Amenorrhea Flashcards
Primary Amenorrhea
Secondary Amenorrhea
Primary - No menarche by age 16 w/ signs of pubertal development, or no signs of pubertal development by age 14
Secondary - Absence of menstration for 3+ months in previously menstrating woman, or absense for 9+ months in previously oligomenorrhea
Causes of Primary Amenorrhea
Chromosomal, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Structural
Turner’s, Delayed Puberty, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Mullerian Defect
Outflow Tract Obstruction (Can be primary or secondary)
Causes of Secondary Amenorrhea
PREGNANCY! Thyroid, Pituitary, Meds, Breast-feeding, Stress, Illness, Exessive exercise/low body weight, PCOS, Premature menopause
Labs for Aenorrhea
Pregnancy tests!!!!
thyroid, sex hormones, 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Pelvic U/S, MRI of head
Turners Syndrome
45 XO karyotype
Short stature with normal GH
Primary amenorrhea or early ovarial failure
Epicanthal folds, webbed neck, short fourth metacarpas
Renal and Cardio anomalies (coarct, aortic valve, aortic dissect, horseshoe kidney)
TX: GH injection + andorgen. @ 12 yrs, GH + estrogen
Delayed Puberty
Primary amenorrhea
Good prognosis
Wrist Joint X-Ray
Family Hx, and Follow up
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Primary Amenorrhea
Inc. Androgen - male caracteristiccs
Sex organs present
Possibly ambiguous genitalia
Tests: Karyotype, Low aldoseterone and cortisol, high urinary 17 ketosteriods, electrolytes: “Salt wasting” low Na, high K.
Treatment: Cortisol, Reconstructive surgery of genitalia, education of long term steroid therapy
Mullerian Defect
Primary Amenorrhea
Malformation of genital tract - Absent vagina
Normal breasts, pubic hair, external genitalia
Karyotype 46-XX
TX: Create vagina
Outflow Tract Obstruction
Primary - imperforate hymen
Secondary - curretage from surgery (“Askerman’s syndrome” - walls of uterus become adherent), cervical stenosis, fibroids, polyps
Secondary Amenorrhea
Causes: Pituitary tumor, hypothyroid, meds, stress
Signs: Galactorrhea, ifertility, amenorrhea
Labs: Prolactin, TSH, MRI
TX: Dopamine agonists, surgery, radiation
Secondary Amenorrhea
Signs: Dry skin, fatigue, coarse hair, goiter, weight gain, “cold”, memory problems, amenorrhea
Labs: TSH, FT4
TX: Levothyroxine
Cushing’s Syndrome
Secondary Amenorrhea
Edogenous - excess glucocorticoid secreted by adrenal cortex
Exogenous - long term steriods
Signs: Trunk obesity, moon facies, buffalo hump, amenorrhea, osteoporosis, hirsutism, acne, abdominal striae, HTN
Labs: Corticotropin Releasing Hormone stimulation tests, Dexamethasone suppresion test, 24 urine free cortisol
TX: Surgery, Dec. steroid use, treat effects aggressively
Premature Ovarian Failure
Secondary Amenorrhea
Menopausal Sx: hot flash
Labs: FSH, LH levels are HIGH. Also check TSH, glucose, cortisol.
TX: Oral contraceptives as hormonal treatment
Eating Disordors (anorexia, bulemia)
Secondary Amenorrhea is first sign
BMI <17
Sx: Menstrual irregularity, emaciated appearance, loss of fat distribution, dry skin, flat affect, brittle hair
Labs: CBC, electrolyte, TSH/T4, FSH/LH
TX: Inc. body weight, intense therapy and counseling, family involvment
Excessive Exercise (Female Athlete Triad)
Triad: Weight loss, secondary amenorrhea, osteoporosis
hypothalamic disorder (depression
TX: oral contraceptions, Ca2+ and Vit D, Exercise moderation
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea is most common
Obesity, masculine body, hirsutism, acne, glucose intolerance
Labs: GnRH, LH/FSH (inc. LH/FSH ratio), androgens, glucose, lipids, testosterone, prolacitn
Pelvic U/S: “Pearl Necklace”
TX: Oral contraceptives, progestin only. Spironolactone. Metformin. GnFH analogs - Lupron. Weight loss.
Algorithm for diagnosis
Pregnancy test first ALWAYS.
If neg. Progesterone challenge. Take 10 mg progesterone x 10 days.
If withrawl bleed: amenorrhea due to anovulation. consider PCOS / idiopathic. TX w/ OCs or progesterone every 3 months to prevent endoetrail hyperplasia
If NO bleed: Add estrogen to progesterone using OCs. Then if withdrawl bleed: Pt lacks endogenous estrogen. Consider hypothalamic dysfunction.
If still NO bleed: Check LH, FSH, TSH, Prolactin
Lab Values Indicate Which Disease? LH/FSH raio >3 FSH >40 Increased prolactin Increased TSH Decreased FSH and LH
LH/FSH raio >3 - PCOS
FSH >40 - premature ovarian failure or menopause
Increased prolactin - get MRI, r/o pituitary tumor
Increased TSH - hypothyroidism
Decreased FSH and LH - hypothalamic or thyroid malfuction (stress, weight loss, excessive excercise, eating disorder)