All Points Flashcards
“Bigger Rustling”
On top of the foot, in the gully of apex
- Important point to descend energy in the body. Where energy is stuck in the upper part of the head/body and causes issues such as shortness of breat, psychological issues, headaches, etc. Good after Qi Gong and healing
- Balancing for all Liver pathologies
- Stagnation in the Middle Warmer - Subcostal tension, chest/flank pain (flank is below kidneys)
- Calming point- anger, irritability, anxiety, insomnia
- With Large Intestine 4 - “4 Gates” Treatment powerfully effects the flow of Qi and Blood Flow
- Eye issues - blurred vision, red, swollen, painful eyes
- Menstrual issues from deficient blood stagnation - dysmenorrhea (painful period), amenorrhea (abnormal absence of menstruation) PMS, breast tenderness
- Genital issues - pain/swelling, hernia, impotence
- Digestive issues from Liver attacking Stomach and Spleen - nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea w/undigested food
Liver 3
“Gourd Ditch”
5 cun above medial malleolus
- Treats any symptoms on the genitals
- Node removal, lymphedema, post radiation of the genitals
- STD, genital warts
- Anger, Irritability, Insomnia (Lv 3 and Lv 5)
- Cramps
Liver 5
End of floating rib
Assist with Spleen deficient signs, especially from Liver invading Spleen
- Pain and distention of the abdomen, bloating
- Vomiting, constipation, diarrhea (or alternating)
- Undigested food in the bowels
Liver 13
Medial side of knee level with popliteal crease, in the indentation of medial knee
- Knee problems
- Medial knee pain
- Genital issues related to damp heat-pain swelling, retention of urine, cystitis, prostatitis and ovarian cysts.
Liver 8
Intersection between diaphragm and nipple line
- Strong effect on the Middle and Upper Warmers, Subcostal tension, rib/chest pain
- Liver overacting on Lung, cough or shortness of breath
- Effects of Liver organ, Qi stagnation - hepatitis, gallstones
- Emotional imbalances - anger, irritability
Liver 14
“Bubbling Spring”
Bottom of foot-diaphragm/solar plexus/lung
- Use for ALL Kidney Qi
- ALL Lung because of location
Do K1 and K3 at the same time on the same side
Kidney 1
“Greater Stream”
Apex medial malleolus, midway on Achilles’ tendon
- Takes you Deep into Kidney essesence
- ALL Bone and Bone Marrow symptoms
Do K1 and K3 at the same time on the same side
Kidney 3
Anterior, Below the Apex of Medial Malleolus
Range of anxiety, fear/fright
Kidney 6
“Return Stream”
2 cun above K3
- A lot of momentum, very good for urination symptoms
- Associated with heat with menopause
- Tomoxicin meds with Breast Cancer (for 5 yrs induces menopause)
- Edema
Kidney 7
5 cun above K3
- Strong Spirit Disorders - Anger, Cursing, Mania
- Useful in a detox prescription to assist the cleansing, especially with respect to emotional outbreaks
Kidney 9
“Spirit Seal”
4th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to CV17
- Allows the genuine Spirit of the individual to come forward.
- Local point, cough, chest tension, constricted breathing
- Vomiting; Harmonizes Stomach
Kidney 23
Liver 3
“Bigger Rustling”
On top of the foot, in the gully of apex
- Important point to descend energy in the body. Where energy is stuck in the upper part of the head/body and causes issues such as shortness of breath, psychological issues, headaches, etc. Good after Qi Gong and healing
- Balancing for all Liver pathologies
- Stagnation in the Middle Warmer - Subcostal tension, chest/flank pain (flank is below kidneys)
- Calming point- anger, irritability, anxiety, insomnia
- With Large Intestine 4 - “4 Gates” Treatment powerfully effects the flow of Qi and Blood Flow
- Eye issues - blurred vision, red, swollen, painful eyes
- Menstrual issues from deficient blood stagnation - dysmenorrhea (painful period), amenorrhea (abnormal absence of menstruation) PMS, breast tenderness
- Genital issues - pain/swelling, hernia, impotence
- Digestive issues from Liver attacking Stomach and Spleen - nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea w/undigested food
Liver 5
“Gourd Ditch”
5 cun above medial malleolus
- Treats any symptoms on the genitals
- Node removal, lymphedema, post radiation of the genitals
- STD, genital warts
- Anger, Irritability, Insomnia (Lv 3 and Lv 5)
- Cramps
Liver 13
End of floating rib
Assist with Spleen deficient signs, especially from Liver invading Spleen
- Pain and distention of the abdomen, bloating
- Vomiting, constipation, diarrhea (or alternating)
- Undigested food in the bowels
Liver 8
Medial side of knee level with popliteal crease, in the indentation of medial knee
- Knee problems
- Medial knee pain
- Genital issues related to damp heat-pain swelling, retention of urine, cystitis, prostatitis and ovarian cysts
Liver 14
Intersection between diaphragm and nipple line
- Strong effect on the Middle and Upper Warmers, Subcostal tension, rib/chest pain
- Liver overacting on Lung, cough or shortness of breath
- Effects of Liver organ, Qi stagnation - hepatitis, gallstones
- Emotional imbalances - anger, irritability
Kidney 1
“Bubbling Spring”
Bottom of foot-diaphragm/solar plexus/lung
- Use for ALL Kidney Qi
- ALL Lung because of location
Do K1 and K3 at the same time on the same side
Kidney 3
“Greater Stream”
Apex medial malleolus, midway on Achilles’ tendon
- Takes you Deep into Kidney essesence
- ALL Bone and Bone Marrow symptoms
Do K1 and K3 at the same time on the same side
Kidney 6
Anterior, Below the Apex of Medial Malleolus
Range of anxiety, fear/fright
Kidney 7
“Return Stream”
2 cun above K3
- A lot of momentum, very good for urination symptoms
- Associated with heat with menopause
- Tomoxicin meds with Breast Cancer (for 5 yrs induces menopause)
- Edema
Kidney 9
5 cun above K3
- Strong Spirit Disorders - Anger, Cursing, Mania
- Useful in a detox prescription to assist the cleansing, especially with respect to emotional outbreaks
Kidney 23
“Spirit Seal”
4th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to CV17
- Allows the genuine Spirit of the individual to come forward.
- Local point, cough, chest tension, constricted breathing
- Vomiting; Harmonizes Stomach
Kidney 24
Spirit Ruins
3rd intercostal space, lateral to CV18
- Opens the chest. Allows one access to an individual’s spirit, which may be buried under the ruins of life - oncology patients
- Local point cough, chest tension, constructed breathing
- Breast Distention- moves Qi stagnation in the chest
Kidney 25
Spirit Storehouse
2nd intercostal space, located lateral to CV19
- Opens the chest. A storehouse one can draw from to face the world with Spirit.
- Local point cough, chest tension, constricted breathing
- Vomiting, reflux, digestive issues
- Balance Stomach Qi
- Balance Lung Qi