Amber Book - PPD Flashcards
Think of every large piece of outdoor equipment you might need for a large building and decide where it should go on a site.
Dumpster: out of view, far from noses (smells bad), not near quiet-room windows (banging lids)
Transformer: between the municipal service (electrical wires on poles or electrical wires underground) and in-building switch gear. Could be on pole, on the ground near the building 4′ from the road, underground outside building or inside building. Ugly and sometimes buzzes, so out of view if possible. If inside building often non-flammable coolant needed inside the transformer.
Cooling tower: These are large. They want to be out of view and they need access to the atmosphere so they can’t be indoors. They are often near the chillers they serve, but they can be remote if needed.
Generator: loud, but if it is a backup generator, it will be rarely used and the noise will not be a problem. Must exhaust to outside, so typically a generator sits outside the building. If it is an indoor generator, it must exhaust to the outside.
When given a chance, how you decide what is the least expensive construction technique?
What you see most often on construction sites is usually the least expensive option.
OSB sheathing is more common, and less expensive, than plywood sheathing
Plywood is more common as formwork, and less expensive, than insulated concrete forms (ICFs)
Vinyl siding is more common, and less expensive, than wood siding
Asphalt roadway is more common, and less expensive, than concrete roadway
And so on. . .
What is a right-hand reverse-bevel door?
See image
How can we shade windows?
South facing: deciduous trees, horizontal louvers, light shelves, shade with other adjacent building masses
East- and west-facing: deciduous trees, vertical louvers, light shelves, shade with other adjacent building masses
North-facing: shading not required
Shading lower southern sun requires longer horizontal overhangs
Shading lower southern sun requires longer horizontal overhangs
Shading higher southern sun requires _______ (shorter or longer?) horizontal overhangs.
Shading higher southern sun requires shorter horizontal overhangs
Position the vertical louvers on the east or west face so that the “cut-off” angle of each fin shades direct sun.
The geometry of the fins vary relative to the position of the sun (see the next card)
Position the vertical louvers on the east or west face so that the “cut-off” angle of each fin shades direct sun.
This geometry will vary based on the specific location of the sun (see the previous flash card)
Design a light shelf. Draw it in section. Try to get the proportions and materials correct.
A: height of light shelf should be such that it shades room occupants from sky view
B: height of top light should be as high as possible (with “A” in mind)
C: extension of light shelf should be 1.4 times b if light shelf faces due south (1.7 times b if light shelf faces more than 20 degrees to the east or west of south). Figure out why that would be? (answer below). In hot climates the extension of the light shelf can be louvers to allow built-up heat to escape upward.
x: to get light deep into the room (and therefore mitigate glare) sunlight should reflect off top of light shelf and then off light-colored ceiling
R: because view to the sky is shaded, areas close to the window have less glare
z: top of light shelf should be painted white. In cold climates, the top surface can be mirrored. Figure out why climate matters (answer below). Bottom of light shelf should also be light colored so that it doesn’t contrast too heavily with the bright outdoors when viewed from within.
Answer 1: the sun is lower in the sky in the east and west than in the south, especially near sunrise and sunset. To shade from the sun, we need to extend the light shelf outward farther.
Answer 2: in a hot or mixed climate, a mirrored top surface would reflect unwanted heat into the occupied space.
What is the difference between passive and active radon mitigation?
Passive system: Caulk/sealant in foundation cracks and where the slab meets the foundation wall, and plastic sheet below the slab seals the building from the radon in the ground. Continuous, airtight plastic pipe extends from the sub-slab gravel straight up through the roof to allow an easy path for underground radon to escape without entering the house. No fan needed.
Active radon mitigation: fan pulls air (and radon) through a continuous plastic pipe from below slab or crawlspace to the atmosphere, bypassing the building. We don’t want the radon that is pulled out of the foundation to leak back into the building, so we seal the slab; we put the fan in the attic or anywhere else outside the the enclosure; and we discharge the radon from the pipe at least 10 feet from a window, door, or other opening (including doors and openings in adjacent buildings), at least 10 feet off the ground, and above the roofline, as close to the ridge as possible. Angle the pipe discharge away from any bulding surface to avoid moisture discharge or mildew build up on the building wall or roof.
