All Sections Flashcards
Current Death Program
Operational on a worldwide basis during peacetime and may continue to exist in an
area of conflict during major military operations depending on the tactical situation
and logistical support capability
Graves Registration Program
Operational when authorized by the responsible commander during major military
operations (wartime usually).
Search, recovery and evacuation (to a temporary cemetery/mortuary due to tactical
situation and logistic capability).
Concurrent Return Program
Combines Current Death Program and Graves Registration into one program.
Originates as Graves Registration in the search and recovery
Switches to current death for identification, preparation of remains and shipment
Return of Remains Program
(a) Activated upon special legislation of Congress to achieve the following:
1) Provides for permanent disposition of remains buried in temporary cemeteries
that could not be evacuated under the Concurrent Return Program.
2) Can authorize the establishment of one or more permanent American cemeteries
in the overseas area,
who can be a Casualty Assistance Calls officer (CACO)
active duty commissioned officer or a well-qualified senior enlisted member
The first call should be made to the NOK within
24 hours of death
helps the PNOK and SNOK with problems surrounding the death and provides
information on such matters as
1) Disposition of remains
2) Death gratuity and unpaid pay and allowances
3) Personal effects of deceased
4) Settlement of decedent’s estate
5) Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
6) Applications for Veterans Administration survivor’s benefits, dependency and
indemnity compensation or pension, social security benefits, etc
7) Shipment of household items
8) Travel of dependents to grave site and to permanent residence
Decedent Affairs Program
BUMEDINST 5360.1 series
Decedent Affairs Program Objectives
(1) Immediate recovery and identification of deceased personnel.
(2) High standards of and uniformity in services provided.
(3) Minimum elapsed time between death and delivery of remains or cremains to the
primary next of kin (PNOK).
(4) Prompt notification to the PNOK and secondary next of kin (SNOK) concerning matters
applicable to the Decedent Affairs Program.
command responsible for the Decedent Affairs Program
Commander, Naval Medical Command And Commandant Of The Marine Corps
Casualty Assistance Calls Program Responsible Officials
flow from the Chief of Naval Personnel
through the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command.
Administration and coordination of Decedent Affairs Program functions
Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command acts as program coordinating
authority providing centralized direction and technical support.
officials responsible for directing the disposition of unidentified remains
Commander, Naval Medical Command (MEDCOM-332)
Primary Expenses
1) Recovery
2) Preparation
3) Encasement of remains
Secondary Expenses
Expenses incurred in connection with the funeral and burial of remains
STATE the authority who may grant an extension for the escort past the allotted time
commanding officer of that activity for coordination with member’s commanding
officer and the appropriate PSD office
Personnel Casualty Reporting Requirements
Decedent Affairs Manual
Casualty Assistance Calls and Funeral Honors Support
(CAC/FHS) Program Coordination
Temperature range
36-40 degrees Fahrenheit
Notification to Next of Kin during Search Operations
be advised of
progress at least daily.
Uniform provided to Naval personnel for Burial
(1) The Service Dress Blue uniform:
(a) Cap if requested
(b) Shoes if requested
(c) Underwear and hose
(d) Insignia, devices, badges and decorations as authorized the deceased will be
How many holes are put into a casket and what size
1) A minimum of 20 holes, 2 inches diameter is placed in the casket to permit rapid entry of seawater. a) 8 in base b) 4 in each half of the lid c) 2 in each end
Casket must be banded with
5 nylon bands of not less than 3/4 inch width to prevent
the divided lid from opening.
1) 2 in each half of the lid
2) 1 lengthwise from top to base
Committal at sea of remains shall be conducted outside
3-mile limit of the
continental shelf
Committal at sea of remains shall be at depths greater than
100 fathoms (600 feet).
DD Form 2064
Certificate of Death
Certificate of Death Section I
Biographical Data
the DD Form 2064 must have ___ from the medical officer
1) Name of Medical Officer
2) Title or Degree of medical officer
3) Grade of medical officer
4) Installation or address of medical officer
5) Date signed
6) Signature of medical officer.
Certificate of Death, DD Form 2064 Section I
Biographical Data
Certificate of Death, DD Form 2064 Section 2
Medical Statement
medical officer info
Certificate of Death, DD Form 2064 Section 3
Disposition of Remains
filled out by mortician
Certificate of Death, DD Form 2064 Section 4
Registration of Vital Statistics
Filled out by registry
Management of Pregnant Servicewomen
LIST the responsibilities of the Commanding Officer to the pregnant service
(a) Must assure that the pregnant servicewoman retains a high degree of
commitment to fulfill professional responsibilities.
