Alex King - Notes Flashcards
What are the met requirements to nominate an alternate?
1hr either side of ETA
Ceiling >1000ft above the minima
Viz 5 km or 2 km more then minima
What is the normal take off minima?
300ft ceiling , 1500m viz
Effect of weight on a descent at a constant speed
Higher weight = increase FCW
Increase FCW = increase in speed
Increase speed = reduce thrust to maintain speed or raise nose if thrust is constant
Raise nose = shallower ROD
Possible IFR departures
climb in track in evaluated sector
Radar departure/sid
Visual departure VMC to MSA day only
Standard climb graident on a SID
Speed where an engine failure can occur and the aircraft can be bought to a complete stop in the ASDA
Above this speed the aircraft can continue and still reach the screen height 35ft (15 wet) and V2
Rotation speed
Must be greater or equal then V1
TOSS, speed which the aircraft can suffer engine failure, retain directional control and still meet performance criteria.
Speed to be achieved to flap retraction height
V2 greater then 1.2 Vs and 1.1 Vmca
Take off run available
Physical length of runway
Take off distance available
Runway + clearway
Accelerate stop distance available
Runway + stopway
Factors affecting Mcrit?
Increase in weight = decrease in Mcrit (Mcrit lower speed)
Wing sweep
Increase Mcrit due to lower % of freestream air across chord
Where is the most limiting Mcrit found
Hight altitude (higher tas)
Low temp (lower lss)
What are the advantages and dis advantages of sweepback?
Increased Mcrit
High drag at high AoA
High geometric stalling angle
Low CL max
CoP movement and stall characteristics of a swept wing a/c?
CoP moves inward and forward as tips stall first
Nose will pitch up
1.2 vs
Difine the 1st climb segment
35ft to gear retract
Define 2nd climb segment
End of first segment to 400ft at V2 2.5%
Define 3rd segment
End of 2nd segment level acceleration to final climb speed
Define 4th segment
End of third segment to 1500ft 1.25vs 1.2%
What are the disadvantages of reduced thrust
Higher fuel burn
Linger climb time