standards act.
It made minimum wages and maximum working hours.
Why FDR make a new bank holiday?
Too many banks were closing and people didn’t trust them. If banks stayed close people couldn’t access their savings and so couldn’t invest or help the economy.
What problems faced farmers?
Many couldn’t afford farm rent and had to live on the road. The dust bowl and over cultivation meant nothing would grow on millions of acres of land.
What were some of the arguments against the new deal?
It was too complicated and didn’t help the poor.
The government wasn’t supporting unions or high wages.
The TVA created unfair competition.
The high taxes discouraged people from working.
It had polices like the ones in the USSR and these wouldn’t work in the USA.
Who was Huey long and what did he think of the new deal?
He was the governor of Louisiana. He taxed big company’s and used the money to build schools, hospitals and roads. He employed African Americans.
He said the new deal was too complicated and did too little for the poor. He had a share our wealth campaign.
Explain the share our wealth campaign.
It would limit the maximum income to $1 million and year and maximum incomes to $3 billion. It would give free radios and washing machines for the over 60’s. It would also make cheap food for the poor and old age pensions. $4000-$5000 would be given to each house so it could have a car.
Why was the Supreme Court against the new deal and give an example?
It contained many republicans who were against it.
It could overturn laws that is considered unconstitutional.
When a company broke NRA regulations it was prosecuted but never punished as the supreme court said the NRA was unconstitutional.
Was Huey long successful?
He targeted the poor which often didn’t vote. He was popular in his home state of Louisiana but we don’t know if he would have been popular across the country.
When did FDR become president for the first time?
Was the new deal a success or failure? What did it do for African Americans?
200,000 African Americans benefited from the CCC and other agencies. Many benefited from new deal slum clearance and housing projects.
However some agencies discriminated against them. They wouldn’t get jobs and if they did, they they would be the worse jobs and they would be payed less. FDR couldn’t pass laws that would stop lynching. The democrats in the southern states wouldn’t surpport him.
Was the new deal a success or failure? What did it do for unemployment and the economic problems?
It created millions of jobs, stabilised the banking system, cut business failures and projects like the TVA improved the standard of living in deprived areas while other projects provided resources like schools, roads and power stations.
However it never solved the underlying economic problems, it took longer to recover than other European nations, six million were still unemployed in 1941
Confidence remained low. People spent and invested 75% of what they has before 1929
Was the new deal a success or failure? What did it do for industrial workers.
The NRA and second new deal increased the power of unions and made big corporations try and talk with them.
The committee for industrial organisations was formed in 1935 when many unions joined. This was big enough to talk to big companies.
However big companies still remained very powerful, unions were treated suspiciously by workers, strikes were broken up with brutal violence.
When did the bonus marches march ?
June 1932
What were the fire side chats?
FDR went on the radio every sun day to explain what he was doing and why. 60 million people heard it.
What did the resettlement administration do? When was it replaced?
Second new deal.
Helped tenant farmers that weren’t paid by the AAA. It moved 500,000 families to better quality land and housing.
It was replaced by the farm security administration in 1937. It gave special loans to help small farmers buy land. It also provided camps to provide good accommodation for migrant workers.
How many banks closed by 1932?
How many were made homeless by the depression?
1 million.
How many farmers were evicted because of the depression?
1 in 20
What did farmers do to vent their anger?
Attack judges and bailiffs.