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Pregnancy discrimination
Unlawful under Title VII
Title VII req: >=15 EEs, not brought against a religious institution, private club or indian tribe
PF Case: ER refused to accommodate a pregnant woman, but did accommodate others who were similar in their inabilities to work
ER burden Shift: Must show a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason
P burden shift: Must show pretext
Religious practice discrimination
Unlawful under Title VII
Title VII req: >=15 EEs, not brought against a religious institution, private club or indian tribe
PF Case: EE holds a sincere religious belief + EE informed ER as to the belief + EE suffered adverse consequences for failing to comply with the conflicting requirement of employment
Burden shift to ER: Must show either:
- ER made a good faith effort to reasonably accommodate EE
- Any accommodation would be an undue hardship on ER
- ER is a religious organization employing individuals related to its mission OR ministerial exception
Age discrimination claim
ADEA reqs:
- Private ER w/ >=20 EEs, State or local gov (of any size), Labor unions, Employment agencies
- P must be >= 40yo
- Must allege P was discriminated against in favor of someone younger
- Good cause / reasonable factors other than age
Disability claim
ADA Req: ER must have >=15 EEs
D must show:
- D was presently disabled (mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity), had a record of disability, or was regarded as disabled
- D was a qualified individual, (w/ or w/o a reasonable accommodation, they could perform the essential functions of the job)
Burden shifts to D to prove:
- Legitimate, non-discriminatory reason
- Undue hardship (from any accommodations)
- Direct threat
Job-related and consistent with business necessity
Individual disparate treatment claim w/ single motive
PF case:
- P was member of protected class
- P was qualified for the position
- Adverse employment action
- Position remains open or was filled with someone outside the protected class
Burden shifts to ER to articulate legitimate non-discriminatory reason
Burden shifts to P to prove pretext
Individual disparate treatment claim w/ mixed motives
Title VII:
- Liability attaches if the impermissible reason was a motivating factor in the decision
- If D can show that it would have made the same decision in the absence of the impermissible reason, court may grant injunctive relief + fees, but not damages or reinstatement
- P must show direct evidence that an impermissible reason was a motivating factor
- D may avoid liability by showing that it would have made the same decision in the absence of the impermissible reason
Systemic Disparate Treatment Claim
P must show either:
- Facially discriminatory policy (D’s only defense is a bona fide occupational qualification - characteristic is a close proxy for reasonably necessary skills required by the business)
- Pattern or practice of discrimination. D can rebut w/ BFOQ, by challenging P’s factual basis, Avoidance of Disparate Impact Liability as a defense, Voluntary AA
System disparate impact claim
PF case:
- D’s particular employment practice has a significant adverse impact on a protected class
- P must show that a particular practice caused the disparate impact UNLESS the bottom-line exception applies
Burden (of persuasion) shifts to D to show that the challenged practice is related to job performance and consistent with business necessity. D may also claim that the practice was a Professionally Developed Test or a Bona Fide Seniority Systems
Burden shifts to P to show that there is an alternative practice that would meet the business objectives without adverse impact, which D has refused to adopt
Harassment claim
Quid pro quo: P either submitted to sexual demands or suffered a tangible employment action as the result of not submitting to the demands, which were made a condition of tangible employment benefits
Hostile work environment
- P is a member of a protected class, who was subject to unwelcome, severe or pervasive harassment which unreasonably interfered with her work
- Defenses: If supervisor harassment, D must show that ER used reasonable care to prevent / promptly correct the behavior AND EE failed to use reporting procedures created by ER. If co-worker harassment, ER must show that it did not have reason to know of the conduct OR that it took remedial action.
Retaliation Claim
PF Case:
- Opposition conduct (P is challenging employment practice) or participation conduct (P was participating in the formal complaint structure)
- Adverse employment action
- Causal connection between the statutorily protected expression and the AEA
Burden shifts to D to show a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason
Burden shifts to P to show pretext