Algebra - Midterm I Flashcards
group + 5 properties
(1) associativity
(ab) c = a(bc)
(2) identity element
(3) inverses
A monoid satisfies (1) and (2)
A semigroup satisfies (1)
- identity is unique
- inverse is unique
- (a^{-1})^{-1} = a
- (ab)^{-1} = b^{-1} a^{-1}
- a_1 a_2 … a_n is well-defined
commutative / abelian
If ab=ba for all a,b in G
examples of groups
- (Z,+)
- (Q,+), (Q*,•)
- vector spaces wrt addition
- GLn(R) = {A \in Mn(R) with det(A)≠0 }
- SLn(R) = { A \in Mn(R) with det(A) = 1 }
- SLn(Z)
- Z / nZ = Z_n
Sn, An, Dn
Sn = group of permutations on {1,2,…,n}
ie. bijections from {1,2,…,n} to itself
An = even permutations in Sn
Dn = group of symmetries on a regular n-gon
|An| = n!/2
|Dn| = 2n
A non-empty subset H in G such that
- g,h \in H then gh \in H
- g \in H then g^{-1} \in H
subgroup criterion: for g,h \in H then gh^{-1} \in H
subgroup generated by S
For S subset of G, the subgroup generated by S is denoted and is the smallest subgroup containing S (ie. intersection of all subgroups containing S)
It consists of all products g_1^{a_1} … g_m^{a_m} where g_i \in S and a_i \in \bZ
a map f:G⟹H between groups is a homomorphism if f(ab)=f(a)f(b)
f(g)=e is the trivial homomorphism
A homomorphism is called a
- monomorphism if it is injective
- epimorphism if it is onto
- isomorphism if it is bijective (ie. it has an inverse)
If ∃f:G⟹H isomorphism, we write G≅H
equivalence relation
~ is an equivalence relation if
- a~a
- a~b then b~a
- a~b and b~c then a~c
ex. for H≤G define g~h if gh^{-1} \in H
We call gH a left coset
The set of left cosets is denoted G/H
Note: the map aH↔︎Ha is not well-defined
ex. G=S_3, H=≤(12)>, then H(13) = H(132) but (13)H≠(123)H
Lagrange’s Theorem (+ 2 corollaries)
If H≤G then |H| divides |G|
Corollary 1: If |G| is prime, the only subgroups are the trivial ones
Corollary 2: If |G| is prime, then G is cyclic
|G/H| = [G:H]
If G is finite, [G:H] = |G| / |H|
If G>H>K
[G:K] = [G:H][H:K]
completely classify ≤g>
If all g^n are different, then ≤g> ≅≈\bZ
If not, then ker is a non-zero subgroup of \bZ. d=min(H⋂\bZ) so dZ ≈ ker(n \mapsto g^n)
Then ≤g>≈Z/dZ
Theorem (subgroups of Z)
Every subgroup of Z is of the form dZ for some d \in \bN
normal subgroup + Theorem
H≤G is normal if gH = Hg
Equivalently, g^{-1}Hg = g
We write H◁G
Theorem: If [G:H] = 2 then H◁G
Conjugation by g∈G is the map x \mapsto g^{-1}xg
This is an isomorphism
(an isomorphism with itself is called an automorphism)
we write it as x^g = g^{-1}xg
A group is simple if the only normal subgroups of G are G and {e}
ex. Z_p for prime p are simple
ex. A_n for n≥5 is simple
Theorem (coset representations)
The multiplication (gH)(hH)=(gh)H is well defined ⇔ H◁G
G/H is then a group.
Note: the map g \mapsto gH is a homomorphism and is called the “canonical epimorphism”
First Isomorphism Theorem
Let φ:G→H be a homomorphism.
Then φ(G) ≈≅ G/ker(φ)
Moreover, the isomorphism is the map which sends φ(g) to g(kerφ)
Proof: well-defined, onto, one-to-one
Z(G) = { h∈G : gh=hg for all g∈G}
This is normal in G
5 propositions for normal
Proposition 1: If G>H and G▷N then H⋂N◁H
Proposition 2: If G>H and G▷N then N ◁ ≤H⋃N>
Proposition 3: If G>H and G▷N then ≤H⋃N>=HN=NH
Proposition 4: If N and K are normal in G then N⋂K ◁ G
Proposition 5: G / (N⋂K) is isomorphic to a subgroup of G/N x G/K
2nd and 3rd isomorphism Theorems
2nd Isomorphism Theorem:
For G>H, G▷N then HN/N ≈≅ H / (N⋂H)
3rd Isomorphism Theorem:
If G▷N and G▷K and N≥K (so N▷K) then G/K ▷ N/K
and (G/K) / (N/K) ≈≅ G/N
(should also probably know proofs of these two)
Direct product
Let G_i be a collection of groups
Then \Pi_{i \in I} G_i = { (g_i)_{i \in I} \mid g_i \in G_i } is the direct product of the groups
We have multiplication (g_i)(h_i) = (g_ih_i)
π_j : \Pi G_i → G_j is the projection (this is an epimorphism)
If H is a group and φ_i : H → G_i are homomorphisms then we have a homomorphism ψ:H→ \Pi G_i which sends h to (φ_i(h))
This is uniquely determined by π_i ○ ψ = φ_i
Category Theory
and all that shite