For new homes, a passive radon system should be installed (it’s cheap, and if it needs to be converted into an active system later because of high radon levels, simply add an inline fan to the existing passive pipe in the attic). In areas of the country with high radon levels, new homes should have an active system installed from the beginning.
When the shear wall is overly-perforated with apertures or doesn’t continue uninterrupted all the way from roof to foundation:
When the shear wall is overly-perforated with apertures or doesn’t continue uninterrupted all the way from roof to foundation:
What is the “soft story” problem?
See Image
What is the problem with the “soft story” problem?
See image
There are urbanistic and programmatic reasons why you might want to design a tall or flexible or otherwise different first floor. What is the “soft story” solution?
High first floors with slender columns doesn’t always bring about a soft story first floor. The problem arises when the columns are the primary resistors of lateral force.
Calculating code stair width
You calculate the stair width–for the whole stair system–based upon the floor with the highest occupancy load. That floor’s width controls all the way up and down the exit stairs, so you don’t have to add cumulatively. For stairs serving one floor and fewer than 50 occupants, the minimum width is 36″. For stairs serving multiple floors, the no-matter-what minimum width (always measured between handrails) is 44″. To calculate the minimum width for your building, you’ll take the floor with the highest occupancy and multiply that occupancy by 0.3 (multiply by 0.2 if sprinklered and not a fireworks factory or prison, but I’m going to use 0.3 going forward for simplicity). After you multiply the highest-occupancy floor’s number of people by 0.3, that will give you a minimum TOTAL width, inclusive of all your exit stairs. You’ll split that total up between the total number of exits required for your building:
Occupant Load per Story: 1 to 500 people: 2 stairs; 501 to 1000: 3 stairs; more than 1,000: 4 stairs
So if you have 100 people per story and four stories, you will need two exits, minimum. You’ll multiply 100*0.3 to get a minimum TOTAL stair width of 30″, divided across two exits, which returns you 15″ per stair. But, there is a minimum stair width of 44″ so each stair will be a minimum of 44″
If instead you have 600 people on your third story and 100 per floor on the other levels, you’ll take 600 * 0.3, which returns you 180 inches and minimum number of three exits, so 60″ per exit stair and three exit stairwells.
Only stair widths within 30″ of a railing “count” as egress, so were the width of the example above more than 60″ wide, we’d need an intermediate rail in the middle of the stairs (or more likely, add a fourth stair). An intermediate stair rail looks something like this.
There are exceptions for refrigeration rooms and daycares and all kinds of different rules such that you should never use my generalizations in lieu of your own code search when designing your buildings. This is just provided as a general rule-of-thumb, useful for studying, but not verified and never appropriate to replace your own code search.
Shear (pin) vs Moment Connections
Straighten out your arm and hold it horizontally. Now use your hand to grab the shoulder of a loved-one who is standing nearby. If that loved-one suddenly moves out of reach, does your arm fall or does it remain horizontal? If it falls, your shoulder was a shear (or pin) connection. If it still remains outstretched horizontally after your loved-one moved—if it remains cantilevered from your body—your shoulder was in a moment connection.
In steel, you can recognize a shear connection because (generally) the beam web is bolted or welded to the column, but the beam’s flanges are not. Shear connections resist gravity, but don’t do well in the presence of lateral forces like wind and seismic. They therefore need additional lateral resistance from cross bracing or a shear wall (rigid lateral membrane) so that a hurricane doesn’t push over the pin-connected structure. The nomenclature can be confusing: shear connections need a shear wall (or cross-bracing) to resist lateral forces. Importantly, shear walls or cross-bracing are not required everywhere—only in a few of the structural bays.
