Aiste - Frásaí Flashcards
Intro paragraph:
This question about (______) is an interesting subject, that people of the country have big interest in lately. It’s often that the media are discussing this subject. Because of that, it is right that we inspect this problem to come to some solution. It would be right to examine every aspect of this story.
Ábhar spéisiúil is ea an cheist seo faoi (______), a bhfuil suim mhór ag muintir na tíre ann le tamall de bhlianta anuas. Is minic a bhíonn na meáin ag plé an ábhair seo. Mar sin féin, ba cheart dúinn an fhadhb seo a iniúchadh chun teacht ar réiteach éigin. Ba mhaith an rud é gach gné den scéal seo ar fad a scrúdú.
There’s not a day that goes by us that there isn’t some reference to this story on the news.
Ar éigean a théann lá tharainn nach mbíonn tagairt éigin don scéal seo ar an nuacht.
We only have to listen to the news any day and we will hear some reference to this question.
Ní gá dúinn ach éisteacht leis an nuacht lá ar bith agus cloisfimid tagairt éigin don cheist seo.
Ar an gcéad dul síos
To tell the truth
Chun an fhírinne a rá
On one side of the story
Ar thaobh amháin don scéal
As well as that
Ina theannta sin
On the other hand
Ar an lámh eile
For example
Mar shampla
It seems to me
Samhlaítear domsa
I would say
As well as that
Chomh maith leis sin
You have to admit that this is a shameful story.
Caithfear a admháil gur scéal náireach é seo.
Without a doubt
Gan dabht
It’s a scandal that something like this happens.
Is mór an scannal go dtarlaíonn a leithéid