Aiste Gaeilge Flashcards


Ní túisce a chonaic mé teideal na haiste seo ná a rug mé ar mo pheann chun mo chuid tuairimí a bhreacadh síos . Caithfidh mé a rá gur chuir sé ag smaoineamh mé , agus ní minic a tharlaíonn sé sin ! Ábhar is ea ( tábhacht an spóirt / an Ghaeilge / an turasóireacht / an taisteal / na meáin shóisialta ) a bhfuil an - suim agam ann . Ní gá go n - aontóidh sibh liom , ach ar aghaidh linn ar aon nós . Ná dean dearmad go mbíonn dhá thaobh ar gach scéal . An té atá i dtaithí ar an bpáipéar nuachta a léamh nó a ) in éisteann leis an raidió um an dtaca seo , tuigfidh sé gur cheist mhórían ( Éirinn sa lá atá inniu ann . Is cuma cén nuacht a bhfuil tú ag féachaint air nó cén páipéar a léifeá , beidh mir ann ( faoi thábhacht an spóirt , faoin nGaeilge , faoin taisteal / turasóireacht , faoi thionchar na meáin ) . San aiste seo pléifear Ina theannta sin , scrúdofar “ Nília duine ná tuairim “ , a deir siad . Bhuel , duine mar chách is ea mise , agus seo roinnt de mo chuid tuairimí féin i leith an ábhair seo .


No sooner had I seen the title of this essay than I grabbed my pen to jot down my comments. I have to say it got me thinking, and that doesn’t often happen! It is a topic (the importance of sport / the Irish language / tourism / travel / social media) that I am very interested in. You do not have to agree with me, but go ahead anyway. Don’t forget that every story has two sides. The one who is accustomed to reading the newspaper or ) in listening to the radio at this point, he will understand that it is a big issue (Ireland today. No matter what news you are watching or what paper you read, there will be a piece (about the importance of sport, about Irish, about travel / tourism, under the influence of the media) This essay will discuss In addition, they will examine “They are not a person or an opinion”, they say. in respect of this matter.

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