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13th amendment,
How many slaves freed
Wrote emancipation into the constitution in 1865
4 million
How did freemen make their living after emancipation
Sharecropping, poor pay, long hours. Given housing and food for farming, manipulated by the same landowners that had owned slaves
Johnsons attitude?
Unsympathetic, but congress was dominated by radical republicans
What was congresses success in reconstruction, what did they establish?
Lead the way in reforms and set a precedent for later reforms;
Freedmen’s bureau (welfare and education)
14th and 15th amendments
Civil rights act 1866
First reconstruction act
What were the 14th and 15th amendments respectively
14th - gave all those born in USA citizenship
15th - outlawed discrimination for voting “on account of race, colour, or previous condition of servitude”
First reconstruction act, what was it and when
- gauranteed the right to vote and created new southern constitutions
Another early reconstruction act?
1866, civil rights act gave legal equality
How many racial violence deaths in Louisiana in 1868
What was the effect of the set precedent from racial violence
- White violence became an acceptable part of southern life
- AAs not seen as equal
-little economic equality - violence against sexual contacts or liaisons between races
- strong enforcement through military presence needed
What was the effect of the compromise of 1877?
The south was once again able to regulate its own affairs on a state by state basis, AA rights eroded
What were Booker T Washington main views and successes?
Progress through economic prosperity, gained confidence of white Americans, demonstrate responsibility through education and AAs own efforts to prosper, advised presidents on racial issues, received support from wealthy businessmen
Why was Booker T controversial for AAs
Did not campaign directly against discrimination in south, some saw him as an ‘uncle tom’
What were Booker T’s organisations?
Tuskegee institute (1881) - trained teachers
National Business League (1901) - encourage AA economic enterprise
What were WEB Dubois’ views and successes
AA elite ‘talented tenth’ should spearhead a movement for radical political change, campaigned for achieving equality within the system, civil rights and political power to end discrimination
What org did Dubois found
NAACP (1909) - lead marches and campaign for equal civil and political rights
What were Marcus Garveys key views
AA community was separate
What was Garvey’s org and why was it significant (figure)
Universal Negro Improvement Association, first large civil rights org with 4 million members by 1920
MLK’s main views
Developed Dubois’ ideas, mass protests, similar charismatic leadership to Garvey, cooperate with white liberals, non-violence, used publicity and image effectively
Key moments of MLK’s leadership + what orgs
SCLC (1957)
March in Birmingham, ‘I have a dream’, arrest (1963)
March on Washington 1963
March from Selma to Montgomery (1965)
When was MLK assassinated
Malcom X’s main views
Separatist, Nation of Islam promoted African heritage, condemned non-violence, promoted self defence, economic freedom, end of police brutality and African nationalism
What organisation’s appearance was influence by Malcom X’s views
The Black Panther Party for self defence (Bobby Seal and Huey P Newton) 1966
Armed resistance to white hostility
Ulysses S Grant approach + term dates
- used federal troops and authority to support reconstruction
- wanted to retain support of white southern senators and congressmen, so allowed south to discriminate
Woodrow Wilson approach + term dates
segregated federal govt offices, screened birth of a nation at White House in 1915, sympathy to ‘lost cause’, failed to address disenfranchisement
FDR approach + term dates
Didn’t pass a specific civil rights act
Some new deal reforms helped AAs:
- Civilian Conservation Corps
Federal Emergency Relief Adminsitatration
- Public works administration
Work campers were segregated
Reforms excluded key AA employment areas
Ended segregation in war industries but not in armed forces
Truman approach + term dates
Issued an executive order against segregation in the armed forces in 1948
Appointed a committee on civil rights
Urged congress to pass civil rights legislation
No comprehensive measures passed
Eisenhower approach + term dates
- created the civil rights act, aimed to prevent voter discrimination
- sent troops to Little Rock in 1957 - after significant pressure
JFK approach + term dates
Spoke openly against discrimination
Prepared a civil rights bill in 1963 but was prevented from passing it due to southern white opposition
LBJ approach + term dates
Passed the 24th amendment (1964)
The civil rights acts (1964), (1965)
Implemented affirmative action
Appointed Thurgood Marshall as first AA Supreme Court justice
What did the 24th amendment do and when was it ratified
Outlawed poll taxes or any other voting taxes
Jan 1964
What did the 1964 and 65 civil rights acts do
1964 - outlawed discrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex or origin
1965 - (voting rights act) prohibited discrimination in voting
Nixon’s approach + term dates
Extended affirmative action to promote wider equality
Employers with federal contracts must show to be promoting AA employment
Passed an act in 1972 that extended equal employment legislation to all federal, local, and state governments
Effect of Kennedy’s death on civil rights
In many’s eyes it would be seen to be dishonouring his memory no to pass the civil rights acts as he’d been preparing a civil rights bill before his death
Why did radical republicans fail after 1876
Power of southern democrats began increasing, they had more seats in congress and their candidate - Tilden - got more of the popular vote, the presidency was given to Hayes after the compromise of 1877
Who started and ended reconstruction
Why was it hard to enact civil rights reforms
Southern democrat congress members provided resistance until Kennedy’s assassination
Plessy v Ferguson - what happened + when
- ruled that segregation was constitutional under the ‘separate but equal’ doctrine
- occurred when a mixed race man boarded a white only train car
Brown V Board - what happened + when
- declared segregated education illegal and that separate but equal was inherently unequal
What did other Supreme Court rulings decide in favour of AA civil rights
Desegregated interstate bus travel (1960)
Supported busing (1971)
Opposed unemployment discrimination (1971)
Slaughterhouse case, when + what happened
Limited the protections of the 14th amendment and put the rights of individuals under state control. ‘States rights’
What legal measures did the south pass to control newly freed AAs
Black codes
Outlawed miscegenation
Blacks could serve on a jury concerning white people
What did constitutional assemblies do?
