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MPVD sutures absorbable nor absorbable
Absorbable Monocry P D S Vicryl Daxon
NPNP absorbable or non absorbable
Non absorbable nylon proline novasyl polyester
white suture Violet Suture blue Suture black suture
Crystal violet in first step of gram Stain stains
Both gramme positive and gramme negative
D glutamate capsule seen in which bacteria
b.anthrax polypeptide capsule
What is protoplast
gramme positive bacteria without cell wall
what is sphero plast
gramme negative bacteria without cell wall
Joker among bacteria is
Mycoplasma as it does not have cell wall
Endotoxin act via macrophages which C D
Exotoxin___ Pause pseudomonas acts by___
EF 2(Elongation factor 2)
EHEC does not ferment
grows on
Macnkey Agar
apnea in infants
Whooping cough
Bordetella pertussis
exotoxin of which bacteria acts by gm 1 gangliosidase
Cholera by cAMP Gs
Exotoxin of which bacteria acts on zona occludens
risus sardonicus seenin
Toxin causing post ganglionic receptor inhibition leading to spastic paralysis
Toxic shock syndrome due to gauge In epistaxis and retained tampons What kind of antigens
Super Antigens Staphylococcu streptococcus
c defficle Causes
Pseudo membranous enterocolitis
Subterminal spores scene in
Terminal spores tennis racket shaped in
Clostridium tertium
Terminal scores drumstick shaped in
clostridium tetani
Pulmonary manifestation of B Anthrax
Hemorrhagic mediastinitis
Inverted fir tree appearance seen in
Test tube culture of Banthrax
Rocket tail Actin polymerization Seen in
Empirical management of meningitis drugs
Vancomycin and ceftrixone
Treatment of meningitis in elderly and less than two year old drug
palcam Used for
Rash seen in Listeria infection
bulls eye
Cord factor seen in
diarrhoea by B ceres Less than 6 hours or more than six hours
In less than six hours
Chinese letter arrangement seen in
Fibrous dysplasia and C.diptheri
Drug of choice for actinomises
other drug
Drug of choice penicillin
other drug cotrimoxazole
Spidery colony seen in
actinomises Israeli
CON S classified on the basis of
novobiocin sensitivity
Is streptococcus pneumonia soluble in bile or not
Soluble in bile
Streptococcus viridance bile soluble or not
not bile soluble
Di Hydro Rodamine test for
Chronic granulomatous disease
Nitro blue tetrazolium test for
Chronic granulomatous disease
libman sach Endocrarditis Seen in
GI adenocarcadino by Which staphylococcus
Fidoxamicin is drug of choice for
pseudo membranous Enterocolitis
fecal calprotectin sensitive marker of
ulcerative colitis/large bowel dirrhea
diarrhea for >30 days
posterolateral cord syndrome due to deficiency of
neuro defect in copper deficiency
renal stones seen in diarrhea
conditions diagnosed by biopsy alone
culture negative endocarditis seen in
whipple’s disease
progressive supranuclear palsy with oculomasticatory nystagmus seen in
whipple’s diease
whipple’s diease neurological m/c imp
rapid progressive dementia
whipple’s diease arthritis
whipple’s treatment
Ceftriaxone/Meropenem x 14 days.
whipple’s relapse prevention
creeping mesentric fat seen in
crohn’s disease
Atopic dermatitis caused due to defect
Which among fillagrinand non fillagrin is monomer
odland Bodies Defect causes
asteatotic eczema
Keratin intermediate filaments are hallmark of
langarhan cells
ck 7-
Ck 20+
merkle cells
Colon ca.
apremilast Drug for
coal tar regime for
lyme’s disease Causative organism
Borellia burkdoferi
Mikulicz Syndrome
erythema gyratum ripens Seen in
wornoff ring Seen in
regimes for Psoriasis
sign seen after grattage Test
aushpits sign not seen in
tar and dithranol Contraindicated in
Hla c:0.6:0.2 a/w
von zumbasch is
inverse psoriAsis
oral mucosa white in?
Type of alopecia in lican planus m3
Ventral and Dorsal pterygium seen in. M3
Causative organism of pityriasis rosea. m4
besnier’s sign. m4
Fried egg appearance seen in. M4
fornier’s gangrene can be cause by which drug. M5
pseudo nikolsky sign Seen in
ssss oral mucosa involved or not
sjs oral mucosa involved or not
oral mucosa involved or not in ten
wood’s Lamp
light wavelength
filtre. m6
treatment of hiradinitis supprativa m6
wood’s lamp exentuation present in dermal of epidermal hyperpigmentation m14
triad of brker’s nevus m14
ceruloderma by drug m14
black hairy cerebriform lesion soon after birth k/s m14
hair perforation test seen in m7
Pseudopelade of Brock is? m7
What type of allopesia
Drugs causing analogen effluvium. m7
frair truck appearance seen in. m7
Management of Trichotillomania. m7
Hair perforation test positive for. m7
Anti androgenic drugs for treatment of allopesia in women. m7
Dull Blue Trichophyton is. m7
aeroperkins body. in.
stAin. m7
Whitfield ointment?
Used in. m8
Antifungal in nail liquor.
Most common nerve for biopsy in leprosy are. m9
Most common peripheral nerves involved in leprosy are. m9
Most common cause of blindness in leprosy. m9
Lucio m9
histoid leprosy. m9
indeterminate leprosy. m9
Lazarine. m9
In Paucibacillary Leprosy acid fast bacteria are not seen in. m9
Split skin smear
Drugs of leprosy. m9
Which drug is absent in pace basillary blister pack. m9
what is erythema nodosum lepra. m10
thalidomide Which lepra reaction. M10
causative organism For scrotal cervical urethral infections
Which coloured pack. m11
Mccoy bodies on iodine stain m11
Non herpetic genital ulcers are caused by. m12
Non Azole triterpinoid Glucan Synthesis inhibitor
For Canada is. m10
Tinidazol Causes which reaction with alcohol m10
Most common serovere of Chlamydia in bubo m12
Leukocytes and not organisms seen in naat in which disease. m12
Cotton ball appearance in vaginal swab associated with IUD usage seen in which organism. m12
SSSS is variant of which pemphigus. m13
Asboe Hansen sign is?
Seen in. m14
phases of Bullous Pemphigoid. m14
Tired of chronic bullous disease of childhood. m14
Antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis against. m14
Alopesia in Lupus Vulgaris scarring or non scarring. m8
nsaids>cotrimixazol>tetracyclin show which cutaneous lesions. b149
busalphan Causes what type of cutaneous lesions
Drugs causing sjs ten syndrome. b149
Black discoloration on cheek caused by which drug. b149
Redman syndrome caused by which drug which chemical released. 149
Ichthyosis caused by which drug. b149
4 cerebriforms? m16
sezary syndrome. m16
patch test for m16
Apple jelly nodule in.
Lupus vulgaris
Most effective overall emergency contraceptive. m268
Contraceptive of choice for menorrhagia. m268
Antara is protective in which diseases. m268
Ortho Evra. m268
cerazett. m269
NuvaRing. m269
Drugs not used as emergency contraceptives
Most effective hormonal emergency contraceptive. m269
Hallmark of pcod. m270
folate required for which vitamin from gi
thiamine for wernike’s dose
reduce risk of progressing to korsakoff
100mg iv/im for 3 days
bd/tds orally for 1-3 weeks
b vitamine involve din conduction in axons