Algorithms Flashcards
What is Abstraction?
Abstraction is identifying what is important and leaving out the detail that is not needed.
What is Decomposition?
Breaking a complex problem or system into parts that are easier to conceive, understand, program and maintain.
What is Algorithmic thinking?
A way of getting to a solution through a clear definition of the steps needed.
What is a Binary search?
Search a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. Begin with an interval covering the whole array. If the value of the search key is less than the item in the middle of the interval, narrow the interval to the lower half.
What is a Linear search?
A process that checks every element in the list sequentially until the desired element is found.
What is a Bubble sort?
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through lists that need to be sorted, comparing each pair of adjacent items and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. This passing procedure is repeated until no swaps are required, indicating that the list is sorted.