All poems Summary Flashcards
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Sonnet - loves himself and power
Structure quote + analysis: “Nothing besides remains” - volta + caesura - nature destroys his empire
quote 1: My name is ozymandias King of Kings - Hyperbole/ Juxtaposition - his rule is destroyed when he immitates god.
quote 2: Shattered visage lies - adjective - broken into many pieces that it can’t be fixed.
Context: Freud - ID: worships power, Patriarchy - as man he thinks he needs to be powerful
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative poem - tells the other side of London
Structure quote + analysis: And the happless soldier sighs runs in blood down palace walls - enjambment of blood pouring and the monarch has the blame to all this blood, people are sent to wall unready.
quote 1: mind forged manacles I hear - symbolism - the braisn of the people is under control. juxtaposition - is hearing his own mind under control.
quote 2: marks in every face I meet, marks of weakness, marks of woe - repetition - nobody is safe and everybody is suffering.
Context: British empire.
Extract from the Prelude
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic - event of nature putting him in place
Structure quote + analysis: a huge peak black and huge upreared its head - volta
quote 1: act of stealth and troubled pleasure - oxymoron - speaker know he shouldn’t ne doing this - “pround of his skill”
quote 2: I dipped my oars -> trembling oars - juxtaposition - adds a serious mood showing the effect of nature
Context: Freud:ID
My last Duchess
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Dramatic monologue
Structure quote + analysis: all smiles stopped together - sibilance - s - dark feeling, caesura - symbolic of ending her life
quote 1: since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I - juxtaposes his control but his fixation may show that his duchess controls him, enjambment - continuous control
quote 2: Too easily impressed… Sir,twas all one - all men equal - against patriarchy, hyperbole.
Context: Against patriarchy
Charge of the Light brigade
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic - event of battle
Structure quote + analysis: while horse and hero fell - volta, juxtaposes reality , doesn’t hold anybody to account
quote 1: Into the valley of death - propaganda - valley shows that it is small and you’ll never return. Symbolic of death, foreshadows
quote 2:Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, their but to do and die - anaphora - juxtaposes the expectation for a soldier.
Context: Propaganda
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative - untold story of what they experience
Structure quote + analysis: But nothing happens - repetition juxtaposes what that they think war hasn’t started but they are fighting the nature
quote 1: our brains ache in the merciless iced east wind that knive us - destroyed by nature - personfication, sibilance, enjambment.
quote 2: the mad gusts tugging on the wire - nature is angry
Context: Propaganda
Storm on the Island
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic - war in Island
Structure quote + analysis: we just sit tight while wind dives - volta - helplessness, volta they now follow all the propaganda byt dont use their own brains.
quote 1: We are prepare -> it is a huge nothing that we fear - Juxtaposes - confused and they get a realisation - speaker clear a who they are fighting
quote 2: Listen to the things you fear forgetting that it pummels your house to - personifcation + foreshadowing
Context: Propaganda, Irish divide
Bayonet Charge
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative - story of realisation of reality of war
Structure quote + analysis: king, honour, human dignity, etcetera, dropped like luxuries in yelling alarm - juxtaposition - realisation of what he is actually doing.
quote 1: Bullet smaking the belly out of the air - on omatoepoeia , metaphor - he isn’t fit to be a soldier hears bullets and doesn’t duck
quote 2: He was running, like a man who jumps up in the dark and runs - simile, symbolic - he can’t see truth - his eyes are covered in the dark
Context: Patriarchy and propaganda
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative - men die at war
Structure quote + analysis: I blink … sleep … dream - he cant relax, semantic field - peace his mind is affected
quote 1: I see every round as it rips through his life - hit this looter a does time - Juxtaposes human nature, see through him - vicious like they are hunting an animal
quote 2: near to the knuckle, here and now, his bloody life in my bloody hands - can’t remove it, inner conflict
Context: PTSD
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic -
Structure quote + analysis: The dove pulled freely against the sky, an ornament stick - pulled - forcing herself to let go of the son
quote 1: I wanted to graze my nose across the tip of your nose - symbolic, verb - innocence of war, she wants the young boy she knew back
quote 2: I was brave, as I walked with you, to the front door - flashback, adjective - bravery of the mother as she if also fighting a battle
War Photographer
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative poem
Structure quote + analysis: A strager feature faintly start to twist before his eyes - twist - he is being haunted, foreshadows, he is having hallucinations.
quote 1: His hand, which did not tremble then though seem to now - Juxtaposition - switches to tremble - emotion = fear.
quote 2: a hundred agonies in black and white - metaphor - what he goes through is entertainment for everybody. symbolism - black and white - pictures of death and life
Context: PTSD
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Narrative
Structure quote + analysis: Maps to, th esun shine sthrough their borderline - caesure - removes divisions and creates natural borders. symbolism as the maps seem to be hard to see.
quote 1: fine slips from grocery shops, might fly our lvies like paper kites - simile - stop chasing money and fame. verb - stop chasing
quote 2: with living tissue, raise a structure never meant to last - Juxtaposition – create humans well and removes divide.
**The Emigree **
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic - event of war
Structure quote + analysis: they accuse me of absense, they circle me - memory must die realisation
quote 1: THe worst new I receive it cannot break my original view - enjambment shows how time has flown and change,
quote 2: like a hollow doll, open and spills a grammar - simile nobody understands her
Context: War, Iraq war
**Checking out me history **
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Free Verse
Structure quote + analysis: I carving out me own identity - foreshadowing and volta - change of control
quote 1: Dem tell me - repetition of dem tell me shows how he is continually indoctinated
quote 2: Bandage up me own eye to me own history, blind me to my own identity - symbolism in “bandage” - because he needs to repair all of the damage
**Kamikaze **
Structure quote + analysis:
quote 1:
quote 2:
Form: Epic - story about going to war and not killing one self
Structure quote + analysis: till gradually we too learned to be silent - he came back for his family, volta, juxtaposition - he came back for his people
quote 1: head full of powerfull incantations - hyperbole - victim of propaganda,
quote 2: remembered how he and his brothers waiting on the shore - flashback, verb brothers - family, does he walk in to the valley of death and he has to care about himself
Context:Japan, Status