Alginate Impressions Flashcards
How many trays come in one set from the dispensary?
5 Different sizes for both the maxillary set and the mandibular set
How many mandibular impressions did we take?
How many maxillary impressions did we take?
True or False: For the bleaching trays, capturing the entire vestibule was not essential
For bleaching tray impressions, how far beyond the teeth did the alginate need to capture?
3 mm of soft tissue
Were 3rd molars necessary to capture?
No, not for bleaching trays
Was it critical that you capture the entire vestibule for custom tray fabrication?
For the two mandibular impressions, the second impression was to be taken with the _____ tray on the ring.
The next largest size (better to capture vestibule)
After rinsing off saliva and blood in the sink with water, rinse the impression with Birex. What part of the impression needs to be Birexed?
all of it…including the handle and back of tray
After wrapping in moist paper towel, how low should it rest prior to placing it in a plastic bag and sealing it?
10 mins
Impressions were poured into ____ stone.
Did the mandibular trays need the tongue space to be retained?
NOT for bleaching tray
YES for custom tray
How long does it take for yellow stone to set?
about 45 mins
Casts for the bleaching trays should be trimmed to a flat base so there is a thickness of approximately ____ mm from occlusal surface to the _____.
occlusal–>base of cast
What shape should the trays be for bleaching trays?