Define Ahl al-bayt
People of the Prophet Muhammad’s house (family)
Define Allah
Arabic name for God
Define Hadith
Spoken words and saying of the Prophet Muhammad
Define Khalifah
A religious leader representing Allah or a Prophet
Define Kitab al-iman
The Book of Faith in the Sahih Muslim collection of Hadith
Define Qur’an
The holiest text in Islam
Define Shi’a
Muslims who believe that leadership belongs to the Ahl al-bayt
Define Sunni
Muslims who believe Abu Bakr was the first of four ‘rightly guided’ leaders after the Prophet Muhammad.
Define adalat
Divine Justice.
Define Mi’ad
The day of Judgement and the resurrection
Define Tawhid
Belief in the one God, the oneness of Allah
Define Usul ad-Din
Name given to the principles of faith for Shi’a Muslims
Define Beneficence
Kindness, generosity
Define Immanence
The belief that Allah acts in the world
Define Omnipotence
Being all-powerful
Define Sin
An action against Allah’s will
Define Transcendence
A belief that Allah is above and beyond his creation.
Define Miracle
Extraordinary events that may not be explainable
Define Prophet
A messenger chosen by Allah to teach humanity what is right and wrong
Define Risalah
The system of communication between Allah and people, through prophets
Define Injil
Original Gospel of Isa
Define Kutubullah
Books of Allah
Define revelation
Communication from Allah, often through an angel
Define Sahifah
Scrolls of Ibrahim and Moses
Define Tawrat
Define Zabur
Psalms of david
Define Kiraman Katibin
The Nobel scribes, the angels who note every person’s good and bad deeds
Define Malaikah
The Arabic name for angels
Define Akhirah
Life after death, when the Day of Judgement takes place
Define Al-Qadr
Pre-destination – belief that Allah has preordained certain things and puts in place fixed universal laws
Define Barzakh
Stage between death and the time of judgement
Define stewardship
Taking care of the Earth as Khalifahs (trustees) on behalf of God and for the next generation
Define euthanasia
The deliberate administering of life-ending medication by a third party
Define ensoulment
When the soul enters a foetus
Define Evolutionist
People who believe that life evolved from simple forms over a long period of time
Define Creationist
Someone who believes in the literal truth of the description of creation given in Scripture
Define Commodity
Commodity Something valuable or useful
Define Id-ul-Ghadeer
Shi’a festival commemorating the prophet Muhammad’s choice of Ali as a leader of Muslims.
Define Id-ul-Fitr
Festival celebrated at the end of Ramadan
Define Id-ul-Adha
Festival commemorating the devotion of Ibrahim and Isma’il
Define Ashura
Shi’a commemoration of Imam Hussain’s Martyrdom
Define Lesser Jihad
Striving physically to resist an evil in the world
Define Jihad
Struggle or striving
Define Greater Jihad
Striving spiritually to resist evil within oneself
Define Tawaf
Anti-clockwise circuit of the Kabah, completed seven times during Hajj
Define Ka’bah
Cube shaped building in Makkah which Muslims believe was the first house of Allah on earth, rebuilt by Ibrahim and Isma’il
Define Imam
Person who leads Salah
Define Annulment
When it is declared that the marriage was never valid
Define Shari’ah
Islamic legal system based on Muslim scholars’ understanding of the Qur’an, Sunnah and the Hadith
Define Khitan
Male circumcision, when the baby’s foreskin is removed for health reasons.
Define Aqiqah
A ceremony marking the birth of a new-born baby
Define Ummah
Community of Muslims around the world
Define Nikah
Marriage contract