Altered LOC. Flashcards
attends to environment, responds appropriately to commands and questions with minimal stimulation.
disoriented to surroundings, may have impaired judgment, may need cues to respond to commands.
drowsy, needs gentle verbal or touch stimulation to initiate response.
responds slowly to external stimulation, needs repeated stimulation to maintain attention and response to the environment.
responds only minimally with vigorous stimulation, may only mutter or moan as a verbal response.
no observable response to any external stimulation.
Persistent vegetative state:
after brain injury; no cognitive function; have sleep-wake cycles; no voluntary movement.
Locked-in syndrome:
motor pathway destroyed; cognitive fx but no motor; communicates by eye movement.
Structural causes of LOC:
trauma, vascular, infection, neoplasms.
Metabolic causes of LOC:
hypoxic encephalopathy, toxins, body temp extremes, seizures; HHNK, DKA, hypoglycemia.
Glasgow coma scale:
eye opening: spontaneous – 4, to speech – 3, to pain – 2 , none – 1.
verbal response: oriented – 5, confused – 4, inappropriate – 3, incomprehensible -2, none – 1.
motor response: obeys commands – 6, localizes to pain – 5, withdraws form pain – 4, flexion to pain -3, extension to pain – 2, none – 1.
Interventions for LOC:
ABC’s: support ventilation; head of bed up 30 degrees; avoid aspiration; turn to remove secretions; assess lung sounds; pulse ox; ABG’s; improve tissue perfusion: improve CO, hydrate, and turn q2 hours to improve venous return, TOM, TEDS; orient: sight, hearing, avoid neglecting; assess ability to chew; minimize confusing arrangement; clocks and calendars; pictures of family/friends; turn off lights at night; be patient and consistent; slow speech; body temp management: may need antipyretics or warming/cooling blankets; prevent injury: pad side rails if seizure risk; call light in reach; elimination needs; mobility: ROM, ambulation; skin care; nutrition; elimination needs; skin integrity; self-care.
Intracranial volume:
brain tissue - 80%, CSF - 10%, blood - 10%
Monroe-Kellie Doctrine:
an increase of volume of one intracranial component must be compensated by decrease in one or more of the other components so total volume remains fixed. Normal ICP ranges from 0-15 mmHg.
Causes of increased ICP:
head injury, CVA, inflammatory lesions, brain tumors, intracranial surgery, CO2.
If a patient becomes acutely unconscious, manage it as…
an actual or potential elevation in ICP.
Factors that increase brain matter:
cerebral edema, tumor, hemorrhage.
Factors that increase cerebral blood flow:
hypoxemia, hypercapnia, anesthetic agents, histamines, acidosis, and some antihypertensives.
Increase in CO2:
relaxes smooth muscle, dilates cerebral vessels, decreases vascular resistance, increasing cerebral blood flow.
Factors that increase CSF:
CSF, hydrocephalus, obstruction of CSF drainage pathways, lesions.
Causes of transient increase in ICP:
Valsalva, isometric muscle contractions, shivering, decerebration, coughing/sneezing, REM sleep, noxious stimuli.
Increased ICP is a ___.
medical emergency!
Immediate tx of increased ICP:
fluid restriction, osmotic and loop diuretics, corticosteroids, anti-seizure meds, stool softener.
Decrease ICP by:
HOB up.
With increased ICP, monitor:
draining of CSF, hypoventilation, fever, fluid and electrolytes.
Mild hyperventilation…
reduces PaCO2 = increased cerebral vasoconstriction = reduced cerebral blood flow = increased venous return = reduced ICP.
With increased ICP…
increased need for glucose.
Fluid should be…
restricted to reduce cerebral edema.
Care of patient with increased ICP:
avoid hypotension and hypoxia, HOB elevated at 30, avoid jugular venous outflow obstruction, prevent/avoid coughing/valsalva/hip flexion/high PEEP, prevent agitation, decrease stimuli, body positioning.
don’t cluster.
Early stage of increased ICP:
change in LOC (confusion, lethargy, restlessness), pupillary dysfunction, decreased visual acuity, motor weakness, headache.
Later stage of increased ICP:
decreased LOC, vomiting, hemiplegia/hemiparesis, posturing, vital sign changes (Cushing’s triad), papilledemia (long standing increase in ICP).
90% vascular or muscle contraction, 10% from underlying intracranial, systemic, or psychological disorder.
Four types of migraines:
classec, common, hemiplegic/opthalmoplegic, and basilar artery.
may begin with aura; few hours to a few days.
S/S of classic migraine:
seeing stripes, spots, lines, scotomata, light and noise sensitivity.
Before a classic migraine:
mood changes, fatigue, difficulty thinking, depression, sleepiness, hunger, thirst.
lasts longer than classic, similar onset, light and noise sensitivity.
rare, severe unilateral pain, extraocular muscle palsy, ptosis, hemiplegia.
Basilar artery:
young females before periods, prodromal - vision loss, vertigo, ataxia, dysarthria, tinnitus, tingling of fingers and toes; severe occipital throbbing, vomiting.
Muscle contraction headache:
dull, persistent; tender spots on head and neck “hatband.”
Intracranial bleed headache:
neuro deficits, narcotics fail to relieve; bleed can be in subdural or subarachnoid.
Cluster headache:
early adult, more in males, episodes cluster together; throbbing, unilateral pain; infraorbital from head to neck; flushing, tearing, stuffy nose; severe form of head pain.
Cluster headache onset and tx:
at night, abrupt; tx: verapamil, lithium, NSAIDs; narcotic analgesic.
Tension headache:
no family hx; often in adolescents; dull, bilateral, neck-shoulder; no prodromal; can last hours to days; tx with ASA or tylenol.
Cerebral aneurysm:
Berry - most common type; occur at bifurcation in Circle of Willis; more adults than children, more females than males.
Causes of subarachnoid hemorrhage from aneurysm:
congenital defect of vessel wall, head trauma, hypertension, hold age, infection, atherosclerosis.
Symptoms of cerebral aneurysm:
sudden severe headache, NV, loss of consciousness, preceded by activity, nuchal rigidity, fever, restless - irritability - blurred vision - seizure.