Drew up constitutions, AAs were involved in these assemblies and in the first legislatures of ex-confederate states
Where did AA reps in state legislature outnumber white people during reconstruction
South Carolina, the heart of the southern states’ rights movement
What did Jim Crowe laws prescribe?
Separate hospitals, prisons, public and private schools, churches, cemeteries and public restrooms
Regulated social and sexual interracial relations
Voting regulation to restrict AA voting (grandfather clause, property requirement)
What occurred at Little Rock plus when
1957, Arkansas governor Orval Faubus prevented 9 students from attending central high school using the national guard, Eisenhower put the national guard under federal control and sent the armed forces.
Why was James Meredith significant
In 1962 he attempted to attend Ole’ miss but was prevented by the govt of Mississippi, Kennedies government sent federal law officers to enforce Meredith’s entry
Who resisted against MLK’s march on Birmingham?
Alabama state governor George Wallace and police chief Eugene ‘Bull’ Connor
Which group was the first notable example of organised support for civil rights, when was it formed what did it do
NAACP 1909
Focused on legal challenges to segregation, in 1917 it prevented enforced segregation of AAs into separate residential districts
Brown V Board was an NAACP success
What did CORE do, when was it founded
Challenged segregation directly, on interstate buses for example
Organised freedom rides in 1947
This provoked violence and lead to Kennedy authorising the desegregation of interstate
transport in 1961
How did the SCLC emerge and why was it successful
It emerged from local groups organising the Montgomery bus boycott in 1957, MLK was a strong figurehead and it had a distinct political philosophy and wider aims
What was Garveys organisation called and what was its philosophy
United Negro improvement association UNIA, didn’t focus on gaining equal and political rights as much as separatism and solidarity
What did Stokely Carmichael do
Pushed the idea of Black Power to urge AAs to organise, recognise their heritage and negotiate from a position of strength
When did civil rights groups peak and what happened after
Their key successes were the civil rights acts, but after the issues became more de facto and were handed to quell, it became hard to maintain ties with liberal white america and groups were divided on how to make progress
By 1871 how many members did the KKK have in the south and in Tennessee alone
Potentially half a million in the south, 40k in Tennessee
Why did the KKK disintegrate in the 1870s
Discrimination in souther states became legal after the compromise and so there was less need for it
When and why did the KKK reemerge in the 20th century
Spurred on by birth of a nation in 1915, it was lead by William Joseph Simmons and was also encouraged by increased immigration
Who did the KKK spread its sights to from 1915
Jews, catholics, and foreigners
When did KKK membership peak and with how many members
1924, 6 million, but soon declined after
Name one later example of KKK violence
Attack on the freedom riders in 1961 with approval of southern authorities, there was a small revival in the 1970s
How many lynching were there between 1885 and 1917 and how were they justified
Around 2700, AAs had been seen to. Real the unwritten code of subservience
What happened to Emmet Till + when
Lynched in MIssissippi, all white jury acquitted the murderers of 14 year old Till
What did white citizens councils do + when were they formed
Formed in 1954 after brown V board, protested school desegregation, encourage intimidation of AAs trying to register to vote, declined in the 60s
By the end of the 1980s what percent of AAs and WAs, respectively, graduated from high school
AA - 63%
WA - 77%
What percent of AAs and WAs, respectively, graduated from uni by the end of the 1980s
AA - 11%
WA - 22%
What was still lacking for AAs by the end of the 1980s
Gap in unemployment
Gap between average family wages for AA households had increased compared to white households
Hourly wage was lower on avg
AA poverty had increased since the 50s
By the end of the 1980s what portion of AAs lived below the poverty line or were working in low-skilled jobs
What occurred in summer 1965 against AA civil rights and why
Race riots, because of high unemployment, poverty, poor schools and housing and unfair police treatment
What did Nixon do to try and garner southern AA votes, what was the result
Philadelphia plan in 1967 to set quotas for workers in the construction industry, resulted in the equal opportunity act in 1972, effective but civil rights leaders was the plan as unequal treatment
What no of African Americans held political office in 1864 compared to 1992 and by 1992 how many black reps in congress
100 - 8000
What happened to Rodney king + why significant
He was beaten severely by white police in LA and an all white jury acquitted the officers leading to serious riots, 12111 people arrested