Alcohol Symposium Flashcards
How do you know if a patient is drinking above low risk guidelines?
Screening tools
Paddington alcohol test
Self disclosure
What should be done if a patient is drinking more than the low risk guidance?
If dependent, refer to treatment centre
Offer feedback and advice on how to change
What are the effects of alcohol at lower doses?
Euphoria, reduced anxiety, relaxation, sociability
What are the effects of alcohol at higher doses?
Intoxication, impaired attention and judgement, unsteadiness, nystagmus, mood instability, disinhibition, slurring, stupor, unconsciousness
What is harmful use of alcohol?
Pattern of use causing damage to physical or metal health. Use >1 month or repeatedly over 12 months
What is alcohol dependence?
3 or more of the following >1 month of repeatedly over 12 months:
- Cravings/compulsions to drink
- Difficulty controlling use
- Primacy
- increased tolerance
- physiological withdrawal on reduction/cessation
- Persistence despite harmful consequences
What is the withdrawal state?
Group of symptoms of variable clustering and severity on complete/relative withdrawal of a psychoactive substance, after persistent use of that substance
What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal state?
Tremor, weakness, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, seizures, confusion, agitation, death
What is delirium tremens?
Profound confusion, tremor, agitation, hallucinations, delusions. sleeplessness, autonomic over-activity
What mental health problems can alcohol cause?
Anxiety, depression, sleep disruption, morbid jealousy, alcoholic hallucinations, deliberate self injury, suicidal thoughts/acts
What physical health problems can alcohol cause?
Accidental injury, violence, cancer of liver, oesophagus, mouth, neurological issues such as fits, confusion etc.
What is Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
Confusion, ataxia, opthalmoplegia, nystagmus
What are symptoms of Korsakoff’s psychosis?
Prominent impairment of recent and remote memory preservation of immediate recall
No general cognitive impairment, retrograde and anterograde memory
Impaired learning and disorientation
May exhibit nystagmus and ataxia
What causes thiamine deficiency?
Thiamine deficiency
- Poor absorption and intake, poor hepatic function, increased requirement for alcohol metabolism
What is CAGE?
An alcoholic screening tool
- have you tried to CUT down?
have you felt ANNOYED by people commenting on your drinking?
-have you felt GUILTY about drinking?
- have you felt the need to have an EYE-OPENER?
How is alcohol misuse managed?
Practical advice, education and harm reduction
- Social and psycological support
- Social work
- Community support
- Inpatient or residential treatment
- Medications
How can Wenicke-Korsakoff syndrome be prevented?
How is alcohol withdrawal treated ?
What aversion/deterrent medication can be used?
What anti-craving medication can be used?