ambulance equipment Flashcards
reeves stretcher
driver’s side forward compartment
scoop stretcher
driver’s side forward compartment
peds backboard
driver’s side forward compartment
pediatric immobilizer
driver’s side forward compartment
driver’s side middle compartment
START triage MCI kit
driver’s side middle compartment
trauma bag
driver’s side middle compartment
oxygen bag
driver’s side middle compartment
oxygen manifold
driver’s side middle compartment
B-CON kit
driver’s side middle compartment
driver’s side rear compartment
turn out coats
driver’s side rear compartment
fire extinguisher
driver’s side rear compartment
flares or reflective triangle
driver’s side rear compartment
jumper cables
driver’s side rear compartment
stairchair with sheet
passenger’s side rear compartment
passenger’s side rear compartment
collar bag
passenger’s side rear compartment
spider straps
passenger’s side rear compartment
soft restraint
passenger’s side rear compartment
head immobilizers
passenger’s side rear compartment
spare backboard straps
passenger’s side rear compartment
adult BVM
airway compartment (green)
ped BVM
airway compartment (green)
infant BVM
airway compartment (green)
adult NRB
airway compartment (green)
adult nasal cannula
airway compartment (green)
peds NRB
airway compartment (green)
peds nasal cannula
airway compartment (green)
oxygen humidifiers
airway compartment (green)
nebulizers (4 adult, 3 peds)
airway compartment (green)
OPA kit
airway compartment (green)
NPA kit
airway compartment (green)
suction kit
airway compartment (green)
3 oral glucose tubes
airway compartment (green)
airway compartment (green)
airway compartment (green)
ringer cutter
airway compartment (green)
airway compartment (green)
adult blood pressure cuff
airway compartment (green)
large adult blood pressure cuff
airway compartment (green)
peds blood pressure cuff
airway compartment (green)
OB kit
obstetrics compartment (pink)
OB pads
obstetrics compartment (pink)
foil swaddlers
obstetrics compartment (pink)
bulb syringes
obstetrics compartment (pink)
multi-trauma dressings
trauma compartment (red)
burn sheets
trauma compartment (red)
1 liter total volume sterile water
trauma compartment (red)
1 liter total volume saline
trauma compartment (red)
assorted sizes of tape
trauma compartment (red)
alcohol prep pads
trauma compartment (red)
trauma compartment (red)
cold packs
trauma compartment (red)
emesis bags
trauma compartment (red)
4” x 4” dressings
trauma compartment (red)
5” x 9” dressings
trauma compartment (red)
triangular bandages
trauma compartment (red)
assorted sizes of kling rolls
trauma compartment (red)
2 canisters saniwipes
linens compartment (blue)
bed sheets
linens compartment (blue)
linens compartment (blue)
hospital blankets
linens compartment (blue)
yellow blankets
linens compartment (blue)
mega mover
linens compartment (blue)
tub basins
linens compartment (blue)
kidney basins
linens compartment (blue)
linens compartment (blue)
PPE kits
OSHA compartment (orange)
OSHA compartment (orange)
N95 masks
OSHA compartment (orange)
red bags
OSHA compartment (orange)
ALS drug bag
ALS cabinet (locked)
orange IV roll
ALS cabinet (locked)
king airway roll
ALS cabinet (locked)
yellow CPAP bag
ALS cabinet (locked)
AED with pads
forward compartment
LUCAS device with spare battery
forward compartment
portable suction device with tubing and yankauer catheter
forward compartment
clip board with paper PCRs and forms
forward compartment
padded board splint kit
under bench
frac pac kit
under bench
adult hare traction splint
under bench
peds hare traction splint
under bench
sager traction splint
under bench
pediatric restraints
under bench
Oxygen, Penlight,
Trauma Dressing, Cold Pack Burn Sheet, Emesis Bags,
4” x 4” Dressings, Adult NRB, 5” x 9” Dressings, Adult Nasal Cannula, Rolls Kling, Peds NRB, Bottle Sterile Water, Peds Nasal Cannula, Bottle Saline, Stethoscope, Adult BVM, Adult Blood Pressure Cuff, Triangular Bandages (Cravats), Large Adult Blood Pressure Cuff, OPA Kit & NPA Kit, Peds Blood Pressure Cuff, Trauma Shears
tech bag
1 nebulizer
BLS med pouch
BLS med pouch
chewable aspirin
BLS med pouch
quickclot dressings
BLS med pouch
nasal narcan kits
BLS med pouch
check and inject epikits
BLS med pouch
2 oral glucose tubes
BLS med pouch
mechanical tourniquet
BLS med pouch
blood glucose kit
BLS med pouch