By contrast steel moment connections (generally) bolt/weld both the flanges and web to the column and resist both vertical gravity and lateral wind/seismic. They can handle the hurricane without the benefit of shear walls or cross-bracing. The additional cost of attaching the flanges doesn’t feel like it would amount to that much extra in a building’s budget, at least not relative to the extra cost of cross-bracing or building a concrete shear wall. But given the skill-level of the structural steel trades, and their location high atop steel structures exposed to the elements, the extra cost of moment connections (bolting the flanges to the beam) is surprisingly significant. Plus, code life safety requirements often dictate a concrete stair tower that can “do double-duty” as the shear walls without extra cost. So most of the connections you see in the field when a steel beam meets a steel column are shear connections. . . which means that if the neighboring column were to jump out of the way, and there was no shear wall in the bay and no cross bracing in the bay, the beam would pivot downward.
If the stair tower is constructed of concrete (or concrete block with enough reinforcing bar), it can double as the shear walls for the building, resisting lateral wind and seismic loads and allowing the steel connections to be shear (pin) type.
Still unsure? You can think of a moment connection like this image, one where the beam won’t swing like a hinge on the column if the second column supporting the beam suddenly disappeared..
This mushroom column too:
If our goal is to shade the windows, which illustrates the west side of the building?
Vertical fins shade the east and west elevations, horizontal fins shade the south, no shading needed on the north
Sketch a convective loop inside a wall cavity
In wall cavities of widths greater than 4in, a convective loop forms as air naturally rises up the warm side of the cavity and falls along the cold side. This acts as a short circuit of the thermal barrier, accelerates the transfer of heat from inside to outside, and cancels (or even reverses) the thermal benefit of the cavity. This is especially acute in tall cavities in cold climates.
Note the role of radiant heat exchange across the cavity, as the warm side “sees” the cold side and transfers its heat by electromagnetic energy.
Note also the role of conductive heat exchange across the solid elements of the wall
The physics of a cavity wall suggest conduction, radiation, and convection are all going on simultaneously—but for simplicity, we typically measure heat transfer through the wall in equivalent conduction terms (R-value).
Conduction, convection, and radiation across a wall assembly
See image
Sketch convective loops as they develop in roof and floor assemblies
See image
Are wind loads higher at the top of tall buildings?
Yes, wind speeds increase with the height above the ground (but gustiness—circulation of wind in eddies—decreases with height).
Wind is notoriously difficult to account for in tall buildings. The high pressure (windward) side takes on a “pushing” lateral load, while the low-pressure (leeward) side takes on a suction pulling load in the same direction. This can cause the building to “gallup,” vibrate, and sway in ways that prove unnerving for occupants in higher floors. The downwind pattern formed by the building’s disruption of wind flow, called “vortex shedding,” can create a force perpendicular to the wind direction and dislodge windows. To limit the structural impact of winds on a tower, soften the corners in plan (rounded or chamfered, rather than right angles), taper or set back the building plan as it rises, twist the building as it rises, provide large apertures in the building’s windward face that allow the wind to pass through at some floors, or position a heavy damper in a top floor to counteract the natural vibration of the building. See this digital model. Most of these strategies will also reduce the canyon effect wind speed on the city streets below as well. For more, go here.
Read the following AIA contracts. (It is probably not an efficient use of your study time to memorize them unless doing so will also help you day-to-day at work.)
Owner-Architect Agreement B101 is here (most important one to know)
Owner-Contractor Agreement A101 is here
General Conditions of the Contract for Construction A201 is here
Architect-Consultant Agreement C401 is here
*As with so much of the other content in this division, these are also important for CE, PjM, and PcM exam divisions, and to a lesser extent, PA and PDD. That is why you’ll save yourself time–both in total hours of studying and in total time until licensure–if you treat all six divisions as one long six-part exam to be taken in one or two weeks. I know you are scared of this idea, but I’m certain I’m right about this.
In which condition does an exit (stair) need to be pressurized to keep smoke out?
Buildings made of combustible construction types (wood (Type V) construction)
Underground buildings
Underground buildings have stairs that must be pressurized.
