Algebra - Midterm II Flashcards
free group + normal closure + free abelian group
the free group generated by S is the set of all products of {a_i} and their inverses. Its elements are all products of a_{i1}^𝞮1…a_{ik}^𝞮k where 𝞮i∈{-1,1}.
the normal closure of R is the smallest normal subgroup containing R, denoted <>. Its elements are all products of the form (g_1^{-1})(r_1^𝞮1)(g_1) … (g_n^{-1})(r_n^𝞮n)(g_n) where 𝞮i∈{-1,1}
The free abelian group generated by two elements is written ≤a,b | ab=ba ≥
action + faithful + kernel + stabilizer
A (left) action of a group G on a set X is a map GxX→X, (g,x)⥛gx satisfying:
- ex=x
- (g1g2)x = g1(g2x)
We call an action faithful if it is injective
the kernel of the action is the group of elements g acting identically (gx=x for all x∈X)
The stabilizer of x is the group
Gx = {g∈G : gx=x} < G
equivalence classes of an orbit + transitive + free + Theorem + Theorem
We say x~y if there exists g∈G such that gx=y
The equivalence classes are called the orbits of the action
An action is called transitive if it only has one orbit
An action is called free if every stabilizer is trivial
ex. every group acts on itself by multiplication on the left. Here, the action is free
Theorem: Let G act on X freely and transitively. Then there exists a bijection φ:X→G such that φ(gx)=gφ(x)
Theorem: If an action of G on X is transitive then |X|=[G:Gx] for any x
ex. for every g, x maps to x^g = g^{-1}xg is an automorphism of G on itself
center + stabilizer + centralizer + normalizer
Z(G) = {g : gx=xg for all x∈G}
this is the center of G
For h∈G, the stabilizer of h is {g: gh=hg} called the centralizer of h
If A⊆G then the centralizer of A is Z_G(A) = {g∈G : ga=ag for all a∈A}
If H≤G, then the normalizer of H is {g∈G : H= g^{-1}Hg }
free abelian group generated by S
the free abelian group generated by S is {S | (si)(sj)=(sj)(si) for all si∈S }
All other abelian groups generated by S are natural homomorphism images of that
basis stuff + gcd
look into the notes …
Fundamental Theorem on finitely generated abelian groups
If G is a finitely generated abelian group, then there exists unique d1 | d2 | … | dk and r>=0 such that
G = C_{d1} \oplus C_{d2} \oplus … \oplus C_{dk} \oplus Z^r
where D_{di} is the cyclic group of order di and r=# zeros on the diagonal of the smith normal form
ALTERNATE FORM: If G is a finitely generated abelian group, then there exists unique r >=0 and q1,…,qn which are powers of (not necessarily distinct) prime numbers
G = C_{q1} \oplus … \oplus C_{qn} \oplus Z^r
p-group + Theorem + Corollary + Proposition
A group is called a p-group if the order of every element is finite and is a power of p, where p is prime
Theorem: If p divides |G|, then there exists an element g of order p
Corollary: A finite group G is a p-group if and only if |G|=p^k for some k
Proposition: the center of a finite p-group is non-trivial
1st Sylow Theorem
Suppose that p^k divides |G|. Then G contains a subgroup of order p^k
Sylow p-subgroups
If p^k is the highest order of prime dividing |G|, then a subgroup of order p^k is called a Sylow p-subgroup
2nd Sylow Theorem
Let P be a p-subgroup of G and let H be a Sylow p-subgroup.
Then there exists some g∈G such that g^{-1}Pg < H
In particular, all Sylow subgroups are conjugate to one another
groups of each order
1: {e}
2: Z2 = C2
3: C3
4: C2xC2, C4
5: C5
6: C6 = C2xC3, S3=D3
7: C7
8: C8, C2xC2xC2, C2xC4, Q, D4
3rd Sylow Theorem
the number of Sylow p-subgroups divides |G| and is congruent to 1 (mod p)
A ring R is a set with two binary operators: + and • s.t.