(b) Ensure no preferential treatment shall be given because of pregnancystatus.
(c) Not harassed
Medical and Dental Care for
Eligible Persons
Navy policy of worldwide assignment to include appointing a
(OPNAVINST 1740.4E).
General limitations of the Pregnant service woman
(b) Physical readiness testing during pregnancy and for 6 months following
convalescent leave.
(c) Exposure to chemical or toxic agents and/or environmental hazards
(d) Standing at parade rest or attention for longer than 15 minutes.
(e) Exempt from all routine immunizations, with the exception of the annual
flu shot, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.
During the last three months of pregnancy (weeks 28 and beyond), PSW is
1) Allowed to rest 20 minutes every four hours
2) Limited to 40-hour workweek (over 7 days, not 5) including watch
PSW Eligible for overseas transfer if
1) Has not reached 28th week
2) Adequate obstetrical facilities are available
3) Does not intend to place infant for adoption
4) Base/alternate housing available
PSW Cannot fly after
28th week
Operational commands should contact _________ for
reassignment immediately upon receipt of pregnancy
PSW May continue to serve aboard a ship until the
20th week of pregnancy,
while in port, or during short underway periods, provided an evacuation
capability exists and the time for MEDEVAC is less than 6 hours.
Pregnancy is considered ________ for designated flight status
The maternity uniform is mandatory for all pregnant service women in
the Navy when
regular uniforms no longer fit
Post delivery convalescent leave of
12 weeks will normally be granted
by the servicewoman’s C.O
DOD funds are not available for elective termination of pregnancy except
where the life of the mother would be endangered
Occupational Health Professional Responsibilities
Provide consultation to C.O.’s to assist them in fulfilling their professional
responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy workplace for the pregnant
servicewoman and her unborn child.
Naval Environmental Health Center
Will develop a list of potential reproductive hazards annually and provide
guidance on generic reproductive hazards
Industrial hygienists
evaluate the presence of shipboard
reproductive hazards
Occupational health professionals are available to provide guidance and
counseling on
(a) Pre-pregnancy and prevention
(b) Early pregnancy and risk management
Pregnant Service Woman Health Care Responsibilities
(1) Planning her pregnancy to allow her to meet both her family and military obligation.
(2) Seeking confirmation of pregnancy at a military medical treatment facility
Pregnant Service Woman Duty Performance Responsibilities
(1) Notifying her commanding officer or officer in charge of her pregnancy.
(2) Performing her military duties within the limits established by hercondition
Suitability Screening Program
BUMEDINST 1300.2 series
purpose of the Suitability Screening Program
Determine suitability for overseas, remote or operational assignments by identifying
“special needs”.
Decrease early returns, expenditure of funds and billet gaps
Reasonable travel time is
two hours of one way surface travel
DD Form 2808
Report of Medical Examination
DD Form 2807-1
Report of Medical History
NAVMED 1300/1
Medical, Dental and Educational Suitability Screening
for Service and Family Members.
NAVPERS 1300/16
Report of Suitability for Overseas
who owns the screening process
Unit Commanding Officers of the transferring command owns the screening process
and makes the suitability determination
service member has ___ days to complete the screening process
Suitability Screening for Overseas and Remote Duty
Gaining MTF assesses local resources and replies to screening MTF within
working days.
MTF CO/OIC provides recommendation
to transferring command on NAVPERS
1300/16 Part II.
Screening is now required subsequent to periods
LIMDU or finding of “fit for
continued Naval service”
The primary purpose of the EFM Program is to
assist service members in providing for
the special needs of their EFM before, during, and after relocation required by change
of duty assignments.
Enrollment in the EFM program is
EFM is a mandatory program governed by
Public Law 94-142
“Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975”
Public Law 95-561
Defense Dependents’ Education Act
Public Law 102-119
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments
DODINST 1342.12 Series
Education Of Handicapped Children In The DOD
Dependent Schools
DODINST 1010.13
Military Personnel Drug And Abuse Testing Program
enrollment criteria of the Exceptional Family Member
(1) Family member with long term or chronic medical, psychological, or educational needs.
(2) Enrolled in DEERS.
(3) Resides with sponsor.