The egress path (the path for getting out in an emergency) has three parts,
- Exit access (for simplicity, think of that as the corridor from the room to the stairs)
- Exit (the stairs)
- Exit discharge (door from the stairs to outside)
We want occupants to be safe—or at least safer and more protected from fire and smoke–when they reach the exit (stair), even if they are not yet out of the building. One of the ways we do that, is to pressurize the stair with a giant fan at the top that is activated by the building’s smoke detector. With the stair pressurized, smoke is less likely to fill the stair. This type of system is required in the following building categories:
- In tall buildings-–it takes a long time to walk down 100 floors, especially if others are joining you at each floor and clogging things up, and we need you not to choke from smoke inhalation on the way down. . . We pressurize the stair so it doesn’t fill with smoke.
- In underground buildings—you need to move up to make your way outside safely, but smoke rises, so we don’t want you moving up to a too-smoky-to-breathe higher floor. . . We pressurize the stair so it doesn’t fill with smoke.
You can see an example of such a pressurization fan by looking up the next time you are in a stairway of an underground building or tall building. It looks like this. The diagram of it looks like this.
How do we best reduce the build-up of low-frequency sound in a room (for instance, rumble from mechanical equipment)?
Specify materials with a low Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC)
Position sound-absorbing materials near the corners and edges of walls
A: Position sound-absorbing materials near the corners and edges of walls. We call this a “bass trap.”
Low frequency sound energy–low tones from mechanical equipment like fans, transportation noise like trucks, and amplified sound like in da club—naturally build up around the perimeter and corners of a room. Sound-absorbing materials positioned near the corners and edges of walls absorbs more of that build-up. For more, see my book, Architectural Acoustics Illustrated.
Which type of soil is more stable to build on?
Answer: Sand
Clay behaves unpredictably when it gets wet. It swells.
Of course most soil boring reports detail a mix of sand and clay (and silt and gravel). It is then the proportion of clay that will determine stable soil.
A good barrier for preventing sound from transmitting from one room to the other is _______.
Answer: Airtight
Assemblies that are massive, airtight, and structurally discontinuous do the best job keeping out the neighbor’s TV noise, or keeping out the bus noise, from your apartment. By contrast, sound absorption is used to reduce the sound buildup inside the same room where the sound is made, and has less impact on the neighbor’s noise.
In the same way that cloud cover, temperature and wind speed are each measures of weather, but not very related to one another . . . room acoustics (sound absorption), noise control (sound isolation), and impact noise control (from footfall) are each measures of acoustics but not very related to one another. A room with high or low quantities of absorption may or may not be good at keeping sound from the adjacent room out, just as a cloudy day may or may not also be windy.
A larger room has a _______ reverberation time than a smaller room.
Answer: Longer
Large rooms, rooms with fewer surfaces, and rooms with harder, smoother, less-fuzzy surfaces are more reverberant (sound lingers longer after it is suddenly stopped). The more reverberant the room, the longer the reverberation time, measured in seconds. Rooms with unamplified speech, amplified speech, and amplified music generally want to be less reverberant: they want to be smaller, with fuzzier surfaces. In contrast, rooms for unamplified music, like concert halls, generally want to be more reverberant: larger, with harder and smoother surfaces.
A surface with an absorption coefficient of 1.00 is considered _______.
Answer: Sound-absorptive.
Sound absorption coefficient measured for the surface of a building material (⍺), ranges from 0.0 (fully sound reflective) to 1.0 (fully sound absorptive). Most sound absorbing materials have ⍺ values greater than 0.5 and most sound-reflecting materials have ⍺ values less than 0.2
What is an overturning moment
For the curious or confused, see here for a more detailed calculation (probably not worth memorizing but may be interesting to you).
A shed has a wind load of 1.0 kips and a gravity load of 2.0 kips. Using the free body diagram, calculate the magnitude and angle of the resultant force.
Answer: 2.2 Kips at 63° from horizontal
It’s wintertime, it’s been a rainy month, and there’s moisture inside the parapet structure. The building includes an arboretum. This can most likely be best addressed with _______.
Rain barrier
Vapor barrier
Answer: insulation
For more explanation, visit this video.
