Aiste Phrases 1 Flashcards
de réir cosúlachta
de réir dealramh
aisteach go leor
strangely enough
caithfear a aithint
it must be recognised
caithfear a rá
it must be said
Caithfear a admháil
it must be admitted
Cosúil le beagnach gach rud
like almost everything
tá maitheas agus donas ag baint leis
theres good and bad associated with it
tá taithí pearsanta agam ar an ábhar seo
i have personal experience on this subject
ainneoin sin
despite this
feictear domsa… go/gur/nach/nár
it seems to me that
dealraítear domsa… go/gur/nach/nár
it seems to me that
chun na fírinne a rá
to tell the truth
i ndeireadh na dála
at the end of the day
ar an lámh eile
on the other hand
cuir mar seo é
put it like this
it is said
ní bréag a rá go bhfuil
its no lie to say that