AKI Flashcards
Significant decline in renal function over hrs or days manifesting as an abrupt and sustained ↑ in Se U and Cr
Causes - pre-renal, renal, post
Pre-renal: commonest cause Shock or renovascular compromise (e.g. NSAIDs, ACEi) Renal ATN: Ischaemia: shock, HTN, HUS, TTP Direct nephrotoxins: drugs, contrast, Hb Acute TIN: drug hypersensitivity Nephritic syndrome Post-renal: SNIPPIN
Main cause of AKI
Pre-renal and ATN account for ~80%
Uraemia / Azotaemia Acidosis Hyperkalaemia Fluid overload Oedema, inc. pulmonary ↑BP(or↓) S3 gallop ↑ JVP
Clinical Assessment main features
Acute or chronic Volume depleted GU tract obstruction Rare causes
Acute or chronic assessment
Can’t tell for sure: Rx as acute Chronic features Hx of comorbidity: DM, HTN Long duration of symptoms Previously abnormal bloods (GP records)
Volume depleted assessment
Postural hypotension ↓ JVP ↑ pulse Poor skin turgor, dry mucus membranes
GU tract obstruction assessment
Suprapubic discomfort Palpable bladder Enlarged prostate Catheter Complete anuria (rare in ARF)
Rare cause assessment
Assoc. ̄c proteinuria ± haematuria Vasculitis: rash, arthralgia, nosebleed
Bloods: FBC, U+E, LFT, glucose, clotting, Ca, ESR ABG: hypoxia (oedema), acidosis, ↑K+ GN screen: if cause unclear Urine: dip, MCS, chemistry (U+E, PCR, osmolality, BJP) ECG: hyperkalaemia CXR: pulmonary oedema Renal US: Renal size, hydronephrosis
Na concentration in urine - AKI
Pre-renal failure, urine is concentrated and Na is reabsorbed → ↑osmolality, Na <20mM
KDIGO/ RIFLE classifcation of AKI
and complications of AKI
Hyperkalaemia, pulmonary oedema, bleeding
General treatment
Identify and Rx pre-renal or post-renal causes
Urgent US
Rx exacerbating factors: e.g. sepsis
Give PPIs
Stop nephrotoxins: NSAIDs, ACEi, gent, vanc Stop metformin if Cr > 150mM
Monitoring required
Catheterise and monitor UO
Consider CVP
Fluid balance Wt.
Hyperkalaemia on ECG
ECG Features (in order)
Peaked T waves
Flattened P waves
↑ PR interval
Widened QRS
Sine-wave pattern → VF