All 1-8 Flashcards
aqua, aquae
water [n] f.
cēna, cēnae
supper, dinner [n] f.
culpa, culpae
blame, fault [n] f.
doctīna, doctrīnae
teaching, doctrine [n] f.
ecclēsia, ecclēsiae
church, assembly [n] f.
famīlia, famīliae
family, household [n] f.
glōria, glōriae
glory [n] f.
grātia, grātiae
grace, favor, credit; thanks (pl) [n] f.
hōra, hōrae
hour [n]. f.
missa, missae
mass [n] f.
nātūra, nātūrae
nature [n] f.
pāpa, pāpae
pope [n] m.
terra, terrae
earth, land, ground [n] f.
vīta, vītae
life [n] f.
ā (ab, abs)
from, away from (+ abl) [prep]
to, toward; for (the purpose of); at (+ acc) [prep]
in the presence of (+ abl) [prep]
with (+abl) [prep]
from, down from; about, concerning (+ abl) [prep]
ē (ex)
from, out of (+ abl) [prep]
and; even, too; both… and [coord conj; intensifying adv.]
into, onto; against; for (the purpose of) (+ acc); in, on, among; by means of, with (+ abl) [prep]
in front of; on behalf of, for; instead of (+ abl) [prep]
and [enclitic coord conj.]
without (+ abl) [prep]
above, upon, over (+ acc); about, concerning (+ abl) [prep]
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus
to be, to exist. [v] irr.
ancilla, ancillae
maid, servant [n] f.
Jūdaea, Jūdaeae
Judea [n] f.
jūstitia, jūstitiae
righteousness, justice [n] f.
Marīa, Marīae
Mary [prop n.] f.
potentia, potentiae
power [n] f.
ager, agrī
field, pl. country (rural) [n] m.
agnus, agnī
lamb [n] m.
angelus, angelī
messenger, angel [n] m.
apostolus, apostolī
apostle [n] m.
Chrīstus, Chrīstī
Christ [n] m.
Deus, deī [n] m. (nom pl, diī)
God [n] m.
discipulus, discipulī
disciple, student [n] m.
dominus, dominī
lord, master [n] m.
episcopus, episcopī
overseer, bishop [n] m.
fīlius, fīliī
son [n] m.
minister, ministrī
servant, minister [n] m.
Petrus, Petrī
Peter [n] m.
populus, populī
people [n] m.
puer, puerī
boy, child; servant [n] m.
psalmus, psalmī
psalm [n] m.
servus, servī
servant, slave [n] m.
today [adv.]
for [coord conj]
not [adv]
across (+ acc) [prep]
rēgīna, rēgīnae
queen [n] f.
chorus, chorī
choir [n] m.
hymnus, hymnī
hymn [n] f.
liber, librī
book [n] m.
vir, virī
man [n] m.
caelum, caelī
heaven, sky [n] n.
canticum, canticī
song, canticle [n] n.
dōnum, dōnī
gift [n] n.
Evangelium, Evangeliī
gospel, good news [n] n.
fēstum, fēstī
feast, feast-day [n] n.
gaudium, gaudiī
joy [n] n.
mystērium, mystēriī
mystery [n] n.
odium, odiī
hatred [n] n.
peccātum, peccātī
sin [n] n.
praeceptum, praeceptī
lesson, precept, command [n] n.
praemium, praemiī
reward [n] n.
rēgnum, rēgnī
kingdom, rule [n] n.
sabbatum, sabbatī
Sabbath [n] n.
sacrificium, sacrificiī
sacrifice [n] n.
saeculum, saeculī
age, world [n] n.
in saecula (saeculōrum)
for ever (and ever) [pp]
testāmentum, testāmentī
covenant, testament [n] n.
ūniversum, ūniversī
universe [n] n.
verbum, verbī
word [n] n.
vīnum, vīnī
wine [n] n.
vitium, vitiī
fault sin, vice [n] n.
here, in this place [adv]
there, in that place; then [adv]
animus, animī
heart, mind, spirit [n] m.
gladius, gladiī
sword [n] m.
magister, magistrī
teacher, master, rabbi [n] m.
modus, modī
manner, way [n] m.
mundus, mundī
world [n] m.
numerus, numerī
number, multitude [n] m.
aurum, aurī
gold [n] n.
cēnāculum, cēnāculī
dinning room, upper room, upstairs room [n] n.
sacrāmentum, sacrāmentī
sacrament [n] n.
aeternus, -a, -um
eternal [adj]
in aeternum
forever [pp]
antīquus, -a, -um
old, ancient; subst pl ancients, forefathers [adj]
beātus, -a, -um
blessed, happy [adj]
bonus, -a, -um
good [adj]
clārus, -a, -um
clear, bright; glorius, famous [adj]
magnus, -a, -um
great, large, big [adj]
malus, -a, -um
bad, evil, wicked [adj]
meus, -a, -um
my, mine [adj]
mortuus, -a, -um
dead [adj]
noster, nostra, nostrum
our, ours [adj]
novus, -a, -um
new, recent [adj]