(a) Exception: Geo-Bachelor
Categories of EFM Program Level I
EFM enrollees are those whose medical or educational condition requires
monitoring by the EFM Program Manager but does not preclude the sponsor’s
Categories of EFM Program Level II
EFM enrollees are those whose medical or educational condition requires special
placement in compatible geographic areas, pinpointing assignments in CONUS or
Categories of EFM Program Level III
EFM enrollees are exempt from overseas assignment
Categories of EFM Program Level IV
EFM enrollees require sponsor assignment near major medical facility (either
military or civilian).
Categories of EFM Program Level V
Homesteading will provide for long term retention of the sponsor and his/her family
in an approved area to benefit the EFM enrollee by creating a stable environment for
procurement of medical and educational benefits
Categories of EFM Program Level VI
Enrollees require sponsor to enroll temporarily for a period of 6 months but no more
than one year while treatment or diagnostic assessments are ongoing
EFM Recommendations are forwarded to
Chief, Navy Personnel Command (CNPC) for final
responsibilities of BUMED with regards to the EFMP
Maintain CSC/EFM Developmental Centers, composed of multi-disciplinary
specialties, at major fleet concentration sites
Identify an EFM coordinator at each Navy MTF
responsibilities of the Command with regards to the EFMP
Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Officers in Charge (OIC) Appoint an EFM point of contact (POC).
responsibilities of the MTF Coordinator
Serve as command point of contact (POC).
responsibilities of the Service Member with regards to the EFMP
Update file every 3 years, 12 months prior to receiving orders, or as family needs
Disenroll from EFM Program and inform EFM Program Manager (PERS-45) through
Commanding Officer when
(a) Previously enrolled EFM has sufficiently recovered from impairment so that
specialized medical care and/or special educational services are no longer required.
(b) Divorced or legally separated.
(c) EFM dies.
(d) EFM no longer resides in home, or is no longer DEERS eligible
DD Form 2992
The purpose of the DD Form 2992 Medical Recommendation for Flying or Special Operations Duty (Aeromedical)
is to notify the commanding officer or officer in charge
and other designated individuals that the named aircrew member is no longer medically
recommended for flying duties
Who may issue an Aeromedical Grounding Notice
All medical department personnel (corpsmen, Nurse Corps officers, etc.) are
authorized to issue an Aeromedical Grounding Notice.
When issuing “Down Chits”, an original and two (2) copies are made
(a) The original goes to the Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge
(b) First copy goes to the Operations Officer
(c) Second copy is for the Training Officer
All personnel engaged in duties involving flying and all candidates for such
duty, must conform to the physical standards of the
anual of
the Medical Department (MANMED), Chapter 15.
Medical Monitoring Flight Personnel in Locations
where Flight Surgeons are not Available
NATOPS General Flight and Operating Instructions,
Chapter 8, Aeromedical and Surviva
When issuing “Up Chits”, an original and two (2) copies are made
(a) The original goes to the Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge
(b) First copy goes to the Operations Officer
(c) Second copy goes to the Training Officer
Completed physical examinations shall be filed in sequence with other periodic
examinations and a copy kept on file
for 3 years
aviation mishap Label each photograph as soon as possible with
name, SSN, rank, date of incident
Chronological Account of Activities of Previous
72 Hours
The IDC must collect laboratory specimens from the survivors to be used by the
investigation. The following is a list of the specimens required
1) 2 gray top tubes
2) 2 purple top tubes
3) 3 red top tubes
4) Urine sample (at least 70-75cc)
All samples are to be labeled with the following information
1) Patient’s name
2) Rank/Rate
3) SSN
4) Unit
5) Date/Time of collection
6) Test(s) to be performed
Affects the regulation of body temperature by acting on the hypothalamus
Nasal Decongestants
Insomnia, Fatigue, Headaches, Diarrhea
Cough Drops
Depression of the CNS (Central Nervous System) with high doses
Petroleum Jelly-based Products
Becomes crusty when exposed to 100% O2
Aviation personnel on approved antibiotics may be considered for an up chit prior to
the completion of the course of therapy as long as
the condition being treated has
resolved in all significant aspects with no adverse reaction
CLASS 1: Aviation Personnel
Engaged in the Actual Control of Aircraft
CLASS 2: Aviation Personnel
not engaged in Actual Control of Aircraft,
Expiration Date of Clearance
the last day of the Member’s Birth