ALL Christian KEYWORDS Flashcards
Define justice
Doing what is right and fair usually based on the law
Define law
Guidelines as to how people should behave; the rules that govern society
Define reconciliation
Restoring peace and friendship between individuals or groups
Define agnostic
Someone who believes it is not possible to know whether or not God exists
Define atheist
Someone who does not believe in the existence of God
Define humanist
A non-religious person who looks to reason and empathy in order to live a meaningful life
Define adultery
A couple having sex thought one or both is married to someone else
Define civil disobedience
Refusing to comply with certain laws as a peaceful form of protest against them
Define rehabilitate
Restore someone back to a law- abiding life
Define free will
Having the freedom to choose what to do
Define blasphemy
Disrespect towards God or something considered sacred
Define deterrence
Discouragement from doing something, for example carrying out a criminal act
Define protection
Keeping someone or something safe from harm, for example criminal activity
Define reformation
Changing something (or someone) for the better
Define retribution
Punishment given in revenge for a wrong that has been done
Define reconcile
Restore friendly, peaceful or agreeable relations with someone
Define reoffend
Return to criminal behavior
Define human rights
Rights which all human beings are entitled to
Define torture
Inflicting severe pain on someone
Define begotten
born of
Define holy spirit
The spirit of God, who gives the power to understand and worship
Define jesus christ
The Son of God
Define trinity
God as one being, in three persons
Define charismatic
A power given by God, e.g inspired teaching
Define humanity
All human beings
Define spiritual gifts
Gifts given by God to believers, e.g speaking in ‘tongues’ a special language
Define creationism
The belief that the world was created in a literal six days and that Genesis is a scientific/ historical account of the beginning of the world.
Define conservation
Protecting something from being damaged or destroyed
Define environment
The surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend for life.
Define Stewardship
Look after something so it can be passed on to the next generation
Define Incarnation
To take on flesh, God becomes and Human being
Define Crucifixion
Being nailed to the cross and left to die
Define sin
Anything that prevents a relationship with God, either because the person does something they shouldn’t or neglects to do something they should
Define Atonement
The action of restoring a relationship in Christianity, Jesus’ death and the resurrection restores the relationship between God and human beings
Define grace
Undeserved Love
Define Repentance
To say sorry for, and turn away from, any wrongdoing
Define Day of Judgement
To say sorry for, and turn away from, any wrongdoing
Define Eschatology
An area of Christian theology which is concerned with life after death
Define Vale of Soul-making
An environment in which human being can overcome evil by making good choices
Define Ascension
Going to Heaven
Define Resurrection
Rising from the dead, also the view that after death God recreates a new body in a heavenly place
Define Intercession
Prayers for those who are suffering
Define satan
‘the adversary’, one of God’s angels who rebelled against the rule of God
Define Purgatory
A place where the souls of the dead are cleansed and prepared for Heaven
Define Omnipotence
All- powerful
Define Natural Evil
Suffering caused by natural events, such as earthquakes
Define Moral Evil
Suffering caused by humans, such as war or murder
Define Salvation
Being saved from sin and the consequences of sin; going to heaven
Define Benevolence
Define Universalism
The belief because of the love and mercy of God everyone will go to Heaven
Define Immortal Soul
A soul that lives on after the death of the physical body
Define Heaven
Place of eternal paradise, where Christians believe they will spend the afterlife
Define hell
Place of punishment and separation from God
Define Epiphany
A moment of suddenly revealing something surprising or great, in the Christian calendar, Epiphany is a celebration of the revelations of Jesus.
Define Advent
A season of preparation for Christmas
Define vision
Seeing or hearing someone or something holy
Define shrine
A holy place
Define Pilgrimage
A journey to a religious or holy place
Define prayer
A way of communicating with God
Define Eucharist
The ceremony commemorating the Last supper, involving bread and wine.
Define Sacrament
An important Christian ceremony.
Define Denominations
The name given to the main groups within the church.
Define Baptism
The Christian ceremony that welcomes a person into the Christian community.
Define Liturgical
A set form of worship, usually following agreed words
Define Non-liturgical
A form of worship which is not set
Define Sermon
A talk or teaching from a church leader
Define Anoint
Apply oil to a person’s head as a sign of holiness and God’s approval
Define Worship
Believers expressing love and respect for, and devotion to God.
Define the 39 Articles of Religion
A historical record of beliefs (or ‘doctrines’) held by the Church of England.
Define Holy week
The week before Easter.
Define Nativity
The birth of someone
Define Prophecy
A message from God in which he communicates his will
Define Vigil
Staying awake at night in order to pray; also the name given to the celebration of a festival on the eve before the festival itself.
Define convert
To change from one set of beliefs to another
Define Evangelism
Preaching the gospels in order to attract new believers.
Define Alpha
A course run by churches and local Christian groups which enables people to find out more about the Christian faith in a relaxed setting
Define Ecumenism
A movement that tries to bring different Christians denominations closer together
Define Local church
A meeting place for local believers and the community of believers who gather there
Define Outreach
An activity to provide services to people in need.
Define Charity
Giving to those in need
Define Parish
A community of local believers within a particular denomination
Define Persecution
The ill-treatment of an individual or group, usually on the groups of religion, politics or ethnicity
Define Pentecostalism
A protestant movement that puts special emphasis on a direct and personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit
Define Missionary
A person who preaches and invites people to convert to the Christian faith