How many lavatories, water closets for boys, water closets for girls, and water fountains are required for a middle school with an occupancy load of 1000 people? Use the internet liberally.
You’ll want to visit the IBC here to check with Table 2902.1. On the exam, this will be provided in the question, or more likely, in the case study material.
Lavatories: 20 (1 per 50 occupants)
Water closets for boys: 10 (1 per 50 occupants)
Water closets for girls: 10 (1 per 50 occupants)
Water fountains: 10 (1 per 100 occupants)
With few exceptions, you must assume that 50% of occupants are women and 50% are men, so 500 of each for this example. Here we assume Educational (E) occupancy type.
Remember that a “water closet” is a toilet and a “lavatory” is a sink without food waste going down the drain. This can be confusing because in common language, sometimes a bathroom is called a water closet, or a bathroom is called a lavatory.
For mixed-use buildings, calculate the number required for each occupancy classification (E, A, S, etc.) and then add them together.
Include the occupancy load for outdoor dining and entertainment spaces (courtyards, beer gardens, terraces)
The following diagram depicts a building plumbing system. The blue arrow points to a pipe that brings hot water back to the hot water heater from the rooms with fixtures (not hot wastewater, but hot potable water). Why would we want to return hot water to the hot water heater?
It’s more efficient (less heat loss through pipes)
It’s safer (less likely to scald children or others not able to effectively work the fixture controls)
It creates less stress on the water pumps
Water in fixtures gets warm more quickly
Answer: Water in fixtures gets warm more quickly
Hot water circulates, especially in large buildings, to keep warm water in the pipes adjacent to fixtures so occupants don’t have to wait for the column of hot water to make it all the way from the hot water heater to a distant fixture. This arrow points to a hot water return pipe that brings hot water back to the basement where it is reheated and recirculated, even when no one is running a fixture in the building. In this case, the circulation is maintained (slowly) by natural convection as the hottest water rises and not-as-hot water sinks in the pipes. In some buildings, hot water circulation is instead maintained by an electric pump.
How many amps for a 2160 watt bedroom circuit in a single-family detached house? Ignore power factor. Given W=I*V
Answer: 18amps
Standard voltage is 120 volts.
The current calculation in the previous problem can be used to _______.
Locate the breaker box
Locate the underground power utility
Reduce the amount of power used (for energy conservation)
Size the wire
Answer: Size the wire
Last month I volunteered to help out with the renovation of a building on campus where people assemble for banquets and weddings. The operators of the space field regular complaints of excessive reverberance: for instance, at a banquet a dean is recognizing faculty who have won teaching awards, and each syllable of the dean’s speech seems to linger in the air too long, interfering with the next syllable before it is uttered. How much extra sound absorbing material, in square feet, should be added to move this room to a (1000 Hz) reverberation time of 0.40 seconds for improved speech intelligibility?
I measured the existing reverberation time to be 0.73 seconds at 1000Hz
The sound absorption coefficient (SAC or ⍺) of the absorbing material they chose, measured at 1000Hz, is 0.95
I measured the total surface area of all the surfaces in the room to be 4365 sf
I measured the total volume of the room to be 11619 cu ft
Assume that the absorbing material will replace gypsum board with a sound absorption coefficient (SAC or ⍺) of 0.04
You can see photos of the space here and here.
As always, I may have given you more information here than you would need to solve this (or may not have).
Answer: Add approximately 730 sf of absorbing material
How many footcandles would be measured 3’ above the floor directly below a fixture hung at a height 9’ above the floor
a point source light
9,000 candle power (cp)
Ignore reflectance from room surfaces, dirt depreciation, etc.
Answer: 250 fc
The US lighting industry has far too many metrics to easily keep track of.
Measures of how much light is coming out of a lamp
Candle power (CP): measure of how much light is coming out of a lamp. A 100,000 candlepower spotlight is equal to the light of 100,000 candles. Because it is an imperial measurement, it is easily converted to footcandles, which is also an imperial measurement.
