America 1920s Flashcards
Economic Boom
A period of time in the 1920s when America saw an increase in production, sales and wages
(A period of prosperity)
Causes of the economic boom
Industrial Strength - Rich in natural resources (steel, coal and textiles) = factories = goods to sell (oil motor cars, telephones and electric lighting) + agriculture was efficient and most productive
WW1- sold weapons and foodstuffs to Britain + joined war late so weren’t stripped of resources; took over European trade aground the world : outstripped Germany of chemical products
Republican policies - Laissez Faire + little tax + tariffs to boost American economy
Market for consumer goods (instalments) - advertisements encouraged to buy products + mail order made buying goods easier + Hire Purchase
Stocks and shares - 1000s bought these
Cycle of prosperity
- More money available to spend on consumer goods
- Increased demands for consumer goods
- Increased production
- Increased employment
Back to 1.
Right wing political party who believe in competition and usually appeal to middle and upper classes
Republican Presidents : Warren Harding (1921 - 23)
Calvin Coolidge (1923 - 29)
Herbert Hoover (1929 - 33)
Republican policies
Isolationism - keep out of foreing affairs to avoid imports and therefore allow Americans to keep their money
Taxes - taxed as little as possible (esp the rich) = keep money to spend on goods and boost businesses
Laissez faire - left businesses to do their own thing = businessmen could come up with their own products to make money
Tariffs - Emergency Tariff + Fordney McCumber Tariff
Stocks and shares
The two tariffs of the 1920s
1) Emergency Tariff May 1921 - increased the tax duty on imports by an average of 40%
2) Fordney - McCumber Tariff 1922 - meant tariffs on imported goods were the highest that they’d ever been
5 entertainment industries
Movies -
Cartoons and comics
People unable to join in with the flapper lifestyle
Black people
Women in the Bible Belt
People who did not benefit from the economic boom
African Americans
The lower class
Bible Belt (south)
Old industry workers
A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
Why were immigrants treated poorly
Americans favoured WASPs
And they favoured isolationism
Feared communism
Quotas on immigration
1921 Immigration Quota Act : immigrants were allowed in proportion to the number of people of the same nationality who had been in America in 1910. The figure was set at 3%
1924 National Origins Act : This is reduced to 2% of the 1890 census. More groups from Northern Europe (whiter people) allowed to enter.
1929 - Only 150,000 immigrants allowed in. No Asians.
The prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol
- Jan 6th 1920 - Volstead Act (18th Amendment)
They wanted to stop crime and improve behaviour
Organised Crime
Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale.
Civil Rights
The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality
The action of setting someone or something apart from others
White supremacy
The belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races
Race Relations
Relations between members or communities of different races within 1 country
Why was Segregation allowed ?
Plessy v Ferguson law passed in May 1896
What were the Jim Crow laws ?
The nickname given to segregation laws.
Crow : skin colour & supposed ‘scavenger’ behaviour
What happened to people who didn’t follow the Jim Crow laws?
They were
Simple timeline of black history
Jan 1863 - Emancipation Proclamation: slaves are freed
Dec 1865 - Thirteenth amendment : slavery is abolished
1866 - KKK is formed
July 1868 - Fourteenth amendment : American citizenship granted to former slaves
May 1896 - Plessy v Ferguson : supreme court insist segregation is legal
May 1909 - 1st campaign for civil rights : NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of coloured People formed
1914 - 1919 - 500,000 black southerners move to the North during the great migration
1917 - 1918 - 200,000 Black Americans fight during WW1
Negatives of Republican Policies
1) No foreign competition = industries and businesses didn’t improve services or products
2) Many other countries imposed high tariffs on American goods = damaged global economy
3) High prices and taxes meant life remained extremely difficult for the poor
‘Roaring 20s’
Growing prosperity = more money to spend on goods
Avg. working week went from 47.4 hours to 44.2 hours
Avg. wages grew by 11%