Alexander II- Stages of implementation- Emancipation of the Serfs Flashcards
When did Alexander announce that it is better to abolish serfdom from above rather than it coming from below?
When did Alexander set up a secret committee chaired by arch conservative Orlov to look at emancipation?
Who chaired the secret committee?
-Arch conservative
Who did Alexander place the committee in late 1857?
-His brother- a liberal.
-Duke Constantine
What did Alexander decide in November 1857?
-serfs able to buy/rent home/land (Nazimov rescript)
-Nobles instructed to set up provincial committees to discuss.
What was the Nazimov script?
-serfs able to buy/rent their home or land.
When was the Nazimov script made?
-November 1857.
What happened in 1858?
Peasant disturbances in Estonia and Alexander sets up editorial commission in St Petersburg to examine the issue.
When did the peasant disturbances in Estonia occur?
When did Alexander sign the emancipation of serfs into law?
February 1861.
What happened between 1861 and 1863
-23M serfs gained liberty.
-process of deciding how to split up land begins.
What happened from 1863 onwards?
-temporary obligation to the lord
-redemption payments for 49 years
What are the 5 key principles of emancipation?
- Serfdom abolished
- Peasants can buy houses and surrounding land
- Landowners compensated- 49 years
- Mir control
- Obrock
What was meant by Obrock?
-A labour service-2 years prior to emancipation.
What suprising thing did Alexander do between 1858-1859
-Went around the country delivering pro-emancipation speeches.
Why can the emancipation be described as incomplete?
-Only privately owned serfs were emancipated in 1861- state owned serfs not emancipated until 1866.