Candela: A more scientific measure of candlepower. For our purposes, we can use the two terms interchangeably, though the historical “candlepower” unit is equal to 0.981 candelas.
Lumens: metric version of the same thing. 1 candela = 13 lumens. “Lumens” is the most common metric used in the industry, but is a bit less intuitive when converting to footcandles and a bit more intuitive when converting to lux (the metric version of how much light is hitting a surface).
Measures of how much light is striking a point in a room
Footcandles: how much light arrives at a point on a surface (imperial)
Lux: same as footcandles, but metric. 1 footcandle is equivalent to approximately 10 lux. You don’t need to memorize conversion rates
“Horizontal footcandles” is a measure of light arriving from ______.
The side
Answer: Above!
Horizontal footcandles is a measure of light impinging upon a horizontal surface: as if you put the light meter flat on a table, so it measures light arriving from above.
Vertical footcandles measures light impinging on a vertical surface. . . so light arriving from the side.
This is a bit counter-intuitive until you know the backstory.
How many horizontal footcandles would be measured on a table 3’ above the floor on a desk surface. The fixture is hung at a height 9’ above the floor, and in plan, the desk is 5’ to the right of the fixture.
An omnidirectional point source light
9,000 candle power (cp)
Answer: 113fc
How many vertical footcandles would be measured at a point on a wall 3’ above the floor. The fixture is hung at a height 9’ above the floor, and in plan, the wall is 5’ to the right of the fixture.
An omnidirectional point-source light
9,000 candle power (cp)
Answer: 95 fc
Calculate the angle Θ
tan(Θ)= ⅚
tan-1(⅚)=Θ or arctan(⅚)=Θ. . . .
Θ =40 degrees
Calculate the distance D
Pythagorean theorem
Calculate the vertical footcandles
How many horizontal footcandles would be measured on a table 3’ above the floor on a desk surface. The fixture is hung at a height 9’ above the floor, and in plan, the desk is 5’ to the right of the fixture.
a fixture with the following photometric curve
Answer: 85 horizontal footcandles
Vierendeel Truss
Truss without triangles–only right angles. Useful if you don’t want angled truss components to interfere with windows, but for it to function as a truss, the connections at the top and bottom chords have to resist moment forces and are often beefy and expensive. They look like this.
Herzog and deMeuron’s Jenga building in New York achieves its cantilevers with two-story concrete Vierendeel trusses. You can see them on this short time-lapse construction video.
How do we route power to desks that are far from a wall when the floor is concrete?
How do we bury conduit into concrete structure?
We can run steel conduit inside concrete slabs. They are placed in the bottom half of the slab (in section) to help with tension the way that rebar runs in the bottom portion of spanning horizontal concrete. The top of the conduit sits below at least ¾ inch of concrete covering and parallel conduit runs must be spaced, O.C., a distance at least three times the larger conduit outside diameter. Conduits cross at right angles. See here for an example (some of these conduit look to be closer together than allowed).
We can also pour a non-structural concrete topping over the structural slab and nestle the conduit into the topping.
Underfloor raceway ducts
They’re called “ducts” in this context, but they carry electrical and data wires rather than air. They can sit beneath, or flush to, the floor. Expensive, disruptive, and not very popular anymore in favor of moving power in the ceiling below, under-carpet, or cellular metal floor raceways. See here for an example of ducts for raceways.
Floor cellular raceway systems
Floor cellular raceways provide both the metal part of a concrete slab’s structure, the floor pan, formwork, and the wire management in a single proprietary product. See this excellent video (the link starts the video midway through because that is the best place to start).
Poke-through floor boxes vs floor cellular raceways
Poke-through floor boxes: Best for retrofits and renovations because the floor slab is already poured. The fifth floor open-office wiring is run under the floor slab, in the ceiling of the fourth floor. Then holes are bored for poke-through floor boxes with electrical receptacles and data jacks for the mid-floor desk. Click here to see what poke-through fixures look like.
Floor cellular raceways: Best for new construction. The fifth floor slab is poured with a floor cellular raceway system integrated into it. If you forgot what these look like from the last flash card, click here.