1) (R,+) is an abelian group
2) a(b+c)=ab+ac
3) a(bc)=(ab)c
also, may want it to have an identity or to be commutative
ex. R,C,Mn(R), C(X), Z[G]
(left) zero divisor + left invertible
a is a left zero divisor if there exists some b≠0 such that ab=0
(similar for right)
a is a zero divisor if it is simultaneously a left and right zero divisor
ex. Z/nZ where n is not prime has zero divisors
ex. In Mn(R), the zero divisors are the matrices which are not divisible
If R has identity, a is left invertible if there exists some b such that ba=1.
integral domain + division ring + field + homomorphism
A commutative ring with 0≠1 is called an integral domain if it has no zero divisors
If every non-zero element is invertible, then it is called a division ring
A commutative division ring is called a field
A homomorphism if a map f between rings R1 and R2 such that f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b), f(ab)=f(a)f(b)
(left) ideal
A left ideal of R is a non-empty subset I which is a subgroup of the additive group such that ra∈I whenever r∈R, a∈I
Note: an ideal is a subring (without identity)
The trivial ideals are {0} and R
the smallest left ideal containing a1,a2,…,an is
{x1a1+x2a2+…+xnan + k1a1 + … + knan : xi∈R, ki∈Z}
the smallest (two-sided) ideal is much more complicated: { x11a1y11+ a12a1y12 + ... + (xnm)(an)(ynm) }
If R is a ring and I a (two-sided) ideal then R/I is an additive group
principal ideal + principal ring + PID
An ideal is called principal if it is generated by one element.
A ring is called a principal ring if all its ideals are principal.
A principal ideal domain (PID) is a domain in which all ideals are principal.
Recall: integral domain is commutative + no zero divisors
Theorems about ideals (3) + ex
Theorem 1: If f:R1 to R2 is a homomorphism, hten
f(R1) = R1 / ker f
f(r) from r+kerf
Theorem 2: If I,J are two ideals, then
I/(I⋂J) = (I+J)/J
Theorem 3: If I subset J are two ideals then
R/J = (R/I) / (J/I)
ex. if R=Z and (n) is the ideal generated by n, then
(n) + (m) = (gcd(n,m))
(n) ⋂ (m) = (lcm(n,m))
prime ideal + Theorem + Theorem
An ideal P≠R is said to be prime if it cannot be written as the product of two ideals
i.e. for all ideals A,B if AB⊆P then A⊆P or B⊆P
Theorem: P is prime if and only if
for every a,b∈R if ab∈P then a∈P or b∈P
Theorem: If R is commutative with identity then an ideal P is prime if and only if R/P is an integral domain
maximal + theorem + theorem
An ideal I is called maximal if I≠R and for every ideal J such that I⊆J either I=J or J=R
ex. In Z, (n) subset of (m) IFF m divides n
Theorem: Let R be a ring with identity. Then every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal.
Theorem: Let R be a commutative ring with identity. Then an ideal I is maximal if and only if R/I is a field
Theorem (direct product, ideals) + Corollary + Corollary
If R is a ring and A1,…,An are ideals and
(1) A1+A2+…+An = R
(2) Ai ⋂ (A1+…+A_{i-1}+A_{i+1}+…+An) = {0}
Then R = A1 x … x An
Corollary 1: Under the same conditions,
R / (A1⋂…⋂An) = R/A1 x … x R/An
Corollary 2: if n=p1^{k1}…ps^{ks} for pairwise different primes pi then
Z/nZ = Z/p1^{k1}Z x … x Z/ps^{ks}Z
divides + Proposition + Corollary + Proposition
R: commutative ring
a|b if there exists a x such that b=ax
We get an equivalence relation: a~b if and only if a|b and b|a. So a=b times a unit.
Proposition: a|b if and only if (a) contains (b)
Corollary: a~b if and only if (a)=(b)
Proposition: u is a unit (ie. an invertible element) if and only if (u)=R
irreducible + prime
A non-unit element a is irreducible if whenever b|a either b is a unit or b~a
(the latter, if R is a domain means b=au for a unit u)
If R is a domain, this can be reformulated as: if whenever a=a1a2 either a1 or a2 is a unit.
a is irreducible iff (a) is maximal among proper principal ideals
A non unit element a is prime if a|b1b2 implies a|b1 or a|b2
Chinese Remainder Theorem
A1,…,Ak ideals in R with identity such that Ai+Aj=R for i≠j
If b1,…,bn∈R then ∃b∈R s.t. b-bi∈Ai.
Moreover, b is unique modulo A1⋂A2⋂…⋂An