Alternate Requirements Flashcards
The mnemonic Alternates Could Very Well Prove Life Savers reflects
Aids Cloud Visibility Wind Prov and Prob Lighting Storms
In relation to Aids, when do you have to provide for an alternate if flying in the Aerial Work category
must provide for a suitable alternate aerodrome unless the destination is served by a radio navigation aid for which an instrument approach procedure has been prescribed and the aircraft is fitted with the radio navigation system capable of using the aid.
If planning an IFR flight by day to and aerodrome without a nav aid, what weather would allow you to not provide a suitable alternate?
A flight may be planned under the IFR by day to a destination aerodrome which is not served by a radio navigation aid without the requirement to provide for a suitable alternate aerodrome, provided that:
a. not more than SCT cloud is forecast below the final route segment LSALT plus 500FT and forecast visibility at the destination aerodrome is not less than 8KM; and
b. the aircraft can be navigated to the destination aerodrome in accordance with AIP ENR 1.1 Para 4.1.
If planning Night VFR flight you must provide for a suitable alternate aerodrome within one hour flight time of your destination unless
a. the destination is served by a radio navigation aid (NDB/VOR) and the aircraft is fitted with the appropriate radio navigation system capable of using the aid, or
b. the aircraft is fitted with a GNSS receiver, appropriate for an aircraft operated at night under the VFR (as summarised in AIP GEN 1.5 Para 2), and the pilot is appropriately qualified.
An alternate is required when arrival at the destination will be during the currency of, or up to 30 minutes prior to the forecast commencement of what weather conditions
cloud - more than SCT below the alternate minimum (see AIP ENR 1.1 Para and Para (Jepp ATC – Airports and Ground Aids 3.2.10 and 3.2.11)); or
visibility - less than the alternate minimum; or
visibility - greater than the alternate minimum, but the forecast is endorsed with a percentage probability of fog, mist, dust or any other phenomenon restricting visibility below the alternate minimum; or
wind - a crosswind or tailwind component more than the maximum for the aircraft.
When an aerodrome forecast is not available or is “provisional”, the pilot in command must?
Make provision for a suitable alternate that has a firm forecast.
If a TAF has been endorsed with a probability of conditions being below the alternate minima
an alternate must be planned for.
What arrangements need to be made if aerodrome lighting is required but PAL is not being used?
The pilot in command or operator must ensure that arrangements have been made for the lighting to be operating during the following periods:
a. departure: 10 minutes before departure to at least 30 minutes after take-off;
b. arrival: from at least 30 minutes before ETA to the time landing and taxiing has been completed.
When a flight is planned to land at night at an aerodrome where the runway lighting is portable, what provision must be made for flight to an alternate aerodrome?
Provision must be made for flight to an alternate aerodrome unless arrangements are made for a responsible person to be in attendance during the period specified in AIP ENR 1.1 Para (Jepp ATC – Airports and Ground Aids 2.3), to ensure that the runway lights are available during that period.
When a flight is planned to land at night at an aerodrome where the runway lighting is portable, what provision must be made for flight to an alternate aerodrome?
Provision must be made for flight to an alternate aerodrome unless arrangements are made for a responsible person to be in attendance during the period specified in AIP ENR 1.1 Para (Jepp ATC – Airports and Ground Aids 2.3), to ensure that the runway lights are available during that period.
When a flight is planned to land at night at an aerodrome with electric runway lighting, whether pilot activated or otherwise, but without standby power, what provision must be made?
provision must be made for flight to an alternate aerodrome unless portable runway lights are available and arrangements have been made for a responsible person to be in attendance during the period specified in AIP ENR 1.1 Para (Jepp ATC – Airports and Ground Aids 2.3), to display the portable lights in the event of a failure of the primary lighting.
An alternate aerodrome nominated in accordance with the requirements in AIP ENR paras and (Jepp ATC - Airports and Ground Aids 3.4.6) need not have standby power or standby portable runway lighting.
When a flight is planned to land at night at an aerodrome with PAL and standby power, what provision must be made?
provision must be made for a flight to an alternate aerodrome equipped with runway lighting unless a responsible person is in attendance to manually switch on the aerodrome lighting.
Where the alternate aerodrome is served by PAL, there is no requirement for a responsible person to be in attendance, but the aircraft must be equipped with?
a. dual VHF; or
b. single VHF and HF and carries 30 minutes holding fuel to allow for the alerting of ground staff in the event of a failure of the aircraft’s VHF communication.