Amebiasis, Giardiasis Cryptosporidium, Trichomonmiasis Flashcards
In the lifecycle of protozoa, __ are the forms that eat, replicate and move, and the __ forms don’t do any of these things (except that they’re the infectious form)
In the lifecycle of protozoa, trophic forms are the ones that eat, replicate and move, and the cystic forms don’t do any of these things (except that they’re the infectious form)
**trophic forms responsible for pathology in host**
Pathogenic intestinal protozoa
E. histolytica: invasive; inhabits colon
Giardia intestinalis, Coccidia (Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Isospora): cause watery diarrhea, dysentery; inhabit small bowel
Non pathogenic intestinal protozoa
Other Entamoeba (besides histolytica)
3 parasites most common for causing diarrheal disease
Cryptosporidium parvum
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia lamblia
Lifecycle of E histolytica inside host
ingested cyst >> trophic form in colon >> replication and escape into other organs >> excreted trophic forms (repeat of cycle)
Transmission of E histolytica is __
Tx: fecal-oral >> person to person, contaminated food/water
Trophozoites feed by __, colonize the colon and replicate by binary fission
Cysts have a __ that allow them to resist gastric acidity and are infective even in small doses
Trophozoites feed by phagocytosis and eat RBCs, colonize the colon and replicate by binary fission
Cysts have a strong cyst wall that allow them to resist gastric acidity and are infective even in small doses
Mechanisms of contact-mediated cytolysis for Entamoeba histolytica (3)
Adherence to epithelial cells via Gal/GalNac lectin
Cysteine proteases >> act on ECM
Amebapores >> pores in target cells
Which organism contributes to flask-shaped lesions pathology in the colon?
E histolytica
Presentation of amebiasis
Presentation: bloody diarrhea/dysentery, gradual onset (1+ week symptoms), ameboma
Dx of amebiasis
Microscopy of stool + fecal Ag testing +/- serology
Imaging and needle aspiration of liver abscess
Rx for amebiasis (asymptomatic carrier vs invasive disease)
Asymptomatic carrier: paromomycin/iodoquinol
Invasive disease: metronidazole/tinidazole
Which bug is this?
Giardia intestinalis (lamblia, duodenalis)
In Giardia, the __ stage colonizes the upper small intestine, attaches via “sucking disk” but doesn’t invade + replicates by binary fission
The __ stage is the infective stage passed in infected people’s feces
In Giardia, the trophozoite stage colonizes the upper small intestine, attaches via “sucking disk” but doesn’t invade + replicates by binary fission
The cyst stage is the infective stage passed in infected people’s feces
Giardiasis presentation
Main presentation: watery and foul smelling diarrhea (no blood) and abdominal cramps
(also note malabsorption due to damage to villi >> weight loss)