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Company officers perform many functions including but not limited to
Providing leader ship, acting as a role model, giving advice, evaluating fire fighter performance, representation for members to administration, providing counseling coaching or discipline, directing the work ensuring operational readiness and providing company level training
Fire an emergency service organizations follow certain basic principles of organizational structures based on organization of Barry, research and practice in both public and private organizations these principles include
Scalar structure,line/ staff personal,Decision making authority, unity of command, span of control and division of labor
Load applied to the CENTER of a cross-section of A member in perpendicular to the cross-section
Axial load
Load perpendicular to the cross-section of the stress remember but which DOES NOT PASS through the cEnter of the cross section
Essentric load
Load applied OFF/CENTERED from the cross-section of the structure component in at an angle shoe or in the same plane as the cross-section. Produces a twisting the fact that creates sheer stress in material
Torsional load
Support beneath both ends and free to rotate is what kind of support beam
Simply supported
Supported at one end must be able to support a vertical load in additional to resisting bending stress often supports balconies
cantilever beam
Common types of trust configurations
King post, inverted can post, inverted queen post, Howe, Pratt,fink,cambered fink,scissor,hammer beam,Warren,sawtooth bowstring,k and truss with monitor pg.82
Company officers like most supervisors are responsible for the following
Meeting supervisory responsibilities, establishing priority for units, solving problems, establishing in communicating goals, building an affective team, motivating and supporting personnel, managing diverse personnel, applying management principles and supporting the organizations mission core value rules and regulations
Establishing and implementing the meChanisms to ensure objectives are retained is what ??
Creating mission statements and SETTLING goals and objectivesIs what
Coordinating tasks and resources to accomplish the units goal and Objective
GETTING influencing inspiring and motivating employees to achieve goals and objectives within a group
Type of stairs that have an intermediate landing between floors and reverse direction at that point, more than one landing where the height between floors is greater than normal common in modern construction
Return stairs
Extend in one direction for their entire length landing maybe use between sessions of vertical travel
Straight run stairs
A large building may contain more than one multiple hoistway but each hosue is limited by code to know more than how many elevators
Fire code typically limits tanks for fuel storage located separately from generators to how many gallons
Building code usually excludesReference to surface treatments such as paint and wallpaper there are no thicker than
1/28 inch
Types of fire retardant coatings available include
Intrumescent coating , mastics Gas forming paints, cementitious and Mineral Fiber coating
Non-loadbearing exterior walls attached the outside of a building with a rigid steel frame
Curtain walls
Curtainwall serve the following functions
Resistant environment loads, controls he lost, limit noise transmission and limit solar radiation
Driven into the ground and support a load by transferring the load either through friction with the surrounding soil or through Contact with rocker other tables layers
System of up right posts mounted to a wedge shaped concrete piers that transfer the weight of a structure to the ground
It’s thick slab need the entire area of the building
Matt slab foundation
The weight of the soil removed is equal to the weight of the building construction in the same way as a mat slab foundation is what kind of foundation ?
Floating foundation
More costly than shallow foundations they are only used where is shadow foundations cannot be used. Take the form of piles in pairs that penetrate the layer of this or directly under a building to reach sure the rock they can support the weight of the building
Deep foundation
Type of plan that includes policy procedure and rules that are use frequency to manage the day-to-day emergencies and non-emergency units activities
Standing plans
Type of plan that accomplish is a specific objective such as the development of a program project or budget
Single use plan
Plans that Take into account the external factors that affect an organization such as change in the economics demographics Serve its requirements hazards and technology
Strategic plans
Focus on our objectives will be accomplished these objective factor base plans deal with factors that are within control of an organization while strategic plans are subjective
Operational /Administrator plans
Strategic plans are
Great alternative plans that can be implemented in a event of UNFORSEEN events they make original plans unsuitable
Contingency plans
Five general purposes for interpersonal communication
L, R , I, P , H
Learn, relate, influence, play and help
Indicating to the sender that the message or information has been understood or acquire more explanation is called
Easiest speech to develop when supporting data is compiled
Infitmstive speech
What speeches are used to teach the audience how to do something they normally use visual aid or a demonstration
Difficult to develop and yet can be the most important speech in office I can give
Persuasive speech
Clues to the presence of hazardous material
Location, occupancy type in preincident survey, basic container information, transportation placards, Markings and labels, No I’m transportation hazmat marking and labelsAnd Hazardous information reference source
Do you meet the criteria for non-bulk packaging one of the following must be met