Under-carpet wiring system
Under-carpet wiring systems: imagine laying something that looks like tape, but is actually flat insulated electrical conductors aligned edge to edge. Only 0.03 inches thick, so you can’t feel it under the carpet when you walk on it. Obviously the least expensive solution and obviously the one with the least impact on floor-to-floor heights. Doesn’t work as well for large, complicated floors because with higher power needs comes the need for thick electrical boxes that can’t lay flat under your carpet. See this video at this timestamp (you don’t need to watch all of it and you are encouraged to watch it at 2x speed).
Surface metal raceways
You’ve seen surface metal raceways on walls (they often have a metal back but a visible plastic–not metal–cover). They can be mounted on floors too. Don’t specify these on floors unless you like to trip your occupants and want to ensure floors aren’t cleaned properly. They are only specified when sufficiently out-of-the-way of everyday foot traffic. See here.
Ceiling raceways
Ceiling raceways, also sold as proprietary systems called “manufactured wiring systems”: run the power to the third floor open-plan desk through the ceiling of the second floor below it. Then install a poke-through fixture. Expensive because of all the drilling through the floor, and in retrofits, this might inconvenience the office tennant, below, but is a smart out-of-sight solution if you didn’t install a floor cellular raceway when the building was constructed, don’t like carpet, and hate the hollow thump of raised access flooring
Raised access flooring system
Raised access flooring systems float floor tiles on pedestals over a 12in to 24in hollow cavity. Conduit (and ducts) can then be flexibly run–and later adjusted–under the floated floor with relative ease. Obviously raised access floors increases the required floor-to-floor height. See here.
Floor-to-ceiling raceway poles
See here for an example of a Floor-to-ceiling electrical/communication raceway pole. These hanging receptacles offer another from-the-ceiling option.
Locate the portions of the section most susceptible to thermal bridging
See image
Locate the portions of the section most susceptible to air infiltration
See image
Thermal bridging happens when structure short circuits the insulation and spans clear across the assembly, touching both the inside and outside.
Thermal bridging is present, but not nearly as serious a problem, in wood. Concrete or steel offer more problematic paths for heat transfer.
Overhangs–for roofs, balconies, or breaking up the scale of the elevation–are difficult to seal for air. The air leaks sprout where the structure of the overhang penetrates the plane of the building enclosure at the wall.
See image
Bracing: Single diagonal, cross bracing, k-bracing, v-bracing, inverted-v-bracing (chevron bracing)
Bracing in a concrete structure:
What is the area-weighted U-value of this wall
Answer:0.24 BTU/(hr°Fft2).
Convert each component to U-value before taking the area-weighted average.
Utotal= 0.05*80% + 1*20%=0.24
Generally we talk about total-building area-weighted U-value (rather than total-building R-value). Calculating the area-weighted average R-value first, then taking the inverse of that number will, curiously, return a different value: 0.06)! Weird, huh?
If you want to practice with another, similar, problem and watch a video of me working through the answer, watch this Amber Book : 40 Minutes of Competence video.
How much heat loss through a single pane glass wall (round numbers liberally)?
Glass: R=0.9
Use 19 degree design outside wintertime temperature for Roanoke, Virginia
Wall is 375sf
Qheat loss in BTU/hr = Uu-value of assembly * Aarea *∆T
A: Qheat loss in BTU/hr = 21,000 Btu/hr
How much heat loss through a single pane glass wall?
Glass: R=0.9
Use 19 degree design outside wintertime temperature for Roanoke, Virginia
Wall is 375sf
Qheat loss in BTU/hr = Uu-value of assembly * Aarea *∆T
Qheat loss in BTU/hr = Uu-value of assembly * 375sf * 50 deg
Qheat loss in BTU/hr = 1.1* 375sf * 50 deg
Qheat loss in BTU/hr = 21,000 Btu/hr
*I used an indoor thermostat set point temperature of 69 degrees and rounded the answer. If you used a different indoor temperature and didn’t round, you will have gotten a similar, but not identical, solution.