Maximum capacity is 119 gallons or less, maximum net mass is 882 pounds or less water capacity is 1000 pounds or less a maximum in mass of 882 pounds or less
Documents are ready to E, P , I, E
Educate ,persuading, inform or enlighten
Conducted in the community within the organization and within operational settings at emergency nonEmergency incidents
Risk identification
What Evaluation is on their probability and potential for the negative consequence including the anticipated severity and frequency of occurrence
Risk evaluation
Determined by ranking the identified risks are the degrees of severity and frequency
Establishment of priorities for action
Identified control measures for each significant risk
Risk control techniques
Ongoing process to MONITOR
the risk control measures
Risk management monitoring
Steel trusses can be fabricated in variety of shapes to meet specific applicationsFrequently used in three-dimensional space frames in which they are known as DT
Delta trussses
Use a steel strands cable scratch between anchors producing a tensileForce in the steel
Pre tension and reinforced concrete
Uses reinforcing steel cables that are not tensioned until after Congress has hardened to a certain strength
Post tensioning
Fire resistance of concrete assembly is affected by
Concrete density, thickness, quantity, load supported and depth of con creek over reinforce bar
The company officerAs a supervisor does not perform what type of education
Life and fire safety education
An automatic fire protection system is the first line of what in many buildings
To achieve command presence it may be helpful to develop what? X8 C T C R T A E A
Self-confidence, trustworthiness, consistency, responsibilities, tolerance/acceptance, expertise and accountability
Many people come to believe that they’re on ethical actions are
In their own best interest or in the best interest of the organization, OK because no one will ever find out and except it because everyone else is doing the same thing
Company officer will not have direct involvement with white regarding their personnel
I deception to fuel storage separation is a day tank located in the same room or mounted directly on the generator fire code typically when is the tag to how many gallons for diesel fuel
60 gallons
Following seven clues to the presence of has his material generally represent an increased level of risk which include
Locations, occupancy types preincident survey
Basic Container info
Transportation place cards markings and labels
Non-transportation hazmat markings
Hazmat information in reference sources
Since clues
Monitoring and detection device
Not a clue regarding the seven clues of presence of hazardous material
SDS sheets
A ranking of identified risks will be based on the DEGREE OF Severity and frequency is which of the 5 Organizational risk management plans
Establishing a priority for action
What is not a fire resistance trait for concrete T
Concrete temperature
Placards may not be found on
Fix storage facilities
OSHA Hazard communication standard requires employees to identify hazards in the workplace it also requires the employees to ensure that all hazardous material containers are labeled the following is true about the labeling
The standard does not specify what system of identification must be used
The following words are use as signal words with pesticide labels
Warning / danger
Section of SDS sheet that provides recommendations for fighting a fire caused by a chemical
Written infection control plans should clearly explain his intent benefit a purpose and include the following components
Education and training requirements, vaccination requirements, documentation and recordkeeping requirements, cleaning decontamination and disinfection of personal equipment and infection control and reporting protocols
I what is not included in a written infection control plan
Medical certifications
Elevator speeds are standardize at
100 ft./min.
Give a roof rigid frame structure do not require what
Diagonal bracing for Structural Rigidity
Automatic fire protection system is the first line of “” in a building
Beans over an opening in a Masonary wall that frequently are still angles but also can be reinforced concrete or reinforce Masonary are called
I am spread over a specific material can be measured and predicted in degrees known as surface burning characteristics of materials when evaluating them the following
Composition, orientation and thickness of material, ventilation, shape and size of apartments and finish material on ceiling or wall
Supports for Masonary over opening usually made of steel angle or other rolled shapes
Used to provide additional support to an arch
Bracket or ledge meet at Stonewood bricks or other building material protected from the face of a wall or Collin used to support beam cornice or arch
Building codes specifically specifies the degree of virus isn’t required for various structural members they do permit reductions under certain circumstances what are they
Fire Resistance may be limited for roof constructions located more than 20 feet above the floor below for some occupancy’s and reduction of the required by resistance on an automatic sprinkler system is provided that is not otherwise required required
False statement regarding steel rigid frame buildings
I serious rigid frame structures are not required diagonal bracing
applied to the Center of the cross-section and perpendicular to the cross-section is what load
Are automatic sprinkler systems are the buildings white
First line of defense
The group establishes and adheres to its set norms and values members become closer and more cohesive is what stage of the fourth stage development model
Populations are categorized into groups based on physical social or economical characteristics exception is
Establishing and implementing think
Coordinating tasks think
Getting influence/inspiring think
Regarding bulk packages were the maximum weights in order
L- 119
S - 882
G 1000